
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

An indescribable meaning, Existing ties


In an instant, the incident couldn't be avoided even by him and all those cakes landed on Sakura Zeimachi's face which must have surprised the ship girls who were chatting with him.

There's a few pieces and cream that splattered on those ship girls' face due to the force they exerted on their throws.

Be it Ayanami who was licking some cream from the cake on her cheeks, Javelin who was removing the cake and cream from her hair, Z23 who was nagging about the cause of this action, and Laffey who didn't really care about the white-sticky-thing sticking onto his and her face, they had one thing in common at that time.

They didn't notice the face of their commander who looked like someone who had resigned himself to his punishment.

Every action will be rewarded accordingly, a saying like that is the right choice to describe his feelings at this moment.

Be it from leaving Moriarty before she could even confess her feelings, or when she encourages Tiamat, the primordial mother of the gods to indulge in her love for humans to others who are more in need.

'...Look at him, laughing like an idiot while hiding his own emotion to those who care for him.'

If only he didn't made a promise at Moriarty at that time, maybe her time wouldn't stop only for him and Moriarty will have a peaceful end.

'His road has always been painted with nothing but his own footsteps. It was true that he had tried to change from traveling alone and started making friends with a few people in his past.'

Deep in his heart he deemed himself as someone who's not worthy enough to be loved, not even a bit. That's why whenever someone showed their love for him, he wont be happy and he'll be tormented instead.

'What was in his heart was a blind trust in those people. Even though he knew he would be betrayed, even though he knew many people would take advantage of him… He didn't think much of it because of his trust.'

Moreover, because he put all the blame on his back, he wouldn't refuse the love that was offered from the other person, he would accept it instead because it was a form of atonement for his mistakes. He'll kept tormenting his own self, just like a fool.

'My name is Cera. I'm his source of light in this emptiness of the Void. I'm just a small ray of light that doesn't mean much to most people, if I've to use some comparison...Then I'm just a candle. It's not to bright isn't it?'

If he stopped his journey where the uncertain was always waiting for him, if he threw away everything he had for the sake of the one person who had been waiting for him and didn't repeat his mistakes with Sakura Megumi, it was true that he would stop being a fool.

'May mine body rots and fall into a mingle corpse. May the shadow from the light drag him into the abyss. I know he'll stand again no matter what, he's that kind of human after all.'


'I know, and that's why he's the brilliant fool who have burnt my passion for him.'

Cera already know his foolishness that knew no bounds.

'It's only a small light, but it'll last until you found another source of light.'


'A human will shine their brightest when they burn their lives. How do you think about me since I'm not a human?'

It doesn't matter whether you're are or aren't. Anyone who dare enough to burnt their own life for others will have their own spark of living. As long that spark spread to others, the fire will not fade.

'Haha...You're being stoic again. Hey ▀▀▀▀, I kinda thought you have some similarities with Zei, could it be...'



'Ahaha~ Come on~ Stop sulking~ I'm not going to spoil it kay~'

Is that so.

'I'm nothing more than a character of this story and you're the one who write this story.'

What are you implying.

'As the one who write many stories, there's time when you'll fall in love with your character. I understand that, but if you really do love them then you'll know that I'm nothing more than one of your character.'

Is there something wrong with that.

'Perhaps...This is why Zei doesn't like this arc too much. In his eyes, they're nothing more than a fabricated reality from his memory. The real one has already gone and forgotten.'

A person who has always been treated unfairly by the world will experience such a thing. Sakura Zeimachi already lost many things and burnt his feathers in his war with 'Them', he had no choice but to use it at that time.

'Even then...He wanted to remember them right? Not only them, there's that girl too.'

Didn't you swerve his wheel and made him face one of the heroines from his past, Cera.

'Ehehe~ You got that then, you know when I searched through his feathers right? Back then I'm picking which one that he needed to face considering my plan is not as perfect as yours~'

Stop with the sarcasm, I've know about that much.

'Ahaha~ Welp I guess I know why I'm being called pompous now~ Now then...Let's finish this with a literal bang!'


*PoV of Sakura Zeimachi*

They quickly threw the two cakes which by comparison would be the size of a wedding cake with ease in my face. At first I thought that Hylia-san wasn't a normal being, but maybe I'll need more time to find the real answer of that.

I have no intention of avoiding either Z23 and company or Cera and Hylia-san after ditching Moriarty and Tiamat from that place.

'This is the only way.'

Be it from them or from Moriarty and the people in the world I created, I think I have the right to receive all the insults and curses directed at me.

Once again...I have run away from someone, and this time I leave a huge scar in her heart. The only way to let that scar fade is to made her forget, forget everything about me. That way Moriarty could live a wonderful live with others in that world.

'Salty...Just what kind of topping, hold up...Isn't this Uncle Roger favorite?'

"Take this!"

Seeing the three who instead of cleaning themselves up but followed Cera and Hylia's actions by throwing back the sweet and salty cake, I think... I've remembered something like this.

"Take this Lia-chan!"

Seeing those who began to revive their spirits, I began to remember the figures of Kiana, Sirin and Bianca who were my fake family in that world, and remembering the three of them, Moriarty once again appeared in my mind.

"All ships! Battle formation! We're striking those peasant in return of their fire!"

Everything would have been easier if they had gone and left me alone. I'll then disappeared into this void and in the end I'll lost everything I've had just like how it always ended.

Even so, I can't show my weakness again in front of them. All they need to know is the figure of me they can always rely on.

"Oraa! Get 'em Nimi-kun!"

Let this stage play continue, after all there will be nothing to gain when one finds out the truth of someone like me.

However...Is it just me or...Cera's right eye shine brighter than before. Not only that, she's showing some signs of transforming into her original form.

That form should've been sealed into this Void and the body she's using right now. Considering her origin as a being that couldn't be named just like Hastur from the great old ones, there should be barely anyone that could offend her beside those from "I Largët pantheons".

'Something going to happen.'


*PoV of Moriarty*


He's gone.

This time he would never come back again. Leaving myself alone without having to await for a futile anticipation.

[...Why it must end this way.]

He told me that the only way for me to be able to live in this world and to be strong was to just forget about him, and to go on living without having to carry the burden of knowing him.

He'll slowly disappear from my life just like he never existed and then...I'll completely forgot about him. The one who made me turn like this, and also the one and my only world.

[...I don't want to live like this...]

He gave me a feather, a feather that is the key to everything in this world. In the beginning this feather was just a catalyst to save this world and to connect his hopes with this world.

But now this feather has officially separated from him and become a part of myself.

[Everyone is...]

This world, the origin of this world was actually my forgotten birthplace. This world was destroyed during a time of war between gods from faraway realms and wars with worlds in different dimensions.

By using this feather that stored his memories and placing them in the Void he founded, he managed to save this world. However, he couldn't save everyone and could only save a seed for the revival of this new world and that is me.

[...It's warm.]

Above my hand is the feather I spoke of earlier. The radiance and warmth emitted from this feather, was very much like him.

The longer I hold this feather the more my memory of him fades.

[...It's still warm.]

Even so...I still don't want to let it go.




'Excuse me...Who are you?'

'You're lost? What're you looking for then? Wait up, let me ask Chris while I'm on that.'

'...Ah hey! Hold up, don't leave just like a ghost...Hmm? Are you the one who made those rumor?'

Remembering all those events, it feels like the days when I roams around in nescience and uncertainty about who I am, are the beginning of my encounter with him. At that time he's being accompanied by someone and after that...He introduced me to others.

'You can call me...Umm...Well just call me Machi since Zeimachi is just too long.'

All the encounters I had with him back then, whether in the past or until now I can still remember it clearly... Still... Still... Clear...

'Let me ▀ntroduce it to you, this is the student counci▀ Vero▀▀ca-san~'

I can...Remember it.

'Oh...▀▀Riarty in school ▀n▀form~ How cute~ Eyy, don't put too much pressure on her E▀i-san~'

No...I can remember it. I...

'Yo▀'▀▀ in fo▀est of ▀onfession again~ Wai▀▀▀▀ f▀▀ lov▀ le▀▀er~?'


'He▀ Moriarty! Wa▀▀a go and mess ▀ith Rete ▀ a sec? Go go!'

Don't take anymore than that...Let me remember him even though it'll hurt me.

'▀ooo...Gr▀en car▀uncle, or G▀een Pur▀▀u. Hmm...R▀c▀ Gr▀▀▀? That's kin▀a rac▀st...'

No...Don't make me forget about him...

'Heeh...Y▀u h▀d a s▀ster Moriarty? T▀at's th▀ fir▀t t▀me I ▀▀ard it~'

Please...Don't take my only treasure in my life.

[I don't want to forget about him.]

I don't want to forget about him.

[Let me kept those time as my only warmth in this world without him.]

It's cold...Something felt very cold but I can't found it where. After that, I looked up at my hand, there was a feather that wasn't too pretty to look at and it started to turn into a tattoo on my hand.

[No...I don't want this. I don't want to return to those time again where I couldn't felt this feeling.]

Here I began to realize...If I also began to forget the presence of feather on my hands. The warmth that once was very nostalgic is now starting to disappear, the radiance that had accompanied the warmth also began to fade.

The feather slowly lost its luster and then turned into a tattoo embedded in my palm.

'So y▀u're Moriarty, n▀▀e to ▀eet you ▀▀ung lady. Its unf▀rt▀na▀e but I'm ▀ot hi▀, I'm one of his others pe▀▀o▀alities ▀l ▀ust. Pl▀a▀▀d to h▀▀e m▀▀tin▀ w▀th y▀▀.'

[It's alright even if its hurt...Let me remember him. He's the only one who gave me this ember and I don't want to lose it again.]

'I▀'s ▀▀t a▀o▀t n▀ed o▀ n▀ed▀'t, I h▀ve ▀o ▀o ▀o ▀hi▀ w▀l▀ n▀t ▀e a▀ot▀er p▀ro▀ic tra▀edy.'


"...T▀at's d▀sg▀sting. D▀n't p▀ay w▀th f▀od, ab▀ent mi▀ded g▀rl."

[Please don't...]

"Ah~ No▀o▀o...Thos▀ n▀me ar▀ his n▀me so it's Nec▀o-p▀i sla-sh ▀▀ndango, lik▀ ▀hat."

My memories of the past, and my memories of the present. Everything that had anything to do with him started to disappear, even now I can hardly remember his name.

[Dust, Als, Sengo, Loli, Necro and Van. Please let me remember those side of him.]

The process that took place was extremely cruel, no matter whether it was a new memory or an old one, they would all be erased and leave me as an empty shell again.

I clutched this palm even though I couldn't understand why, however I know that if I stopped and letting this emotion go then everything will be meaningless and I don't want it.

I will continue to hold onto this bond and will never let go, even though I don't know what or who I made this bond, this strange feeling keeps telling me not to let go.



*The Void*

Standing alone in the vastness of the Void with her hair left loose, Cera wore a face like she was the winner of the master mind game.

There was a cake that she still hadn't thrown to Sakura Zeimachi, and the cake was slowly disappearing back into her treasure room. Along with the withering of the skin attached to her hand.

"Cera! What's wrong...Why's your body..."

Hylia was the first to notice Cera who had stopped throwing the cake and saw the gruesome apparition. The skin on her hands peeled off then wilted and was now trying to separate itself from her flesh and sinews on her hands.

"No. All of you stay."

Even though some of them tried to approach her, Cera forbade them to come and used her voice to stop their movement.

Just with her words that didn't sound too terrifying to everyone, she was able to stop either Hylia and the ship girls from approaching her.

They were silent, except for two...Sakura Zeimachi and Yjor who had arrived from the other side if the Void not too long ago.

The two of them certainly didn't carelessly ignore Cera's words to not approach her like an arrogant character who put their confident in their strength.

Even so, Sakura Zeimachi still let out a mocking laugh. It made him get a tail kick from a very tall and big snake beside him.

They are just waiting, waiting for what will be said next by this entity before them.

They thought that Cera was currently unable to control her powers because she had recently stepped out of the Void, into a newly created world.

"What's wrong Madam? There's barely anyone that need you to dirty your hands."

"There's one my dear Yjor~"

Yjor was still being respectful towards Cera who started to approach them. Even though her true form came into view and made the little girls over there a getting little scared, Cera didn't pay much attention to it.


"This fool. Now go and bang her okay~"

With her hands that had been shattered and could no longer be said to be a hand. Cera pushed Sakura Zeimachi into a portal, and there...She found Moriarty shed in tears of sorrow while clutching her palm.

Let's just...Skip the bang part and moving on to the next content.


Fheew...Finally its the end of this arc.

Moriarty one of my favorite Sidians along with that student council member who used a witch hat.

There's barely anyone that I could remember about Sids Story.



See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts