
Last Hope: The Dungeon of Salvation

Meet Henry - lazy bum, NEET, LitRPG fan... And the Last Hope of Ehretrinia. ---------------------------------------- A world that has almost lost everything. Even their gods have abandoned them. Only a dungeon can save them all... if they can find one that is.

FrostVlad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Happy Birthday, my sweet baby Cadix!"

"Mama, stop it! I'm already twelve years old. I can already get my first class and start training to join the scouting teams."

"Sweetie, you know you can became a Blacksmith, or an Alchemist, or even a Druid. You can do many things in the haven. You don't need to go outside, right."

"Mama, but I want to go outside. I want to go explore many places. There's even talk that they have a dungeon. Mama, a dungeon! It's like the stories Master Grumman tells us of fighting monsters and finding treasure."

"Sweetie, it's not safe outside the haven. You might get hurt or...." *Mild sobbing*

Cadix hugs his mother, "I know, Mama. We lost Papa when he went out to go on a scouting expedition. You were also a scout too, right, Mama? You can teach me. So I'll always come back."

"I'll always be here."



Name: Cadix Springleaf

Race: Human/Elf

Title: None

Class: None (Choose Class)

Level: Not Applicable (Choose Class)

EXP: Not Applicable (Choose Class)

HP: 130/200

MP: 170/200


Strength: 12

Constitution: 13

Agility: 15

Dexterity: 14

Intelligence: 19

Wisdom: 15

Perception: 17

Charisma: 16

Spirit: 17

Blessings: None

Curses: None

Status Effects: None

Hey, why is my STR and CON Score too low? I've done lots of lifting exercises to get them up. It should be at least 14, if not 15.

Heh, at least I got a 19 in INT. I'm the smartest one in the entire class. Take that, Varrus. Teasing me with your 18 STR and 17 CON. But a 9 in WIS? And even 8 in INT. Hah!

Let's see my available classes. Fight, Rouge, Mage, Druid...

What's this?

Gunslinger? Tinker? Steamknight? What are those? This is the first time I've heard of them. Gunslinger first.


Gunslinger. A class that uses a gun? What's gun? Oh, that's a gun. Where should I get a gun? There's no one selling guns in Trevellen. I didn't even know that guns exists. Check Tinker? Okay.

Wow. It's perfect.

Build guns. Build traps. Build bombs. Build mechanical contraptions. Built robots?


Eheheheh... ahahahahaha... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- *coughing noises*


"Hello Sadie."

"Hello, Cadix. Chosen you Class, yet? I wish I can choose mine, now." Sadie, or Sad'erana Thallix in full. She's quite obsessed with Classes. A half-orc, her father's a human while her mother is the daughter of the haven's orc clan chief. How did that happen, nobody knows. There were stories that it was her mother who grabbed her father and declared him her husband. That's why she is also the only one who can exceed Varrus in raw STR, 19 to be exact.

Sadie is also quite pretty, but don't tell her that. She might, no, she will beat you up.

"You know your birthday's coming up in a few days, right?"

"Yeah. But still..."

"It's just 4 days."

"I know, I know. Hey, how about you show me what Class you chose?"

"Classes. And no, not until after today's... ehem... classes are done."



"Share it now, please?"

"Alright, already. Quit nagging me. Status Share, Sad'erana Thallix."

"You know I hate anyone telling my whole name, right. Especially."

"I need to use your full name or it won't work."

"Okay, let's see. Open Status, Cadix Springleaf."

Name: Cadix Springleaf

Race: Human/Elf

Title: None


Gunslinger (Specialty: Not Applicable)

Tinker (Specialty: Not Applicable)


0 (Gunslinger)

0 (Tinker)


0/1000 (Gunslinger)

0/1000 (Gunslinger)

HP: 130/200

MP: 170/200


Strength: 12

Constitution: 13

Agility: 15

Dexterity: 14

Intelligence: 19

Wisdom: 15

Perception: 17

Charisma: 16

Spirit: 17

Blessings: None

Curses: None

Status Effects: None

"Hey, what are those classes? Gunslinger? And Tinker?"

"Why don't you read the descriptions?"

"Okay." *A few moments of reading later* "You really like traps, don't you? And guns? And robots? Wow. Those are really good."

"I know, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. But those classes are new, right. At least they're new to me. I've read all the books you can find in Trevellen about Classes, except maybe some books that Master Marius owns. Wait, we have to ask Master Marius. He might, no, he must know something about them.

"I don't think he knows something about my Classes."

"Why not? He the most knowled..."

"Sadie. Sadie! Read more of the Class description. Read it entirely. Okay, here. What does it say?"

"Patch 1.01? What's a piece of cloth has to do with your Class."

"Select it and read the description."

She continues on reading. "Wait, the rumored dungeon is real? There is a real dungeon? We should tell Master Marius."

"He already knows."

"It says that the discovery of the dungeon prompted the release of the 'patch'. It didn't say it was discovered by Master Marius."

"It was rumored that Master Marius went on an expedition beyond the boundary. You know, the place where many Nether beasts are. Only elite scout groups can go there. And Master Marius will not leave the haven except for dungeons. Even Master Grumman and a scout team that went the came with him. And when they came back, they went straight to the Great Hall. No one still knows what he did outside. Even Master Grumman is not telling. And you know he likes to tell stories."

"So? We can still ask Master Marius about it. We can say about the new Classes. I think he will be very interested in them."

"Hmmm. I don't know."

"He might even invite you to go to the dungeon. I heard that Master Marius is going back there with a larger. There are people from other havens coming to talk with him."

"Wait, where did you learn all about this?"

"My grampa's clan chief, duh. That means he's also a councilor. He know many things about what's happening in the haven. Including reports from scouting teams. I overheard him and someone talking about the people coming from other havens and organizing another expedition under Master Marius. This might be important."


"Come on. What are you going to lose? You want to go outside Trevellen, right. Here's your chance."

"Yeah, you're right. *sigh* But still, I'm gonna have to go talk to Mama."

"He still won't let you go out of the haven?"

"You know what happened at their scouting expedition, right?"

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's not your fault."

"You will have to talk to your mother. And then to Master Marius I think that the people from the other havens are already here." Sadie pointed to main gate. Those are a lots of people. Almost a caravan's worth.


"Master Marius! Master Marius!"

Stupid barbaric woman. I'm not a toy that you can drag anywhere.

"Ah young Cadix and... Sad'erana, right? Morth'ugal grandchild."

"It's Sadie, Master Marius."

"Hehe. Sadie, yes. I'll never understand what your mother was thinking, giving you that name. Really, she even wanted to name you Sudar'eranai. Good thing your father was able to talk sense to her. Even your grandfather was laughing when your mother almost named you that."

"Thanks for reminding me, Master Marius."

"So, what can I do for you, children?"

"Come on, Cadix, show him."

"Okay, alright. Stop pulling me. I can't concentrate while I'm being dragged everywhere."

"Oh, right."

Oof, that hurts. "Can you warn me next time. Never mind. Status Share, Marius Trellen."

"Look at his Status, Master Marius. Look at his Classes"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Happy Birthday, young Cadix. You already chose you classes." *Checks the status* "What the... How..." *reads some more* "Well, this is quite interesting."

"IT IS interesting, right, Master Marius?"

"Very much so. This changes so many things. Many things that we thought are correct will be proven false. This will allow so many new things to be created. So many possibilities..."

"Can I come to the dungeons, Master Marius?"

"I don't think you can come with me, young Cadix. First and foremost, you're too young. And it's too dangerous. Even if you're older, we only let anyone leave the haven after you've completed scout training. And only on authorized missions."

"But, it says here that the discovery of the dungeons allowed me to get these new Classes. There might be a connection between me and the dungeon, right?"

"We don't know, child. What you're saying is pure speculation. We don't know if there's even a connection between you and the dungeon. And you know how protective your mother is, don't you?"

"Yes, I know Master Marius. But maybe you can convince here to come with us, too. She was a scout too, right. One of the best there is."

"My child, you must understand. After that incident, you mother has been very erratic and very irrational. She has shunned the world outside Trevellen. Yes, she was a great scout. One of the best But that is not a good enough reason to endanger anyone."

A note falls down from nowhere. It hits Master Marius right in the face.

"Hrngh. What the hell? Where did this come from."

Master Marius then reads the note.

"No. I'm not endangering the kids to satisfy you. You can take that and shove it up your (bleep)."

Huh, that's very strange. And another note drop down. This hits Master Marius at the back of his head.

Wow, I didn't know you can hit someone that hard with a piece of paper that hard."

"Ptuh. (Bleep) Hells. Stop that, you (bleep) (bleep)." *reads new note* "What, are you threatening me?"

Another note. Master Marius takes it and reads.

"(bleep)." Master Marius then sighs. "Okay, you can come. We also have to bring your mother too. And you too, Sadie. And that will also drag your mother and grandfather into this." Then looks up to the sky. "Are you happy now?"

Yay. we're going to the dungeon.