
chapter 6

A few more days passed after weeks of Chantel being in a partial comma and even a second didn't pass that Magnus hadn't blamed himself for what happened.

In the hospital room the old hag stood talking to Magnus after a few exchange of words she left sizing the girl on the bed. Who would have thought the stone headed Chantel will try committing suicide.

Protecting her he thought to himself well all he did was putting her in pain so much pain that she wanted to kill herself.

He didn't know that Chantel was alive only in the name of revenge he thought the care and love he portrayed towards her was enough to make her love her life if not him.

But who was he kidding he knew Chantel never loved him an that he was never an important feature in her life nor will he ever be since whatever he does just seams so wrong in her eyes he wished he could've done something about that fact.

He should probably stop pursuing her now cause he doesn't even seam to deserve her love.

He made her cry not once not twice but thrice and he didn't know when next he was going to do something stupid.

It was surprising how he felt angry at her for not being considerate of his affection.

He promised himself to do what Chantel has always wished for a non caring person maybe if he does this his heart won't be so much bothered as it was weeks ago.

When he saw Chantel lieing in the bed looking almost lifeless all he could

feel was nudge in his conscience to tear his heart apart he weeped bitterly remembering that event even caused goosebumps running all over his skinned he just wanted to take away her pain sleep washed of his eyes till the doctors announced she was fine .

Maybe if he hadn't been too much of a foolish optimistic person she wouldn't be here.

He promised to allow Chantel do what she wanted and also promised to not treat her like he did before.

He looked at the girl and said

Get ready Chantel we're going somewhere.

He is sending Chantel somewhere that wouldn't make her Chantel feel suffocated as she feels here and maybe try not to add to her problems by making an appearance always in decisions she would like to take.

He shook himself out of his thought as he went for the bowl of soup.

This has been a daily routine as the doctor announced Chantel was just in a partial comma and that would partake in most of the things others would do in a conscious state.

So he fed her and made it his daily routine.

Sometimes she'll cry and frown and almost all the times she'll call the names of their friends he guessed she missed them and that was what made him descide to get on with his plans.

He got on the bed and slowly pulled her up into a sitting position as he fed her and with the third bite she did the action she had mostly been doing since he started feeding her and he was yet to get used to that!

She cuddles herself in his arms sitting herself comfortably on his thighs he was flustered just not as he was the first time it happened .

He just continued feeding her ignoring the new abnormal feeling residing in him.

He finished feeding her and cleared the dishes. She looked at the girl holding on to him and his heart ached knowing he caused this as if all what his dad said was finally coming to pass his abnormal love for this girl will one day put her to her grave.

He couldn't let her put herself in trouble yet the truth was he is the trouble she's supposed to be escaping from.

He sighed he looked at the beauty sleeping in his arms again and wondered how he could possibly fall out of love with her.

He promised himself to protect her and now he knows better than to get closer to her with this feelings of his. He felt so stupid,weak and useless as he knew almost everything yet could do nothing and now for because some fu**en puzzle he couldn't get the head and tail of he's keeping Chantel NY his side we no acceptable reason.

He has to find out who's behind all this it couldn't be his dad's enemy since the person has barely attacked him.

It can't possibly be related to Chantel for his investigation has proved they are not the only ones being chased after there is a lot more to this puzzle than he knows and it's making him useless for being unable to protect Chantel and get this enemy to stop his or her actions.

But he can't keep Chantel here forever and prevent her from living a normal life and what if she tries committing suicide again.

The thought made him feel bitter.


The girl on her lap murmured as if in pain.

He has been so lost in thoughts he didn't realize the girl has started to sweat profusely and was having tears rolling down her cheeks as she kept saying ....

no...no ....

it's not my fault

I didn't cause it

I didn't want to leave you guys.

I didn't do this on purpose.


I ..like..you Magnus

please don't hate me don't leave me here.....

It's hurts .....a lot.

Chantel opens her eyes slowly and unsteadily holding unto Magnus so tight as though she would strangle him. Memories overflow as she looks up see the person who has been there for her all the time and even said he liked her when all she did was to annoy him and insult him when there was a chance to do so. She knows she shouldn't hate for after all he'd done nothing wrong.

She wasn't in the right state of mind and right now she needn't have to hate someone who was tearing up just cause of her.

She didn't know why but she didn't like the sight of Magnus crying.

Magnus stood to go call the doctor he couldn't stand this anymore after all he caused all this he made her go through so much pain and so felt he didn't deserve to even be close to Chantel.

But the girl clamped on his shirt tighter making him halt his action.

He was dumbfounded as Chantel hagged him like an octopus.

Please don't leave me

I'm sorry I didn't listen to you and I'm also sorry for leaving you guys.

Please don't hate me you are the only one I have now

And I am so sorry for trying to leave you again

She was sure then that she committing suicide was the best idea yet felt guilty knowing she made the one person who cares about her worry made her feel really guilty.

She was not thinking properly and now all she wants to do is to be free, free from all this drama she just wants to be with her friends and live like she used to she wants to also give the person she always ignored a chance to love her and feel loved.

She's had a close death experience and this was the only reasonable plan she could come up with to spend her lifetime with someone who loves her and most of all her friends and might eventually like Magnus back.

She wanted to let things go and live a happy life even if it's for a short time.

She retrieved from the hug as she looked at Magnus he is handsome his calm brown eyes did make her calm.

He looked like a little cute boy with his baby dimples and a cute little lip and a baby nose sitting roundly on his face.

His body somehow gave the compliment cute away as his body was more of masculine than cute.

His caramel skin was so smooth and innocent like he'll crush under a touch.

She's not a fun of baby features yet Magnus was exceptional and made her want to protect him..... that sounded weird....

Let's run away..... together

She said to Magnus.

Before Magnus could disapprove she softly landed a kiss on his cute little lips and that took him by surprise as he tried to pull away but Chantel's arms around his neck stopped him.

Magnus was fustrated seeing the girl he loves kiss him just after promising himself to stay away from her.

It was as if fuel was just added to the burning out fire.

He didn't know what to do as he felt Chantel's soft warm lips caressing his.

it felt like heaven he had dreamt of since childhood yet the nagging feeling at the back of his head felt thunders in the heavens.

Mag ..... Chantel said in between her soft shallow kisses.

And Magnus stared at the beauty before him

Why does this have to happen to him should he be so much of a looser!!

He couldn't even keep a simple promise!!

Finally the kiss stops as Chantel looked at him with a why are you not kissing me back expression

Chantel ..I.. don't ..

What you don't like me anymore....

Chantel looked like she was almost about to cry...

Magnus couldn't stand that dejected look and tried to explain

It's not that I ... just .. can't....

Chantel kissed him again mumbling

that's all is needed and

I..I.. like..u ..too

Chantel caresses his neck and pulled him closer as if asking for him to engage in the kiss.

She liked the feel of his lips but disliked his unsubmissiveness.

She bit his lip slightly and as expected he joins the kiss but later hastily retrieves pushing Chantel's hand's away..

He masters all the courage he could get and said

Chantel it's just I can't be with someone who doesn't care about how I feel..!

He said it all in one goal and breaths a sigh of relief after

But Magnus I care..

Really ? Do you?Or you're just saying it cause you can?

For all I know no one would want to leave someone who cares about them and you did that not once but twice

He continues in a faked annoyed tone

Making Chantel wince within

Chantel I can never be with you and as if your question No I don't like you anymore so please stay away from me after all what you do is hurt people and then blame them for it..

Chantel was utterly shocked hearing his words and could only do as much as tear up and once again cry that too cause of Him.

Now that she thinks about it why is she so vulnerable when she's with him...

Her head couldn't take anymore.

The feeling of her wishing for death arose once more

She stared at Magnus and said with an aggrieved voice

You don't love ma anymore do you?

Okay fine I guess you wouldn't mind me dieing again!

She looked like a crazed obsessed girl asking for her crush to choose between her love or her death.

She didn't know what was wrong with her but loosing someone she cares about once again made her feel the same dejected ness when her mom died.

You see Chantel that's your problem you just don't have a sense of humanity you know your friends are out there waiting for you yet you choose to be like this and one thing is that you're a coward.

So what if I don't like you will you leave Vera again? Or let me guess you still think Umi is a coward or maybe Jessica just doesn't know how to shut up!

You always treat your friends with so much unkindness and here you are asking for someone's love

Have you ever loved?

Ok fine you can go ahead and kill your self this Tim I won't be here to save u

Let's see how Jessica Vera and Umi would take tye news of your death.

Magnus leaves banging the door yet within him he knew he standing in a mountain of volcano he just hopes his words persuade her

Well after he left Chantel proved his doubt wrong as she now knew how selfish she's been and threw the knife away promising to never repeat this again as she planned for a knew her...

Later Magnus brought news about their next mission and she saw the chance to start afresh with a long lost friend....

I'll see you soon Vera.

After some days Chantel was discharged and she was now standing before the gate of her long seen friend and with one person she still didn't know how to converse with. He had changed a lot in his behavior towards her after the incident at the hospital.

He's now acting cold and distant with her.