
Last Hope: The Dungeon of Salvation

Meet Henry - lazy bum, NEET, LitRPG fan... And the Last Hope of Ehretrinia. ---------------------------------------- A world that has almost lost everything. Even their gods have abandoned them. Only a dungeon can save them all... if they can find one that is.

FrostVlad · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Building a Better Dungeon

And done.

It, been two weeks since Marius and his group left the dungeon. While they were gone, I've begun the expansion of the dungeon. I'm using the Nether tide, as they call it, that regularly plagues the area, to fuel my dungeon building efforts.

Greatly expanded the first floor. Now it has ten times the number of room than earlier. Made two more mini-boss rooms to counter the relatively slow respawn rate. Increased the number of challenge rooms up to five. Each of them have different challenges and rewards in store. Ten times the number of herbal garden and mining rooms. Three times the number of harvesting and mining nodes than earlier. Created more types of room. There are now small, regular and labs mob rooms. Rooms that have their own themes, like a room with a pond in the middle and grass covering the remainder. Rooms so dark that will need multiple light sources. Traps rooms. Nothing deadly; most funny, embarrassing or join plain torture. Sometimes all of the above. I've expanded the monster variety, too. Now kobolds can be found at first floor. Some monsters that were only found on the second floor are added to the first floor. The floor now boasts monsters from LVL1 to LVL10, with the mini- boss now at LVL12. Higher than the previous maximum of LVL5, with the mini-boss at LVL7.

The second floor got some upgrades, but not much. Increased the floor area by half. A few more forts. Added and expanded some wooded areas. More springs and streams. Even a new river coursing through the expanded area. The monster population too get more variation. New monster species. New monster variants or even subspecies. Same as the first floor, I've boosted the monster levels. From the previous range of LVL6 to LVL11, with the mini-boss at LVL13, it's now from LVL9 to LVL19, with the mini-boss at LVL22.

The third floor was a bit too sadistic, according to Marius. So I've now shifted it to the fourth floor.

The third floor is now an entirely new area. It measures 50 square kilometers. Now, this is where my Reborn One title and the Gift of Knowledge truly shined. I have to browse the Internet of my origin world. My Reborn One lets me remember everything of what I learned on my past life. Combined that with my love of the post-apocalyptic genre, I went with that time. The third floor now resembles some kind of post-apocalyptic Earth. Yes, modern Earth. Those zombie genre stories, movies and games. Or some of world-ending war happened. Or even a natural calamity causing widespread destruction. The floor looks like that. It's just one big city that looks it was blasted by bombs and artillery. Crumbling and fallen skyscrapers. Abandoned buildings and structures. Apartment complexes covered with faded paint, dirt, grime and blood, full of abandoned property. Warehouses covered with dust. Streets full of cracks and potholes, years of neglect showing. Filthy sewers that cover much of the city. All of them devoid of life. Or are they?

The monster range from LVL18 to 30, with the mini bosses from LVL31 to LVL35. And I went full ham on the post-apocalyptic archetype. Many kinds of Dead Men Walking abound. Shambling horrors that even their moms wouldn't love. Mutants of all kinds. Giants insects. Mutated wildlife. Plants that can eat something human-sized. Abominations that crawl out from the water to devour unsuspecting passersby. Hulking humanoid beings, armed with whatever they may find, hungering for the taste of flesh. Especially humans. Yeah, sue me. They me be expys and clones from popular gaming franchises. But come on, nothing is really completely original these days. They can (bleep) my (bleep).

I really hate You. You (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) of a bleep).

Well at least I unlocked new classes like 'Gunslinger', 'Tinker', 'Mutant'...

I'm gonna need a new Class Slot Unlocker.

Moving on, the third floor does not have a mini-boss room that blocks the exit to the fourth. Instead there is now a vault door that only opens when somebody or a groups of somebodies uses a specific key. And there is only one way to get a key. Make one. For this, gather a mold specific for the key, some specific materials required for the key's construction, and a smelter. Easy, right. WRONG!!! The mold is a chance drop from mini bosses. The materials can only be gathered in scrap heaps, my replacement to the mining areas. That will be then smelted to convert them. And as of the smelter, it can only be built, not found. Easier said than done because that means more exploring the floor and raiding monster dens for parts. Yep, I've made game survival mechanics as an integral part of the dungeon experience. *Malicious laughter ensues.*

Sound crazy, right? It sure is. But it's the good kind of crazy.

Now the fourth floor, formerly the third floor, didn't get left behind. The floor size remained but the complexity grew even more. More monster types and subtypes. The monsters' level range got boosted at LVL25 to 37, with the mini boss at LVL40. More secret passages. Crazier rooms and passageways. More traps, both in amount and kind. More humiliation, embarrassment and plain torture all around. More wacky situations. Even more wackier punishments for triggering traps. Crazier antics like body and gender swap. A more twisted environment. More spooky audio and video effects. Even more insane illusions. And even more ways to lose the path inside the floor.

Yes, I'm a very sadistic man. But I'm not an evil man. Behold.

More item rewards. A higher chance to obtain the 'Challenger Token'. Even more ways to go through the floor. More ways to get revenge or even just humiliate companions. Forcing or tricking companions in triggering the 'fun' traps is not covered by the First Dungeon Rule. Unless that the consequence will be debilitating injuries or death.

And the shop got new items on sale. Items that can only be found in Earth.

Instant and canned food. Modern camping equipment like tents, sleeping, bags, portable stoves, mess kits, electric lamps, etc. Flashlights, from handheld ones to head-mounted versions. Transceiver radios to all communication between separated companions. And modern equivalent of adventuring essentials. Electric lights for gas lamps and torches, lighters for flint and steel, flares and chemlights. Don't forget the MREs. It may not be as good as home cooking, but its much better than dried jerky and hard tacks. Trust me, you teeth and gums will thank you a lot.

Also the shop now sold modern tools, electronics and equipment. No smartphones, computers or even TV, not even the old CRT types. Radio, on other hand... *opens radio then shuts it immediately*. Damn it, that's gonna get me copyrighted. Wait, how I'm gonna copyrighted. Am on some kind novel or anime or... *BOINK!!!*

(A few minutes and one memory erasure later...)

Ow, what happened? Why does head hurt again? This is the fifth time this happened.

(A few more minutes later)

Where was I? Yep, radio. I know, I can listen to the internet with Gift of Knowledge ability. But it's not just me who will experience it. I've also got power tools of all kinds. Wired and cordless. Portable and stationary. Even a set of 3D printers. And my Core self got a lot of upgrades and new capabilities by studying them. Lots of electrical appliances. Vacuum cleaners, lawn movers, even chainsaws. And my Core self is building a golem. With chainsaw hands. And prototypes of chainsaws. Wow, I didn't you can do that with a chainsaw and explosives. Yikes.

My Human self also got a lot stronger. Yeah, I bought another Class Slot Unlocker with my unclaimed DC from dungeon building quest. I can't resist the 'Tinker' class. It's a survival game fan's wet dream. Even with a 25% EXP gain per Class, it's so worth it. I'm now at LVL43 at Mage and Druid, LVL25 with Warlock and LVL10 with Tinker. And now I can built robots.


Well I can do more dungeon upgrades. Wait, what's this? Raid Boss? Instances? Wait, is my dungeon now some kind of MMORPG game? *Reads more*