
Last Mission ABO Dimension.

"Hearts in the Dark: Between Doubts and Desires" follows the story of two friends and a criminal who are transported to a world where secrets from the past and fears of the future collide, shaping the destiny of men destined to "not" meet. Damián, a hardened ex-mercenary scarred by life's hardships, suddenly finds himself linked to Adam, a powerful Alpha Prime. But while Adam yearns to explore the possibilities of love and a new world, Damián finds himself trapped in a spiral of distrust and self-doubt. He doesn't believe in the promises of a different future, nor in the possibility of finding redemption in the arms of another man. As Damián and Adam struggle to overcome the barriers that separate them, their journey intertwines with the story of Aster and Callum, whose own romance blooms amidst the shadows of uncertainty. While Aster and Callum defy societal conventions and embrace the intensity of their forbidden love, Damián faces his own inner demons, struggling to find the trust needed to fully surrender to the other. As the paths of these two couples cross and intertwine, they discover that the true power of love lies in self-acceptance and the courage to trust the unknown. In a world where the past threatens to consume the present and the future seems uncertain, love reveals itself as the guiding light in their darkness, showing them that together, they can find the peace and redemption they so desperately seek.

Lee_8053 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

Confrontations-Unveiling Truths, 87

"Confrontations-Unveiling Truths"


Aster gripped the cell phone tightly as he dialed Emeline's number, his heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and determination. After a few rings, the call was answered, but instead of Emeline's lively and familiar voice on the other end of the line, there was only a disturbing silence.


"Hello?" Aster called out, his voice echoing into the emptiness of the call. "Emeline? Are you there?"


A second of silence stretched out, prolonging Aster's agony as he awaited a response. Finally, a thin, distant voice answered from the other end of the line, its cadence trembling and uncertain.


"Yes, it's me," Emeline said, her voice sounding more apprehensive than Aster had ever heard before. "What do you want?"


Aster swallowed hard, feeling a sense of foreboding creeping into his senses as he perceived the tension in Emeline's voice. He hesitated for a moment, struggling to find the right words to express his concerns.


"I just wanted... to know how you're doing," Aster said finally, his voice soft and reassuring. "I understand it must have been very difficult for you, and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay."


The silence that followed was deafening, leaving Aster to wonder what was going through Emeline's mind on the other end of the line. Finally, she responded, her voice trembling with a mixture of concern and resignation.


"I'm... dealing with some things," Emeline admitted, her voice faltering. "It's not easy, but I'm trying."


Aster felt a tightness in his chest at the anguish in Emeline's voice. He pondered for a moment before offering a suggestion.


"Damián suggested we meet tomorrow, okay?" Aster suggested, his voice soft and reassuring. "We can talk better in person; I know you need explanations."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, followed by a resigned sigh from Emeline.


"Okay," she agreed finally. "See you tomorrow."


Aster sighed in relief, feeling a faint ray of disillusionment seep into the darkness that enveloped his mind. He promised himself that he would do everything in his power to spare Emeline. However, he knew it was a tough time, and it might mean facing the challenges that lay ahead.


As sunlight filtered through the leaves of the trees, illuminating the majestic gardens of Kadman Mansion, Aster and Damián exchanged meaningful glances. There was silent communication between them through their shared connection. Both knew there were delicate issues to be addressed, and Mason's room was the epicenter of those concerns.


With firm and determined steps, they left behind the serene gardens, entering the sumptuous corridors of the mansion. Each step echoed as a reminder of their determination, while the surrounding sounds—the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant whisper of servants—fueled the sense of urgency that hung over them.


Upon reaching the room designated for Mason, Aster wasted no time. His experience as a CIA agent had prepared him for the need for protective measures in high-pressure situations. With a quick and meticulous glance, he scanned the room for any signs of hidden bugs or cameras. Every calculated gesture and every precise movement is aimed at ensuring their safety under adverse circumstances.


Damián fixed his gaze on Aster, observing his reaction. He himself would perform that sweep, aware that, as a stranger in the Kadman house, suspicion could fall on him. And even if there were a camera, he admitted to himself that he wouldn't act differently.


After thoroughly checking the room and finding nothing suspicious, Aster approached the bed where Mason lay, his sleep disturbed by the turbulence of the previous day. Without ceremony, Aster gently shook Mason by the shoulder, awakening him to the reality surrounding them.


"Mason," Aster called out, his voice firm and authoritative. "We need to talk. Now."

Mason's abrupt awakening was accompanied by a confused and disoriented look, but Aster's serious and determined presence made it clear that there was no time for hesitation. With a resigned sigh, Mason rose from the bed, ready to face the consequences of his actions.


Damián: "Ah, isn't this cute?!"


Aster: "Okay, I know you're probably wetting your pants right now out of fear, but come on!"


Damián: "What's the matter? You seem terribly frightened after claiming you wanted to surrender. Where's the 'tough guy criminal'? Chicken out?"


Mason: "I'm not scared—GAHH!"


Mason: "I surrendered to pay for my crimes and return to our world."


Aster looks at Mason with a concerned expression. "Hey, calm down..."


Mason sighs heavily before speaking: "If I could turn back time, I would never have made the same mistakes. You're facing a new man."


Mason looks at them with determination. "I want to cross the portals and return to my own dimension."


Mason's words leave Aster and Damián intrigued.


Damián, disguising his lack of knowledge, repeats the information on impulse: "Portals? Interesting..."


Aster looks at Mason seriously. "The portals open at specific times. You'll have to wait. For now, you'll stay here."


Damián intervenes, his tone laden with threat: "You don't want the alpha who did this to you to find you, do you?"


"Exactly," Aster adds, determined. "Tomorrow, you'll apologize to Emeline in person. We've set up a meeting, and you'll come along."


Aster keeps calm, his mind working quickly. He knows he needs to extract information from Mason gradually, but he can't show that he doesn't know much. "For now, focus on staying safe here. We'll talk more about the portals later."


Damián followed relentlessly: "Listen to me, Mason. I know you'd prefer to go back to being judged and condemned in our own world, but I imagine that would be paradise compared to what I could do to you here. Do you think you can escape pain? I could easily hand you over to the alpha who tore your heart apart, or perhaps to the family of those you inherited this body from. How many options, right? I hope you behave well while you're here, because, believe me, cruelty is my specialty; I'm not a law enforcement agent."


A light knock on the door interrupted them. A mansion staff member appeared, politely inquiring if they needed anything.


Damián, without averting his gaze from the staff member, succinctly instructed, "Bring a light meal for Mason, please."


The staff member nodded promptly and left, leaving the three of them alone again in the room, immersed in their concerns and unfinished inquiries.


The soft light of late afternoon streamed through the blue silk curtains, bathing the Campbell's tearoom in golden hues. The room was adorned with elegant furniture and blue accents, reflecting the refined and classic taste of the family. Tapestries adorned the walls, depicting pastoral scenes in shades of blue and white, while vases of the most delicate and exclusive porcelain displayed delicate fresh flowers.


On the polished mahogany tea table, a variety of carefully arranged snacks awaited, including cucumber sandwiches, freshly baked scones with cream and jam, and a selection of fine sweets. The comforting aroma of jasmine tea lingered in the air, inviting Beatrice to relax and enjoy the hospitality of the Campbell.


As the ladies' soft voices echoed through the room, the atmosphere exuded a sense of serenity and refinement, providing the perfect setting for an intimate and meaningful conversation.


Beatrice Phillips, with her natural elegance, sat in an upholstered armchair, discussing issues that transcended social conventions with Lady Sarah Campbell. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of longing and resolution as she shared her reflections on the past and present, highlighting the complexities of social and familial relationships.


As Aster entered the room, he found his mother-in-law, Lady Sarah, engaged in a deep conversation with Beatrice. Their expressions revealed a mix of subtle emotions, and he kept his presence hidden. The encounter between the three marked a moment of convergence between past and present, where the lines between social class, tradition, and desire intertwined in a delicate balance.


Sarah, with her voice laden with prejudice and arrogance disguised beneath a mask of gentleness, commented to Beatrice, "You know, Beatrice, Aster has been a constant concern for me. He simply doesn't understand his position here in the Campbell family. Perhaps it's the influence of his humble origin."


Responding with calculated softness, Beatrice glanced at Sarah with superiority before speaking, "It's a pity, Sarah, that Aster wasn't born with the same privilege and refinement as Clarice. However, we must accept that not everyone can enjoy the blessings of a noble lineage."


Sarah nodded, pleased with Beatrice's condescending tone, while both their eyes sparkled with subtle malice, each word laden with contempt and disdain for the other's social standing. Their smiles were like masks, concealing the true nature of their emotions.


Meanwhile, the conversation between Beatrice and Sarah shifts to Clarice's relationship with Callum, with Beatrice punctuating with a hint of bitterness, "I miss the charm and elegance that Clarice and Callum brought to our society. It's a pity that circumstances didn't allow a union between our families."


Aster discretely observed the interaction between Lady Sarah and Beatrice, feeling a fire coursing through his body, aware of the layers of falsehood and cruelty hidden beneath the polished smiles and affable words. He knew he was trapped in a game of power and prejudice, where every move was calculated, and every word was a sharp weapon.


Determined to take control and confront Beatrice's preconceptions, Aster rose and approached with a firm posture. He walked to the sofa where Lady Sarah and Beatrice sat, choosing to sit beside Lady Sarah, close enough to convey the challenge simultaneously.


"Excuse me, ladies," Aster said with a calm yet determined voice. His eyes swept over Beatrice with a sharp gaze, making his disdain for the woman before him clear.

"You were talking about me, Beatrice?" Aster questioned, his voice sharp and challenging. He had no intention of allowing Beatrice to speak about him without facing the consequences of her words.


Aware of the tension between them, Beatrice recoiled slightly but maintained her composure. She knew she was dealing with an adversary.


Without hiding his contempt for Beatrice, Aster continued, his voice echoing through the room. "If you'll allow me to clarify, Beatrice, while you lament the lack of Clarice and Callum's elegance, there's something you may not have considered. Callum and I avoid public appearances not due to a lack of elegance but out of respect for Clarice's and the Phillips family's feelings."


He paused for a moment, letting his words hang in the air. Then, with a piercing gaze, he faced Beatrice directly, his voice now tinged with challenge: "But if the absence of a graceful presence is a cause of discontent for you, be aware that I can be in the headlines every day, so everyone can see me directly. Is that what you want, Beatrice?"


At this moment, Lady Sarah, visibly shocked by Aster's bold attitude, rose abruptly. Her face contorted in an expression of indignation as she raised her voice. "How dare you treat my guest like this, Aster? This is unacceptable!"


Her eyes flashed with anger as she cast a sharp look at Aster, demanding an immediate explanation for his disrespectful behavior. The tension in the room reached a new level, with the eyes of everyone present fixed on Aster, awaiting his response to Lady Sarah's reprimand.


Aster, feeling the blood boil in the face of Beatrice, decides to escalate the situation's tension. He stands up abruptly, his posture now radiating challenge and indignation. With a voice filled with contained emotion, he faces Beatrice with a fiery look.

"How dare this woman come into this house and say she misses my Alpha with her daughter?" Aster shouts the words, his voice echoing through the room with a tone of outrage and disbelief. "This is a disgrace!"


The impact of his words hangs in the air, filling the room with palpable tension. Lady Sarah, shocked by Aster's outburst, also rises, her eyes narrowing in disapproval and disbelief.


"How dare you speak like this, Aster? You have crossed all bounds!" Lady Sarah rebukes, her voice raised in response to Aster's audacity.

Ignoring Lady Sarah's words and the agitation in the room, Aster turns his back and leaves without looking back, his departure marked by an aura of determination and repressed anger.


Some mansion employees watch in astonishment at the scene unfolding before them. They exchange nervous glances and cautious whispers among themselves, surprised by the intensity of the confrontation they have just witnessed.


Meanwhile, Aster, oblivious to the presence of the employees, continues his march out of the room, his footsteps echoing in the silence that follows his outburst of anger. The echo of his departure is a grim reminder of the tension still lingering in the air, leaving the mansion employees in a state of discomfort and apprehension.