
Chapter 8

She... she's the one.

Boss She killed them.

A night before.

Vera sat beside her business ally who didn't seam to agree to their deal of 80% to 30% And of course the deal was in her favour.

Deal or no deal.

She said In a bored tone.

You know I'm not gonna agree to this right.

Even if I tell you your daughter is part of our exports.

Wtf girl who do you think you're playing with do you know who I am.

Orio Hanford a man who gained money through dark dealings.

The chief executive officer of Dangen's group.

Has a wife a mistress and a ....side chick?

The almost masked girl says still with her eyes on her phone now t bothering to look at the million dollar expression on Mr Orio's face.

The body guards were still astonished no one knew about their boss's affair and this lady just spoke it out as if reading a written speech.

And a daughter who doesn't know whom her real mother is...

Who are you?

Doesn't matter.

deal or no deal.

I don't like repeating myself.

You do know you're at a lost here right.

am I?

She said this time checking out the body guards.

They were well built enough to threaten any ordinary person.

And that was the problem she was way too ordinary .

The body guards flinched at how she almost scanned them naked.

Although she wore a huge shade spectacle.

Mr Orio chuckled thinking she's just pretending to be tough after all she was the only one here.

What could a girl possibly do to a bunch of strong men who out numbered her by ten.

Vera heard Orio chuckle and let out a bored scoff.

Ok then let's see what you got lady.

If you're able to kick their ass then it's a deal.

Now Vera was much bored than ever why do they always have to be senseless.

Didn't they understand a peaceful negotiation?

Vera stood up cleared an invisible dust of her tight strings, tapped her black long boots on the siga she was just puffing, took of her black leather coat remaining with her turtle neck dark top.

The people at the bar saw a fight approaching and they all turned eager to see what's gonna happen.

Well you can't blame them they all came here to have fun and their fun just got to a whole new level.

After all this was a shadow club only hooligans were allowed entry.

So they were a little interested in the beauty in black.

All eyes

Vera just stood there watching the guards take out their guns and other weapons she waited for all of them to align and took out her phone doing something with it.

Everyone one was should I say surprised,shocked,or disappointed

Weren't they supposed to fight!

A breath,two,three, four,

Everyone one was getting impatient even the guards thought she had given up but then

Boom! boom boom!!

Starting from the left a body guards head was blown off.

Within a breath a disgusting scene of heads apart and blood all over was seen.

We have a deal then don't we?

The viewers were flabbergasted.

She didn't even move!

Blood was all over the place and now they knew why she took off her jacket.

Orio was too shocked to respond.

His legs couldn't help but wobble.

Vera took her jacket and didn't even wait for a response as she left.

She looked like the woman killer in an action movie.

For the viewers everything seems to move in a slow motion.

Until..she left.

Back to present.

At the airport Vera seamed to feel a certain someone's gaze on her.

She turned to see a tall man with almost all his face covered in a mask and a huge spectacle just like her.

With a guy whispering something into his ears. What she didn't see was the huge smirk on his face since he wore a mask.

She didn't take another look as she boarded the plane.

She felt her phone vibrate she took it out of her pocket seeing the number she picked up the call.

The've arrived I'm coming home are you coming too?


was her short reply.

Miss please put your phone away.

Vera didn't want any disturbance so she just boarded the VIP.

And she still felt uncomfortable cause the pair of eyes seemed to be staring at her again.

At Country F

Please let me go I have two wives and a child please don't kill me.

Calvin wasn't surprised polygamy was a legal thing in this country.

He looked around the bloody mess a realized this guy was the only witness left.

If I let you go would you tell anyone.

He said in an almost playful tone if not for the tinge of evil.

No no I swear I won't tell anyone about what happened.

Ok then run.

The bald man just said a thank you and run like a devil was chasing him.

Of course someone close to the devil himself was chasing him.

Boom .

Calvin shot him.

Of course you guys didn't expect him to leave his job incomplete.

the message was kill them all.

And anytime an order was issued to them they didn't dare resist cause they knew the outcome. it has happened before.

He wondered why those people they still have no idea about decided to let him go.

Or is this visit another trap?

He has to go back home.

Just like Vera he also took his jacket and draped it over his shoulder.

Let's go home .

He said smiling this time just with a tinge of evil.