
Last Rune Bearer

Last Rune Bearer is a fantasy story that follows the story of Arin, a 14-year-old boy living in the country of Aurora. Born into a family of magic users, Arin has always felt like he was the black sheep as he never exhibited any signs of magic. However, one day while playing near ancient ruins, he stumbles upon an ancient magic rune book that contains the secrets of Rune Magic, a rare and powerful form of magic. When Arin activates the magic rune, he discovers that he has the ability to use a type of Magic that no one else can use Rune Magic. It allows him to use many different types of magic through runes. This comes as a shock to his family, especially his family and the magic community, as people usually can only use one type of magic. He then gets accepted to the Arcanum school of magic as well as getting himself mixed up in political schemes.

Vonscott_Bair · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 15: Adventures Association assessment

Kira, Luke and Arin all decided they wanted to get ranked in the Adventurers Association. Especially since they have a high recommendation from Professor Althea.

Early in the morning.

Arin sat at his desk in his room, his ancient rune magic book open before him. He flipped through the pages, looking for the section on inscribing new runes. When he found it, he took out his quill and ink and began to copy the ominous rune he had found in the demon lord's forehead onto a blank page in the book.

Ashe traced the lines of the rune, the book seemed to come alive in his hands. It glowed with a faint blue light, and the pages rustled as if turned by an unseen breeze. When Arin finished inscribing the rune, the book closed with a snap, and a new page appeared before him.

On the page was the rune, The book named it the "Demonic Familiar: Commander Summoning," and the description beneath it explained that it would allow the user to summon a mid-level demon commander to serve as their familiar. The book also warned that the spell was dangerous and should only be used by experienced mages.

Arin hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind. He placed his hand on the new rune and spoke the incantation that appeared below it. The rune on the page began to glow with a fiery red light, and the room shook as if hit by an earthquake. The rune appeared on his chest above his heart. A strong surge of demonic energy come over himself.

Suddenly, a figure appeared before Arin. It was a demon, but not one of the mindless beasts he had fought in the dungeon. This one was different, standing taller than a man and exuding an air of intelligence and power.

Azazelith, the Demonic Commander of the Abyssal Legions. Towering over even the tallest man, she stands at least eight feet tall, with broad, muscular shoulders and long, sinewy limbs. Her skin is a deep, obsidian black, and shimmers in the light with a fiery, crimson glow. Her face is angular and fierce, with piercing, almond-shaped eyes that burn with an otherworldly intelligence. Her lips are full and sensual, with a dangerous curve that hints at her deadly power.

Azazelith's hair is a tangle of wild, fiery red curls, that whip and writhe around her head like serpents. She wears a suit of black, metallic armor that clings tightly to her powerful frame, each plate etched with ancient, demonic runes that pulse with dark energy.

When she speaks, her voice is deep and resonant, vibrating with power and authority. Her words are laced with a subtle, seductive tone, tempting those around her to give in to their darkest desires. Her eyes blaze with an infernal light, and as she looks upon her enemies, they can feel the weight of her gaze like a physical force, crushing them with fear and awe.

"Who dares to summon me?" the demon growled.

"I am Arin, a rune magic mage," Arin replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "I summoned you with the Demonic Familiar Summoning Rune."

The demon regarded him for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. I am now under your command, master. What is your first order?"

Arin thought for a moment, then said, "I command you to serve as my familiar, and to obey my every order."

The demon bowed its head. "As you command, master. I am yours to command as you wish."

Arin grinned. With this new familiar, he would be able to take on even more dangerous missions and adventures. He thanked the book silently, Then he asked " Do you have a name? Tell me about you."

Feeling the pulse of command wash over her stemming from the Runic Brand over her chest she said " I am Azazelith, the Demonic Commander of the Abyssal Legions."

Looking her over Arin noticed that he could see a description of her when he looked at her. It must be something to do with her being his familiar he saw a page pop up next to her as she was telling him about herself. Nodding as he read what was shown to him.

Towering over even the tallest man, she stands at least eight feet tall, with broad, muscular shoulders and long, sinewy limbs. Her skin is a deep, obsidian black, and shimmers in the light with a fiery, crimson glow. Her face is angular and fierce, with piercing, almond-shaped eyes that burn with an otherworldly intelligence.

Her lips are full and sensual, with a dangerous curve that hints at her deadly power.

She wears a suit of black, metallic armor that clings tightly to her powerful frame, each plate etched with ancient, demonic runes that pulse with dark energy.

When she speaks, her voice is deep and resonant, vibrating with power and authority.

Her words are laced with a subtle, seductive tone, tempting those around her to give in to their darkest desires.

Her eyes blaze with an infernal light, and as she looks upon her enemies, they can feel the weight of her gaze like a physical force, crushing them with fear and awe.

Azazelith is a master of strategy and tactics, a brilliant commander who can lead her troops to victory against even the most overwhelming odds.

She is ruthless and cunning, always seeking out the weaknesses of her enemies and exploiting them to the fullest. In battle, she fights with a grace and ferocity that is truly terrifying as she darts and weaves through the chaos of the battlefield.

In the presence of Azazelith, even the bravest souls feel a chill run down their spine, for she exudes an aura of malevolence and darkness that is both mesmerizing and terrifying. She is the embodiment of the power and cunning of the Abyss, a true demon among demons, feared and respected by all who know her name.

As she stopped speaking he finished reading about her and all he had was a look of confoundment on his face and a sense of that this is a heavy hitter back where she comes from.

He then asked if she had a less imposing form she could take while they were at school to make less of a scene.

She smirked and snapped her fingers and with a poof of smoke she became a five foot six bombshell with the skin of obsidian.

Arin gulped feeling like prey caught in the sights of the apex predator.

Arin, Luke, and Kira made their way through the bustling streets of the city towards the Adventures Association headquarters.

As they walked, Luke and Kira couldn't help but notice the massive figure of Azazelith following closely behind Arin.

"Hey, Arin," Luke said, gesturing to Azazelith. "Who's the new girl?"

"This is Azazelith, my new familiar," Arin replied with a smile. "I summoned her using an ancient rune I found in the dungeon."

Kira looked at Azazelith with a mix of fear and awe. "She's huge," she whispered. He nodded and said "She is the real deal. She's in her normal form now since we're not at school."

Azazelith towered over them, her broad shoulders and long, muscular limbs giving her an intimidating presence. Her skin was a deep, obsidian black that shimmered in the light, and her eyes burned with an otherworldly intelligence.

As they approached the Adventures Association headquarters, they could see a massive building that rose up into the sky, with banners and flags flying high above the entrance.

The air was thick with the sound of hundreds of people talking and shouting, all eager to take the exam and become adventurers.

As they entered the building, they were greeted by a long line of hopefuls waiting to take the exam. Arin, Luke, and Kira made their way to the front of the line, and a stern-looking woman behind a desk asked for their names and proof of identity.

She then went on to tell them about the different level of the exam and what all it entails.

The Adventures Association has a rigorous exam system in place to assess the skills of those seeking to become adventurers. The exam is divided into three levels, each with its own unique challenges and requirements.

Level 1 - Base Exam:

The first level of the exam is open to all aspiring adventurers. It is designed to test their magical potential, combat ability, and dungeoneering skills. The exam is divided into three parts: Magical Source Potential, Strategy and Magic Theory, and Dungeoneering and Combat Ability.

Magical Source Potential:

The examinees are required to demonstrate their magical aptitude by casting spells of different types and levels. The examiners will evaluate their accuracy, speed, and potency of the spells.

Strategy and Magic Theory:

This part of the exam tests the examinee's knowledge of magic theory and their ability to think strategically. They will be given scenarios and asked to come up with strategies to overcome the obstacles presented. The examiners will evaluate the quality of their ideas and the creativity of their solutions.

Dungeoneering and Combat Ability:

The examinees will be placed in a simulated dungeon environment and must navigate through it, defeating any monsters they encounter. The examiners will evaluate their combat ability, teamwork, and decision-making skills.

Level 2 - Recommendation Exam:

The second level of the exam is only available to those who have received recommendations from recognized authorities in the Adventures Association. This level is more difficult than the base exam and requires a higher level of magical ability and knowledge.

Magical Source Potential:

This part of the exam is similar to the first level but with an added challenge of casting spells under pressure and time constraints.

Strategy and Magic Theory:

The examinees will be given more complex scenarios and will be required to demonstrate their understanding of advanced magic theory. They will also be asked to devise more detailed and innovative strategies.

Dungeoneering and Combat Ability:

This part of the exam will be more challenging than the first level, with tougher enemies and a more complex dungeon environment. The examiners will evaluate the examinee's ability to use magic and strategy to overcome obstacles and work as a team.

Level 3 - Elite Exam:

The third level of the exam is the most challenging and is only available to those with exceptional magical potential and knowledge. In addition to receiving recommendations, the examinees must also have a high potency in magic.

Magical Source Potential:

The examinees will be required to cast spells of the highest levels and must demonstrate an exceptional level of accuracy and speed. The examiners will evaluate the examinee's ability to use magic to its fullest potential.

Strategy and Magic Theory:

The examinees will be given the most complex and challenging scenarios and must demonstrate a mastery of advanced magic theory. They will be required to devise innovative and sophisticated strategies.

Dungeoneering and Combat Ability:

This part of the exam is the most challenging and will test the examinee's ability to overcome the toughest enemies and most complex dungeons. The examiners will evaluate the examinee's ability to use magic, strategy, and combat ability to achieve their objectives.

The Adventures Association's exams are designed to test the skills of even the most exceptional adventurers.

After signing up for the Adventures Association exam, Arin, Luke and Kira were informed that the exam would take place later that afternoon. They spent the next few hours preparing themselves mentally and physically, going over spells and tactics, and reviewing their notes from their studies.

The first of the three friends to take the exam was luke.

The examiner called out "Luke Blackwood?" Luke stood up and walked up to the woman waiting to take him to the exam.

Luke was filled with excitement as he approached the second level adventures exam. He was confident in his fire magic abilities and eager to demonstrate them. As he entered the exam room, he could see that it was set up like a maze with traps and obstacles scattered throughout.

The first part of the exam was focused on magical source potential. Luke was given a series of challenges that tested his ability to control and manipulate his magical power. He had to conjure up walls of fire to burn through obstacles, channel his flames to break through barriers, and ignite the torches that lit the way.

Next up was strategy and magic theory. Luke was given a set of complex scenarios to work through, where he had to use his magical knowledge to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles. His understanding of the principles of fire magic came in handy, as he was able to use his knowledge to manipulate the elements and find creative solutions to each problem.

The third part of the exam was focused on dungeoneering and combat ability. Luke found himself in a battle arena, where he had to face off against a horde of fire-resistant monsters. He cast his Flame Serpent spell, watching as the flames twisted and turned into the shape of a giant snake, weaving and darting through the air as it chased down its prey. His fighting gauntlets proved to be incredibly useful, allowing him to pummel his enemies with a barrage of fiery punches.

As the exam came to a close, Luke was exhausted but exhilarated. He had used every ounce of his magical power and his strategic prowess to overcome the obstacles, and he was confident that he had aced the exam. The evaluators congratulated him on his performance and handed him his results, showing that he had surpassed the level two exams with flying colors. Luke felt a surge of pride and excitement, knowing that he was one step closer to becoming a true adventurer.

After Luke was done he came back into the waiting area for people who've completed their exam. Luke is now waiting patiently to see his friends join him.