
Last Rune Bearer

Last Rune Bearer is a fantasy story that follows the story of Arin, a 14-year-old boy living in the country of Aurora. Born into a family of magic users, Arin has always felt like he was the black sheep as he never exhibited any signs of magic. However, one day while playing near ancient ruins, he stumbles upon an ancient magic rune book that contains the secrets of Rune Magic, a rare and powerful form of magic. When Arin activates the magic rune, he discovers that he has the ability to use a type of Magic that no one else can use Rune Magic. It allows him to use many different types of magic through runes. This comes as a shock to his family, especially his family and the magic community, as people usually can only use one type of magic. He then gets accepted to the Arcanum school of magic as well as getting himself mixed up in political schemes.

Vonscott_Bair · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 14: Dungeoneering

Arin, Luke, and Kira stepped cautiously onto the stairway leading down to the second floor of the dungeon. The cool air of the dungeon pressed against their skin, and the light of their torches flickered on the stone walls. The group had just finished a grueling battle with the boss of the first level, and they were all a little shaken from the experience.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Kira suggested they set up a small camp at the entrance to the second level to rest and recover from the previous fight. They all agreed, and they quickly set up their bedrolls and took turns keeping watch.

After two hours, it was Luke's turn to keep watch. He stood up, stretched, and took his position at the entrance to the second floor, his gauntlets tightly secured to his hands. As he scanned the darkness, he heard a faint shuffling noise coming from the shadows.

Luke's grasp tightened as two zombies emerged from the darkness, their eyes glowing with an eerie green light. Without hesitation, Luke called out to Arin and Kira, and the three of them sprang into action.

Kira started chanting a spell while Arin charged forward, his magic dagger glowing with a radiant light. The zombies lurched forward, arms outstretched, and Luke met them with a fierce battle cry, slamming his gauntlet fist into the closest zombie and sending it flying into the the wall.

The battle was short but intense. The zombies were surprisingly strong, and their decaying flesh made them difficult to kill. But with the three of them working together, they managed to defeat the undead creatures.

Breathless and exhilarated, the group paused to catch their breath. Arin wiped sweat from his forehead, Kira extinguished her magical flame, and Luke relaxed his fists. They all knew that they couldn't afford to let their guard down, but for a moment, they allowed themselves to feel victorious.

With renewed determination, they continued their journey down to the second level of the dungeon, unsure of what awaited them but ready to face it head-on.

Arin, Luke, and Kira cautiously made their way through the second floor of the dungeon, eyes and ears peeled for any signs of danger. As they moved forward, they encountered several booby traps that required Arin's rune magic spells to disarm. Stone Bullet spell came in handy as it shattered any unstable stone walls and ceilings in their path.

Luke's Flame Serpent spell helped them navigate through the dark corridors by creating a trail of fire. Kira's water magic spells helped them neutralize any fiery hazards they encountered. They also fought against hordes of zombies and skeletons, which Luke took care of with his fiery punches from his gauntlets, and Kira shot arrows from her bow, while Arin used his magic dagger to shoot several radiant blasts to finish them off.

The trio finally arrived at the Boss room door. It was heavily guarded, with several undead creatures standing sentry. They needed a plan to get inside without being noticed. Luke suggested using his fire magic to create a distraction, while Kira provided cover with her water magic. Arin then used his Wind Blade spell to cut through the remaining undead guards, and they made their way inside.

As Arin, Kira, and Luke opened the door to the second floor dungeon boss room, they were met with a gust of cold air that sent shivers down their spines. The room was enormous, with high ceilings and dimly lit torches that flickered along the walls. In the center of the room, they saw the boss - a towering, ice-covered behemoth with glowing blue eyes.

Kira quickly summoned a wave of water from her bow, attempting to freeze the boss in place, but it was no use. The monster simply swiped its massive arm, sending Kira flying across the room. Arin quickly countered with a wind blade, slicing through the ice and sending the monster staggering backwards. Luke rushed in with his gauntlets, launching a flurry of fiery punches that sent the monster reeling.

The boss roared in anger, unleashing a blizzard of icy shards at the trio. Arin quickly cast a stone bullet spell, shooting small rocks at the shards to shatter them before they could reach them. Kira, not to be outdone, unleashed a water jet that froze the remaining shards before they could even get close.

As the battle raged on, the three friends worked together seamlessly, using their unique abilities to keep the boss off balance. Arin's radiant blast spell did massive damage to the monster's icy exterior, while Kira's water arrows kept it from regaining its strength. Luke's fire gauntlets burned away the ice, revealing the monster's more vulnerable core.

The boss roared and thrashed, sending chunks of ice flying in all directions. Arin's wind blade cut through the air, deflecting the projectiles before they could hit the trio. Kira used her water magic to create a shield of ice, protecting them from the boss's more powerful attacks. Luke launched himself at the monster, punching it repeatedly in the face, but it seemed like it was still standing strong.

Arin then had an idea. Using his magic dagger, he plunged it into the ground, casting a radiant blast spell that sent a shockwave through the ground, causing the ice to crack and break apart. The boss roared in anger and confusion, giving Kira the opportunity to freeze its feet in place.

Luke took this chance and delivered a final, fiery punch to the boss's core, shattering it into a million pieces. As the room filled with silence, the trio let out a collective sigh of relief, high-fiving each other and congratulating themselves on a hard-fought victory.

"That was amazing teamwork," Arin said, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Kira smiled, "We make a great team."

Luke added, "I'm proud of us."

As the dust settles from the epic battle, Arin, Luke, and Kira stand victorious over the defeated boss. As they catch their breath, they notice a large treasure chest sitting in the corner of the room.

Arin, with his expertise in magical items, approaches the chest and begins to inspect it. He quickly realizes that this chest is not just any ordinary treasure chest.

"It's magically sealed," he says. "And I can sense a powerful aura coming from within."

Kira steps up, her keen eyes scanning the chest. "Let me try to unlock it with my water magic," she suggests.

With a wave of her hand, Kira creates a small water spell that envelops the chest. The water begins to move around the chest, and they hear a faint click.

"Nice work, Kira," Luke praises.

Arin approaches the chest again and begins to carefully open it. Inside, they find a gleaming staff with a large, sparkling gem on the top.

"This is a Staff of Elemental Mastery," Arin exclaims. "It allows the user to control and manipulate all four elements of magic. It's an incredibly rare and powerful item."

Kira reaches for the staff, but Arin holds it out of reach.

"Not so fast," he says, grinning mischievously. "We'll have to figure out who gets to wield it."

Luke and Kira groan in unison, but they all know that Arin is right. They'll have to figure out who gets to use the staff, and it won't be an easy decision. But for now, they're all just happy to have made it through another level of the dungeon, and with a powerful new magical item to boot.

"You know, Kira," Arin chuckled, "I think that staff would be better suited for you."

Kira looked up, surprised. "What? But I thought you--"

"I did," Arin interrupted, "but I already have my magic dagger and my runes. I don't need it as much as you do. Plus, you can only use water magic, and this staff can help you control all the elements. It'll make us a stronger team."

Luke nodded in agreement. "Arin's right. We're all in this together. It doesn't matter who has what, as long as we're all using our abilities to the best of our abilities."

Kira smiled gratefully at Arin and nodded, taking the staff from his outstretched hand. "Thank you, Arin. I'll make sure to put it to good use."

Arin smiled back, satisfied with the decision. "Of course, Kira. That's what teammates are for."

Arin, Kira, and Luke gathered in a small circle, discussing their next move. They had already explored two levels of the dungeon, encountered deadly traps, and battled their way through hordes of undead. Despite their exhaustion, they all agreed that they couldn't give up now, not when they were so close to the end.

"We've come this far. I say we push on to the final level and see what we're dealing with," Arin said, his voice filled with determination.

Kira nodded in agreement, her grip tightening on the staff of elemental mastery. "We've been doing pretty well so far. I'm sure we can handle whatever comes our way."

Luke cracked his knuckles, a fierce look in his eyes. "I'm ready for anything. Let's finish this."

With that, the trio set off once again, their footsteps echoing through the damp and eerie dungeon corridors. They were tense, their senses heightened, as they knew they could face their toughest challenge yet. As they moved deeper into the third level, they found themselves facing even more obstacles - deadly traps, hordes of zombies, and even a few skeletons.

But their determination never wavered. They fought with everything they had, Arin with his powerful rune spells, Kira with her mastery of all four elemental magics, and Luke with his fiery gauntlets.

Finally, they reached the door to the boss room. They could feel the weight of anticipation in their stomachs as they prepared themselves for what lay ahead. Arin placed a hand on the door, feeling its cold metal beneath his fingers, and turned back to the others.

"This is it, guys. Are we ready?"

Kira nodded, her eyes blazing with determination. "Let's do this."

Luke grinned, cracking his knuckles. "I was born ready."

With a deep breath, Arin pushed the door open, revealing the vast chamber beyond.

Arin, Luke, and Kira stood at the entrance of the third floor's boss room, taking deep breaths as they prepared to face the demon lord that was the source of the darkness that had been haunting the dungeon. The room was large and circular, with walls of black stone adorned with intricate demonic symbols. In the center of the room stood the demon lord, a massive hulking creature that towered over them, surrounded by an army of lesser demons.

The demon lord's eyes blazed with an evil red light, and its massive claws were tipped with razor-sharp talons. Its skin was a deep, obsidian black, and it was covered in twisted, pulsating veins that seemed to pulse with malevolent energy. The group knew that they were in for the fight of their lives.

As they charged into battle, Arin unleashed his Stone Bullet spell, launching a barrage of stones at the demon lord's chest. Kira followed up with a powerful Wind Blade, which sliced through the air and cut deep into the demon lord's flesh. Luke charged forward, his gauntlets aflame with fire as he unleashed a barrage of Flame Serpent spells.

The demon lord roared in anger and summoned a horde of lesser demons to its side, but the group was not deterred. They fought with all their might, dodging the demon lord's powerful attacks and striking back with spell after spell. Arin utilized his radiant blast inscribed Magic Dagger to blast bolts of energy towards the demon lord while Luke used his gauntlets to punch and blast fire towards the demon lord. Kira stood back firing powerful water-based arrows from her bow, causing the demon lord to suffer.

The battle raged on for what felt like an eternity. The demon lord was incredibly powerful, and it seemed as though the group would never be able to defeat it. But they fought on, their determination unyielding.

Finally, with a final, desperate effort, the group launched one last, coordinated attack. Arin summoned all his magic power and unleashed a Radiant Blast spell that struck the demon lord right in the chest, causing it to stagger backwards. Kira followed up with a powerful Water Blast that knocked the demon lord off balance, and Luke finished the attack with a massive Flame Serpent that engulfed the demon lord in flames.

With a final, triumphant roar, the demon lord collapsed to the ground, defeated. The lesser demons that had surrounded it dissipated into smoke and vanished. The group panted heavily, their bodies aching from the intense battle.

As the dust and smoke cleared from the battlefield, Arin caught sight of a glimmering light coming from the demon lord's forehead. He made his way over to the fallen monster, ignoring the sounds of his teammates regrouping and catching their breath.

Arin knelt down beside the demon lord and carefully pried the gem from its forehead. As he held it up to the dim light of the room, he noticed that it had a strange rune inscribed into it, unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was ominous, almost sinister in nature, and he couldn't quite place what it could mean.

For a moment, Arin considered throwing the gem away or destroying it. He didn't want anything to do with a rune that felt so dark and foreboding. But as he thought more about it, he realized that he needed to understand what it was and what it could do.

With the gem safely tucked away in his pocket, Arin turned to face his teammates. "Let's get out of here," he said, a hint of weariness in his voice. "We can figure out what this thing is once we're back at the dorm."

They looked around the boss room, amazed at the treasure that lay before them. There were piles of gold and precious gems, rare artifacts, and magical items of all kinds. The group knew that they had accomplished something truly great, and they felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that they had never felt before.

They took in account all they found down in the treasure horde. Kira wrote down the list as Arin put it in the Storage Ring.

Contents of Treasure horde: A pile of gold coins and bars

A collection of precious gems, including diamonds, rubies, and emeralds

A set of rare artifacts, including ancient relics and statues

A collection of magical potions, including healing and strength-enhancing potions

A magical staff of elemental mastery that Kira found

A mysterious, ominous-looking gem with an unknown rune inscribed into it that Arin found inside the forehead of the demon lord

A set of enchanted armor that can increase the wearer's strength and defense

A enchanted shield that can protect the wielder from physical and magical attacks.

As the three emerged from the dungeon, they brushed off the dust and grime from their clothes and approached Professor Althea, who was standing by with a clipboard in hand. The professor's eyes widened as she saw the sheer amount of treasure that the group had brought back with them.

"Wow, you three really outdid yourselves this time," she said, looking over the piles of gold and gems, rare artifacts, and magical items of all kinds. "I can see that you encountered some serious challenges down there"

They looked around the boss room, amazed at the treasure that lay before them. There were piles of gold and precious gems, rare artifacts, and magical items of all kinds. The group knew that they had accomplished something truly great, and they felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that they had never felt before.

They took in account all they found down in the treasure horde. Kira wrote down the list as Arin put it in the Storage Ring.

Contents of Treasure horde: A pile of gold coins and bars

A collection of precious gems, including diamonds, rubies, and emeralds

A set of rare artifacts, including ancient relics and statues

A collection of magical potions, including healing and strength-enhancing potions

A magical staff of elemental mastery that Kira found

- A mysterious, ominous-looking gem with an unknown rune inscribed into it that Arin found inside the forehead of the demon lord

A set of enchanted armor that can increase the wearer's strength and defense A enchanted shield that can protect the wielder from magical attacks.





Arin, Luke, and Kira beamed with pride as the professor complimented them on their success.

"We did our best," Arin said modestly. "It wasn't easy, but we worked well together and managed to overcome the obstacles."

Professor Althea nodded, scribbling some notes on her clipboard. "Yes, I can see that. In fact, I think I may have to give your group the highest marks this year. You've certainly earned it."

The three teammates grinned at each other, feeling a sense of accomplishment that they had never

I'm But the professor wasn't finished yet. "In fact, I'm going to recommend that you three be tested at a higher level at the Adventures Association. I think you're ready for the next challenge.

The group's eyes widened with excitement at the prospect of taking on even

Arin, Luke, and Kira beamed with pride as the professor complimented them on their success.

"We did our best," Arin said modestly. "It wasn't easy, but we worked well together and managed to overcome the obstacles."

Professor Althea nodded, scribbling some notes on her clipboard. "Yes, I can see that. In fact, I think I may have to give your group the highest marks this year. You've certainly earned it."

The three teammates grinned at each other, feeling a sense of accomplishment's that they had never felt before.

But the professor wasn't finished yet. "In fact, I'm going to recommend that you three be tested at a higher level at the Adventures Association. I think you're ready for the next challenge.

The group's eyes widened with excitement at the prospect of taking on even more difficult quests and The group's eyes widened with excitement at the prospect of taking on even more difficult quests and adventures.

"That's amazing, thank you so much," Kira said, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Luke added, "We couldn't have done it without each other. We make a great team."

Arin nodded in agreement. "I couldn't have asked for better teammates. We all bring something different to the table, and that's what makes us so strong."

As they made their way back to their dormitory, the three couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what they had accomplished.

They had faced their fears, worked together, and emerged victorious. And with their professor's recommendation, they knew that their adventures were only just beginning.