

Why does the work load of 25 years old adulthood made me miss the homework loads of teenage time? Unlimited work loads that I'm unable to reject made me miss those days that I able to escape to complete my homework.Haishh...those days that I'm able to gossip with my friends regards hot boys in school..my crush..miss my school days more that i really wish that scientist could invent time machine for me to travel back. With time machine,would I really want to change anything in my past life, another question in line too,do i really want to change something?All those silly bickering fight with my friends perhaps? My school friend circle was quite big indeed,total we have 9 of us and this whole group union scattered upon one mere tiny issue.It started when there's one guy transfer to our school and as usual we all was just rating his looks based 10 points. One of my friend stated that she want to give 10 points to him as he looks exactly like her cup of coffee.We all started to tease her and thought want to be Cupid for her love life. The beginning part was good as our efforts paid off and we was so excited for her. Eventually thing started to go south when the guy suddenly divert his attention to my another friend. Loyalty is important in every relationship,it doesn't matter in between siblings, friends or partner.. apparently my another friend broke our friend ethic code! I was damn furious with her that i scolded her using bad words in front of everyone as anger get best out of me..she deserves it tho!