
Last Mission ABO Dimension.

"Hearts in the Dark: Between Doubts and Desires" follows the story of two friends and a criminal who are transported to a world where secrets from the past and fears of the future collide, shaping the destiny of men destined to "not" meet. Damián, a hardened ex-mercenary scarred by life's hardships, suddenly finds himself linked to Adam, a powerful Alpha Prime. But while Adam yearns to explore the possibilities of love and a new world, Damián finds himself trapped in a spiral of distrust and self-doubt. He doesn't believe in the promises of a different future, nor in the possibility of finding redemption in the arms of another man. As Damián and Adam struggle to overcome the barriers that separate them, their journey intertwines with the story of Aster and Callum, whose own romance blooms amidst the shadows of uncertainty. While Aster and Callum defy societal conventions and embrace the intensity of their forbidden love, Damián faces his own inner demons, struggling to find the trust needed to fully surrender to the other. As the paths of these two couples cross and intertwine, they discover that the true power of love lies in self-acceptance and the courage to trust the unknown. In a world where the past threatens to consume the present and the future seems uncertain, love reveals itself as the guiding light in their darkness, showing them that together, they can find the peace and redemption they so desperately seek.

Lee_8053 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

Conflicts, 86.

After Mason's arrival at the Kadman mansion, Lady Elizabeth immediately contacted the family physician to assess his health. The doctor arrived shortly after and, upon carefully examining Mason, concluded that, despite the minor abrasions resulting from the assault, his physical condition was not serious. However, he noted that Mason appeared to be in a fragile emotional state, possibly as a result of the trauma from the attack.


Upon receiving the doctor's diagnosis, Lady Elizabeth instructed the mansion staff to prepare a comfortable room for Mason and to provide him with all necessary care. She also expressed concern about Mason's emotional state and requested that someone accompany him.


Despite demonstrating kindness and compassion, Damián carries with him complex emotional baggage. Under the facade of care, there was distrust and strategic thinking. He placed a comforting hand on Mason's shoulder and offered words of reassurance, ensuring Mason that he was safe now and would be cared for while in the mansion.


However, in this supposedly delicate moment, Damián cannot ignore the questionable fact that Mason is a criminal he was forced to have by his side. And not in a million years did he imagine, 24 hours ago, that he would invite Mason to the Kadman mansion.


The Kadman mansion has now become an unexpected setting for both. Damián recognized that sometimes circumstances push us into unlikely alliances, and Damián is navigating this uncertain territory cautiously. He knows that, despite appearances, difficult decisions lie ahead.


After all, the line between compassion and pragmatism is thin, and Damián is about to discover how far he is willing to go to end Mason's character.


As he observes Damián interacting with Mason, Adam can't help but wonder about Damian's past that he didn't know.


He feels uncomfortable with the proximity between Damián and Mason (Damián acted as if they were old friends), wondering why Damian never mentioned this friend before. Was Damian hiding other aspects of his life?


Sometime later, and in his chambers... Lady Elizabeth was sitting in her favorite armchair, immersed in her memories, as she opened the jar of cream. Her fingers glided smoothly over her skin—a familiar routine that brought her comfort.


The room was illuminated by a soft light, creating a serene, tranquil, and welcoming atmosphere. Beside her, her husband, Lord Malcolm, watched her with a curious expression, noticing her unusual quietness.


Malcolm: "You seem to be pensive today, my dear. What's bothering you?" Elizabeth looked at him for a moment, her eyes lost in distant memories. She took a deep breath before responding.


Elizabeth: "The youth of today are so brave, don't you think? They take so many risks."


Malcolm nodded, understanding the tone of nostalgia in his wife's voice.


Malcolm: "Yes, indeed. Many of them have a sense of duty and courage that is admirable."


Elizabeth continued, her thoughts returning to the past.


Elizabeth: "I remember Tristan. He was like a politician, always ready to help. I used to watch him from afar, admiring his determination, confidence, and kindness."


The mention of Tristan brought vivid memories to the surface, and Elizabeth sighed, lost in her thoughts.


Meanwhile, Malcolm also delved into his own reflections on the past.


Malcolm: "Tristan Navia. He was truly a remarkable spirit."


Elizabeth smiled faintly; her mind filled with warm memories.


Elizabeth: "Yes, we were young back then. It feels like it was an eternity ago."


The conversation took a more serious turn when Malcolm made a connection that left Elizabeth stunned.


Elizabeth: "Tristan was truly remarkable. He was always willing to defend others, a political and social soul, while I… Well, I was more timid back then. I hid behind my music."


Malcolm looked at her with tenderness, acknowledging the admiration in her words.


Malcolm: "You have always been an amazing woman, my dear. No matter how shy you were, your music always touched the hearts of those around you."


Elizabeth smiled at him, gratitude shining in her eyes.


Elizabeth: "You always know how to make me feel better, Malcolm."


Malcolm: "And you have always been my support, my inspiration."


A moment of tenderness between the couple was interrupted when Malcolm made a lighthearted observation, bringing up a delicate topic.


Malcolm: "Speaking of inspirations, I still find it amusing how you believe I lost to Benjamin Williams. So many years have passed—jealousy? My dear."


Malcolm: "Don't you think Damián resembles Tristan, my dear?"


The jar of cream slipped from Elizabeth's hands, a clear sign of her sudden surprise. Her eyes met Malcolm's, revealing the revelation that had just hit her.


Elizabeth: "I never thought of that."


Malcolm looked at her with seriousness and caution, his own mind now occupied with the surprising discovery.


Malcolm: "I always believed that was the reason why you grew attached to Damián so quickly."


Malcolm's revelation shook the foundations of Elizabeth's memories, forcing her to confront a connection she had never considered before.


Aster woke up late in the Campbell mansion, defying all expectations. He had slept deeply, and it was already past 10 o'clock. His body and mind, usually alert, were slow and sluggish.


As he stretched in bed, he noticed the empty space beside Callum. He knew he needed to go to the Kadman family's house; he needed to talk to Damián. After a quick shower and changing clothes, he left the room and descended the stairs, almost reaching the door when Lady Sarah's shrill voice echoed through the elegant hall.


"Ah, Aster, you finally decided to show up!" Lady Sarah exclaimed. "You sneak out at night; don't tell us where you're going; make my son have to search for you... Wake up, as if nothing happened! You don't rethink your actions, and you're already leaving again?"


Aster felt heat rushing through his veins as he faced Lady Sarah's accusatory gaze. Her reproaches were always severe, filled with disdain for the events of the previous night.


"Sorry, Lady Sarah," Aster began, his voice sounding more professional and colder than he would have liked. "I was helping a friend in trouble. I didn't mean to."


Before he could finish his justification, Lady Sarah cut him off, her voice as sharp as a blade.


"Your obligation is to this family, Aster!" she thundered, her tone dripping with disdain. "Don't you understand? My son, Callum, is an alpha! He's the heir to this family, and you, a mere orphan omega, have no right to neglect your responsibilities by gallivanting around with other people."


Lady Sarah's words hit Aster like precise blows, confronting him deeply. He swallowed hard, feeling challenged by the relentless fury of the Campbell matriarch.


But Lady Sarah didn't stop there. She continued to seize the opportunity to pour even more of her discontent upon Aster.


"And do you know who has always acted with due responsibility? Clarice, the precious daughter of Beatrice Phillips," Lady Sarah continued, her icy gaze piercing Aster. "Clarice always wanted to do everything right, following the traditions of our lineage. And now, due to sheer bad luck, my son has found himself with you."


Aster looked up, gazing at Lady Sarah, and said, with clear sarcasm in his voice, "the precious daughter of Beatrice Phillips."


Aster chuckled, fixing his gaze on Lady Sarah. "You're telling me jokes; your son never touched Clarice Phillips."


Lady Sarah shouted, "My Callum respected her!"


Aster responded in the same tone; his gaze filled with contempt: "He didn't desire her."


With these final words, they fell silent and locked eyes for a few seconds. Aster then gestured with his hand, indicating his departure, and communicated that he was going to Lady Elizabeth's house.


Lady Sarah watched in silence as Aster left the room after the confrontation. Her green eyes, serene and penetrating, followed every movement of the young omega as he walked away, his figure outlined by the soft light bathing the room. To Lady Sarah, the scene was a familiar representation of a dynamic rooted in the hierarchy and tradition of the noble society to which they belonged.


As she watched, her demeanor remained undisturbed, a mask of regal composure not concealing any of her surprise and disapproval.


She couldn't help but lament Aster's presence in her son's life. Lady Sarah had always aspired to a union between Callum and Clarice Phillips, a union that would strengthen the bonds between two prominent families.


However, Aster's persistent new presence posed an obstacle to her plans, a constant reminder that not everything could be controlled or manipulated according to her desires.


Damián was sitting in a velvet armchair with a serious and concentrated expression as he observed his surroundings. Upon noticing Aster's arrival, he raised his eyes, revealing a glimmer of recognition mixed with caution.


"Aster," Damián greeted, his voice carrying a neutral, almost impersonal tone. "You took longer than I expected."

Aster made a casual gesture, as if dismissing Damian's observation. "I had a few setbacks," he replied evasively. "Where is Mason? How is he?"


Damián inclined his head slightly, assessing Aster for a moment before responding. "He's resting," he said, his expression softening slightly. "The family doctor examined him and determined he was emotionally exhausted. He prescribed some tranquilizers to help him relax."


Aster nodded, absorbing the information. Concern for Mason's condition weighed on his mind, even as he tried to disguise it.


"I see," murmured Aster, his voice tinged with a touch of restrained anxiety. "And what about our plan? What do we do now?"


Damián remained silent for a moment, pondering Aster's words. "We need to reassess our situation," he admitted finally, his gaze reflecting a mixture of determination and uncertainty. "Things have changed since the accident, and now we have to adapt to the new circumstances."


The gardens of the Kadman Mansion stretched out into a majestic landscape, where the harmony between lush nature and imposing architecture merged into a scene of indescribable beauty. A limestone path, flanked by meticulously tended flowerbeds, wound through the gardens, guiding the friends' steps amidst the verdant lushness.


As Damián and Aster walked along the avenues shaded by tall boxwood bushes and ornamental willows, the delicate perfume of blooming flowers hung in the air, filling their lungs with fresh, enveloping fragrances. The soft chirping of birds, hidden among the branches of ancient trees, added a serene soundtrack to the scene.


The golden afternoon sunlight filtered through the leaves of the trees, creating patterns of dancing shadows on the stone path. Carved wooden benches, strategically placed along the way, invited visitors to pause and contemplate the quiet beauty of the Kadman gardens.


In the distance, a gracefully rising white marble fountain stood at the center of a tranquil lake, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the sun's rays like liquid diamonds. The gentle sound of water flowing, accompanied by the soft singing of birds, created an atmosphere of serenity and peace.


Finally, Damián broke the silence, his voice tinged with concern.


Damián: "How are we going to resolve this, Aster? Things are getting more complicated by the minute."


Aster looks at his friend, his piercing eyes revealing a mixture of determination and caution. He knows what's coming, and he's prepared to face it.


Aster: *With a nod, * "I know what you're thinking, Damián."


Damián nods, a look of resolution on his face.


Damián: *with a heavy sigh, * "It's the best option. We'll have to eliminate them all."


Aster furrows his eyebrows slightly, a look of concern crossing his face.


Aster: "And Emeline?"


Damián falls silent for a moment, averting his gaze as he wrestles with his own conflicting emotions.


Damián: *with a sigh, * "I feel sorry for Emeline, but not for the two blackmailers, and Mason… He's the one to blame for us being here!"


Aster nods slowly, accepting the harsh reality of the situation. They share a mutual look of determination, knowing they have a difficult journey ahead.


Damián looks at Aster, pondering his friend's words.


Damián: "I asked for a day for Emeline. Maybe we can find a way to deal with this without involving her more than necessary."


Aster furrows his brow slightly, considering Damian's suggestion.


Aster: "We can tell her… that we're from another world."


Damián lets out a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.


Damián: "She'll think you're crazy! No one's going to believe a story like that, Aster."


Aster sighs, acknowledging the validity of Damian's point of view. He knows that telling Emeline the truth would be futile.


Aster looks at Damián with a serious look, his eyes betraying a mixture of frustration and concern.


Aster: "You might be wrong, Damián. I warned that we had to get Mason as soon as we arrived here, but you insisted I was wrong. And now, look, what happened?"


Damián lowers his gaze slightly, acknowledging the validity of Aster's observation. He knew that the decisions made so far had disastrous consequences.


Damián: "Let's focus on finding a solution. We have to get out of this situation, no matter what happens."