
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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146 Chs

I'll choose this way and I'll catch up later + Omake

She pushed him into a portal that connected the two to be together again. The portal that was supposed to be filled with demises and hopelessness of uncertainty in his journey, has now changed into the door who leads him into another step toward the future.

At the end of that portal, there's Moriarty who had almost forgotten all of her memories of him, but then again…Cera had used her powers again to change the plot of this storyline without the help of Hylia's.

- Which means, she's playing with a fire just now. Not only this story has treated her as an anomaly, but she also outdid herself by doing another [Twist] unbeknown to this story. However, the traces of the [Twist] were still recorded and she'll experienced the [REDACTED] part for that. -

"You all will be a hindrance if you walk too close in her current form."

Surprised by her actions, the ship girls who were in that place tried to help their commander, but Yjor who was in her dragon-snake form made them fall unconscious.

"Yjor...Why're you making them sleep just like that?! Don't you worried about their head?! What'll you do when they broke their nose!?"

"...Yes, my apologize."

Seeing what the snake did to those cute girls, Cera pouted and told Yjor to give them a proper bed, which was none other than on top of the snake's body. With a sense of resignation, Yjor let them sleep on her body as a form of atonement in front of Cera.

"...Excuse me...Young miss."

Yjor also lowered her snake head to let Hylia jump and stay closer to her friends. Even though Yjor still didn't know Hylia's true identity, Yjor could still feel the air and smell similar to Sakura Zeimachi's presence in the feasty haired girl, so Yjor tries to be gentler with Hylia as best as the snake could.

"Yor...Where's Fuwa? Can I...See Fuwa?"

But even though Hylia knows Yjor's intention to let her ride the giant snake, she senses an impending darkness that'll made her search for dreams and hopes even more difficult. That's why she lowered her gaze while asking the whereabout of her fluffy friend who could dispel her worries.

"Lia~ Can you hear me a bit? It wont took much time. Come here girly~"

Cera who saw and knew the feelings of the little girl just shook her head while calling the little girl to get closer to her.

Seeing the appearance of Hylia who was lowering herself while holding back her tears, Cera inadvertently let out a smile as she recalled a memory that was in her mind of their time exploring the dungeon.

'At that time...Ahaha~ You should've come and see it when her garments was melting~ She came home while sobbing her eyes because of that.'


Without saying much, Hylia approached Cera while still lowering her gaze. There was a voice trying to hold back a sob as she walked over to the woman whose body parts were breaking down bit by bits.

"Oh come on~ Don't you cry~ You don't need to shed tears for the likes of me girly. Look! Vein band and Leather face groaa~"

Little by little Cera's form and body became dispersed. Her skin was peeled off , her bloods turned into vapor and the flesh on her body turned to ashes. It might be a little hard to imagine, so take for example when the Edo Tensei effect is cancelled.


"No buts~ I already told you about my past right? There's nothing like a true death for me little girly. I'll soon catch up and we'll create another Black forest cake for you kay~? With a looot~ of your favorite topping."

Using her hand that had almost disappeared, Cera patted Hylia's head and reminded her of the brief moments they had spent on their adventures together.

But just when Cera felt that a head stroke from her might be meaningless and intended to withdraw her hand, Hylia grabbed the shapeless hand and tried to grasp it.

"...Is it because of me? Because I tried being selfish and wanted to-"

Her tears could no longer be contained and her inner doubts and disbelief were finally revealed. Hylia who felt that if only she wasn't being selfish thought that Cera wouldn't be like this.

Before the feasty haired girl could utter a self-defeating question, Cera quickly covered Hylia's mouth with the side of her left cheek that was fortunately still intact. This left Hylia speechless with a tear and snot stained Cera's face.

"Ack...Sorry Lia, could you wipe it out with this."


Cera then pulled out tissue from a dimension crack by using her right feet. She then throw the tissue box upward and bit it using her teeth.

On the other hand, Yjor who became the bed of the ship girls and kept her distance from the two women felt that its snake's sense suspicions were correct, Hylia is not an ordinary person because she was still able to withstand the effects of Cera's true form that was increasingly visible.

"Ahh...What was it again, Because of you?"

While Hylia was trying to wipe the face of the person in front of her, Cera continued their conversation with a slight laugh as she recalled a title from a anime music video she saw with Zeimachi in the past.

"...yes...If only I..."

However…When Hylia saw Cera's face that looked very satisfied, she couldn't continue her words and lowered her head again.


As her confidence fell, Hylia began to back her feet and intended to run away from the person in front of her. She didn't know what to do and felt utterly disoriented by the consequences of her decision.

Seeing her figure alone, she knew Hylia would get lost on the same path that Zeimachi had walked. She'll runs away and then she will regret it in the end, however, she will find her way back and eventually become a great person...Just like him who had reached his door to the new path.

{.....but...it's true I don't want her to act like him. Hylia is Hylia and he is him. If there's another person like him, he'll keep cursing himself. Because he is a hypocrite after all.}

{The more you know about your hero, the more you think they're not hero at all. Zeimachi is searching for something, and I who got enticed by that is nothing more than a side for him. He's not a hero, but I want him to be one.....}

Those are some thought that was supposed to be planted inside her head back then when she almost got swept by the flow of this story. A thought that on a whim, might not be so bad as she would have two person with the same types.

'I see...I finally understand it ▀▀▀▀.'


'This way...I can finally complete my plan for him.'

That's good.

'Thanks...I'm really indebted to you, well...I could say the same for you though but...At least let me say my thanks.'

Are you going to go.

'Yep~ Relax, the story didn't decided to terminate me. Maybe that [REDACTED] part was not that bad all along~'

Thanks to someone, looks like not only you temporary destroyed the system of this story but you also planted something in there.

'Well of course I am! I know what I'm going to play if I wanted to changes his fate~ But didn't you also did something great~ "SILENT." Fooooo~ That's kinda cool, did you got pissed because of Lia?'

I'm nothing more than a "Writer". Doing something like resisting the will of this story will cost me a lot, but regrets and doubts never bothered me.

'Hoouu~ I can see that you're also fighting for someone here. Now then, my body almost got disintegrated so this is not a farewell but a short time farewell~'

Her body had almost completely disappeared into dust, yet Cera was still able to say the last few words. Her and Hylia, they're the same type of person who gives their life purpose in order to appease someone very important in their life.

'And in order for her to not follow my step or Zei's path. I'll gave her this light, just like how Zei gave other his happiness, I'll share this spark so you can walk alone in your own forgotten path.'

"Lia, don't eat too much Dream okay? There's no way by eating Dream you'll recover your Hp."


"Joking dayo~ Now then Seeyounara! When we met again let's pray its not a cliché where I'll need to fight you lot. Yjor my dear~ Next time we met be more scaly on you tail kay! I'll be returning to my home land for a while so told that fool if I'm quitting from being his feather manager."

"Then when will you retur-"


"I obey."

For a moment Cera's true form could be seen but only for the poor snake alone, Yjor couldn't help but to obey what she asked the snake to do.



Hylia who was still confused by Cera's presence in front of her looked up and there she… saw nothing. Cera's figure had disappeared along with her body, all that was left were the feathers flying within the Void and a voice echoing in that place.

The voice was indistinguishable whether it belonged to a boy or a girl, the only thing that was certain was that it called the name of the feasty haired girl.

{I ran away from my true self in fear...I don't need wishes that my hand can't reach...If you said that you wanted to know about 'Him', then your repeated question will stop.}

{There are some some wishes I want to be granted, so I'm going there. Remember, just because you're working with higher power doesn't mean you always agree with their intentions.}

{You're not a trash and neither a bad character. You're Hylia, a brat who likes too much chocolate ice cream in everything.}

{Don't forget to wash your hand before you eat if you're using your hands and be good with Zei kay~ This is not a farewell girly, it's just a short farewell and we'll soon met again.}

{When that times come, I hope you already grown into a fine young lady so Yjor will have another young madam in the future that'll chain him down.}


{Ahaha~ Hufht...It's getting stuffy over here, see you guys later. Remember, I'm not dead kay~}

{...Bye. We'll definitely met again.}

With that, neither the body nor the existence named "Cera" disappeared from the Void and went into nowhere. She's in a place very far from them, a place where her whereabouts had become extremely difficult to determine due to the will of this story.

With the existence of Cera who has been tracked by the will of this story, the power of [Twist] had also disappeared because this power is considered capable of disrupting the course of this story.

Following that fact, the figure who was a [Lantern] had also disappeared leaving behind only the Foolish Holder and the Forgotten sign who had received an ember from the [Lantern].

'I'll met you again in the distant Arc, see you later, Stranger.'



"And what's up guys! We're back again at the section or corner where you need to pay zero attention on its cast and the plot taking place!"

In the middle of a road that is empty of vehicles and on a sunny day, Cera is talking using a mic connected to her ear in front of the camera that continues to focus on her.

Looking left and right, their views are decorated by rice fields that are still green and not ready to be harvested.

There are some farmers who are taking care of their fields, and there's one of them waving to the crew who're recording in the middle of the road, it looks like the farmer is trying to tell something.

"Cera, didn't that old man shouting something at us?"

"Then? We're not taking side quest right now, let's focus on our goal. You don't want to be some OP farmer right?"

Cera and Sakura Zeimachi continued their journey while ignoring the farmer who shouted that a snake was sitting on the cameraman's shoulder.

They continued their journey while the camera recorded everything that Cera was doing as the host.


"The battery almost runs out, human I thought you didn't used the lithium powered one."

"Well...Those Nousagis did great before, they literally stole everything they could use and runs off like they own it. Just like their owner."

Unfortunately the battery almost running out which means they couldn't record anything in that case. Since Cera also heard that problem, she urge the other two to hasten their step...Yeah literally, and hurried to the next place of their destination.






They have arrived at the first house they could find. After running through the road between rice fields, they knocked on the door to borrow some electricity.

The door opened, and from there they saw a figure they recognized.


"Nice, a healthy Pikachu. Let's charge it immediately."

"Pika pika!?"

They then grabbed the poor Pikachu and put it into a ball that served as a power supply for the electric mouse.

"Okay we're good to go! Let's go to the next place!"

"Aye aye!"

"Madam, there's someone who noticed us."

Before they left, they saw a boy from inside the house who was wearing a hat shouting "Pikaachuu!" as if he didn't want the electric rat to be taken away from him.

"Just close the door and locked him inside. What can he do anyway? Pokémon battle? Let's go and visit those bastard who dare enough to reject our invitation!"

Cera then locked the door of the house and kidnapped Pikachu from the boy and they continued their journey.

Unfortunately they got apprehended by some authorities who noticed their thievery.

"To the jail we goo!"

"Heck yeah! Jail is just a room and we're going to met horny people!"

It looks like Cera and Sakura Zeimachi are very excited because they will meet new people in prison.

"...Horny jail...I wonder if they put the same horny people in the same cell."

However, those words from Yjor the ancient producer made them pause for a few seconds and think well about their future.

"Cera, you brought your License to be Horny? I forgot mine!"

"Hmm? Well I got one over here, but I'll give this to Yjor so enjoy your time kay~"

Their nonsensical adventure continues.

I'm getting slow on this update.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts