

Tensai, local celebrity. Koji, his little brother. While he may be a local- he is by no means a celebrity. He had always lived in his older brothers shadow, and so he grew tired of it. He ran away from his brothers shadow- subsequently giving up on any dreams that were still stored within. So what happens when the person who keeps Koji in check faces disaster? Will he take over his brothers shadow? Or will he stay content in his own?.. (On Temporary Break until I get results from a writing contest, will be back when I do)

eloc_0 · Realistic
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19 Chs

The One At The End Whom Sparked The Beginning


Koji walked the path of a splintered sidewalk as a raggedy side street ran parallel with it. The sun reflected off the pale concrete as his shadow enveloped any gleaming light which it came in contact with.

The backstreets of Koji's neighborhood was known for being a bit run down. Koji had lived just on the edge of the shabby backstretch and the well preserved forefront. He was comfortably in the middle of the two contrasting sub-sections.

However, to get to his destination, Koji had to travel at a bit of a curve- as the path dipped into the former of the two sub-sectors.

'I don't remember it being this ran down…'

Of course, it's been a while since Koji had to last walk this route. After all, he had just started playing basketball again.

Yes, that's right. Koji was on his way to the courts for the second time this week. The previous time he hadn't realized how torn down this place was. He was more preoccupied with his own musing at the time.

After about one fourth of a mile, Koji arrived at the courts. He looked around as if observing- trying to find something… or someone.

'So she calls me out here and just doesn't go?!?'

Of course, Koji was referring to Akari. Earlier in the day she had told him to head to the courts after school. And yet, here he stood- alone with no sign of Akari.

But regardless, it was in Koji's plans to play basketball today. In fact, he had planned to play everyday from now on- or at least until tryouts ended.

In his mind, he had too much catching up to do. It had been about 5 years since he had really last played basketball. And after his performance on Wednesday… let's just say it was made even more apparent that he was far behind his peers.

Koji re-laced his shoes and sat his phone and water(s) down on the bench. He took in a full sight of the court to see cracks and hiccups in every sector.

The three point line, top of the key, hell- even half court had little divots…

'This has to be a hazard…'

Koji started with stretches, as he went over his little regimen in his head. He had planned out a tedious schedule for today during school.

Just the warm-up alone consisted of 100 form shots, 100 pound dribbles in each hand, and 10 full sprint down-and-backs.

Again, this was the warm-up.


It had been about an hour since Koji had arrived at the courts.

He was dead.


He started to feel a bit nauseous after his 6th set of pound dribble pull-ups from the left elbow.

While it doesn't sound like much- after an hour of non-stop, no breaks, full force drills…

Let's just say anyone was bound to be tired. At least anyone with no stamina.

'I'm soooo out of shape…'

Koji wasn't wrong. Just the warm-up alone had him wanting to quit.

As Koji was on all fours, drooling, and taking his first break of the workout- light started to illuminate the court.

There were about 4 light posts which were set to turn on as the sun set.

With the new source of light, Koji began to stand up- ready to give his 7th set at least 80% of his best.

As he did however, he saw a slim, panicky, figure on the left side of the court behind the hoop. Being as slim as the person was, the rusted pole was slimmer.




Koji didn't really know what to do. He couldn't make out who it was- although it seemed to be a girl -and he didn't really understand the situation.

'Is she hiding from me?'

Finally, she started to peak her head out from embarrassment, revealing a relatively short set of hair which shone purple under the light with a black undertone.


Koji was confused.


Akari was apologetic.


"So, you were hiding from me, as to not distract me. Did I get that right?"

Akari didn't respond with her voice- she instead swiftly nodded her head in embarrassment.


Koji didn't know what to say. It was such a peculiar situation…

The esteemed Akari Anzai caught stalking him?

'no no no…'

Koji shook his head. Not in dissappintment but disbelief.

"How long were you watching me?"

Akari looked at Koji with wide eyes.

"Uhm… maybe about 5 minutes? Really! I wasn't trying to stalk you! When the lights turned on, I- I just got scared and hid out of instinct…"

This hadn't cleared anything up for Koji.

"You know that can be seen as a bit weird, right?"

Akari's face flushed as she put her hands over her face to hide herself away.

"I- I'm sorry… I saw you playing, and so I tried to make my way over- b-but you were working so hard… S- so I…"

Akari had a hard time formulating her sentences.

"It's fine."

Koji wanted to nip this in the bud as quickly as possible. The longer he had Akari at her knees pleading for forgiveness, the less time he would live to see the light of the rising sun.

Still though, Akari continued to hide her face. It seemed she was embarrassed upon no return.


Koji didn't really know what to say, so they both just sat on the bench together, in silence.



Akari spoke out in a soft voice, as she peaked out one eye from her burrowed face.


Her tone gradually shifted, as she became more inquisitive and serious- while maintaining her cute voice.

"What's your dream..?"

What? What's Koji's dream?


Koji thought back to Monday- finding humor in the oddly aligned coincidence that showed.

[What Job Will You Have In 10 Years?]

In response, Koji had wrote:

[Whatever My Dream Is]

So, what was his dream then?

His dream was equivalent to whatever he wanted to do with himself.

But what had he wanted to do with himself?

What had Koji worked towards every day, just like any other person with a dream?

Would it be too surface level to simply say: "My dream is to find a dream."?

No, he couldn't. He needed to find something to do with himself. After all, an empty human is just a grave waiting to be dug.

So going over it again, and again- he had deduced a dream is something that he must want badly. Something that he wanted to accomplish. A place in life which he wanted to reach.

Briefly, his brother crossed over his barreling thoughts.

He thought back to numerous occasions where Tensai proclaimed that he would become one of the greatest basketball players ever. And this he worked towards everyday- reaching various landmarks until his career was abruptly ended.

Koji thought about how he had simply watched his brother become something great. How he sat behind and cowered to the mere idea of pushing himself for something greater.

And that's when Koji remembered.

He used to have a dream…

"I'm gonna be the greatest basketball player ever."

During the long pause, Akari had simply stared at Koji, waiting for an answer. Now, she had finally gottten one.

But instead of stating what he had wanted to do, Koji boldly proclaimed what he will do.

This was something that Koji had wanted to do long ago. He regretted the fact that he gave up years in the past…

But was that new to him? Koji had grown accustomed to regret- to running away at the sight of adversity. He wanted to feel the thrill of challenging himself again. Just as he did 5 years ago. Just as he did before he gave up on his dream.

Suddenly, the weight on Koji's shoulders seemed to have cut in half. He felt as chills ran down his neck to his forearms.

Was everything correlated? Has everything Koji hated about himself been due to his simply giving up on a dream?

He didn't know. But he wanted to find out.

From this day onward- Koji would make his forgotten dream come true. He wouldn't attempt to, he simply would.

Koji had finally realized himself again.

Before he could come to more revelations about himself, Akari interrupted his thinking.

"Alrighty then!"

She hastily stood herself up from the bench, and started looking down towards Koji- who was among the remnants of his classic deadpan daze.

She stood tall as artificial lights illuminated the darkness around her. Behind her however, she contrasted with the black starry skies, causing the light that reflected off her hair to glow with a bright, purple glare- as if a star of its own.

"I, Akari Anzai, vow to make your dream come true, Koji Thompson!"

She puffed out her chest and pointed at Koji, as she made her one sided vow.


In The Same Town As Koji

In the driveway of a humble home, two people could be seen playing basketball.


Noah had rammed through Ren with a hard pound dribble, as he finished around the rim which hung over the garage door.

"Huff… 26-… Huff… 4."

Noah looked at Ren who was exclaiming the score. Both of them looked near dead- Noah more so than Ren.

Noah made his way back to the top of the key, as he turned around and stared at Ren.

A gloomy air belonging to that of a broken man could be felt. Noah's eyes were slanted as his breathing was heavy. Even when facing his little brother, his dull pupils were filled with blunt anger.

Ren grabbed the ball and tossed it back to Noah. He himself also had an interesting air around him- one of determination.



Lucas was sitting on his couch, listening to the sparks of the fireplace as he held a bag of chips.

He looked intently at the screen of his laptop, observing how the couple on screen interacted with each other.

His face grew grey with gloom.

"I better have love that pure one day…"

He went back to munch'n on chips.


Yuki was sat in her room, typing away at her keyboard.

The more she typed, the more that appeared on her doc.


She came to a stop, studying the content in which she just wrote.

Contempt with it, she scrolled back to the top, where the title could be seen as the following:

[Contents of Love - Script #3]


In The Room Of A College Student

A girl with curly black hair sat at her desk, paint brush in hand.

She applied one last stroke before lifting her painting for inspection. After a few seconds of tilting and turning, she stood herself up.

She walked up to her door- opening it to reveal a hallway which connected all the other students' dorms to her's.

She placed the painting on a pin which allowed it to hang, using her newly finished product as decoration.

Next to the painting was a nameplate:

[Ella Anzai]


In An Eerily Vacant Hospital Room

Tensai was sat staring at the door, presumably wondering what was on the other side.

Instead of being in bed however, he was set in a wheelchair- allowing any passing visitors to view his missing leg.

His gaze which pierced the door was the same as before. It was one which belonged to that of a dead-man…

But something was off.

As he complacently sat in his wheelchair…

Something illuminated the air around him.

Deep within the eyes of Tensai festered a bright fire. One which was unable to be extinguished- just as the previous.

But this time, it was different.

The incandescent flame bubbled with rage.

With anger…


End Chapter 5:

The One At The End Whom Sparked The Beginning

End Volume 1:

The One Changed By Sparks

dude I just realized it doesn’t transfer italics or bolds from google docs…

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