
Knight Bus

Knight Bus

Chapter: 12

After their fun time at the Dursleys was over, Sirius, Richard, Sniffy visited them, alone or together, if they had time and needed some time off their daily routine.

Sirius spent a lot of time at Harrys place and was soon one of the best friends of the Dursleys and they also loved to have him over. When he was at their place, he played a lot with both boys and showed them magical tricks or told them stories of his and Harrys parents time at Hogwarts, which he underlined with the fact that he used his magic in the way to make various sounds and pictures.

Dudley and Harry were fascinated by magic and were more than happy to receive a gift from Richard, Sirius and Sniffy on their birthdays. Which were in the same week and the Dursleys decided to celebrate them together after they adopted Harry and were now the official magical guardians of Harry since they did the paper work and owled them to the ministry.

The present was a toy broom for children and was completely safe. It could only fly at about 50 centimeters above the ground and with the speed of a fast running child.

Vernon and Petunia were at first afraid that the kids could not play with them in the garden, because of the statute of secrecy and to be seen by their neighbors, but Richard told them that they had bought a privacy ward at Gringotts and told them how they could activate it.

After the activation of the ward, nobody would be able to spot any magic inside the garden or house.

Happy to have something like this and being a bit awed by the fact that they now possessed something so magical in their house, Petunia and Vernon could not thank them enough.

The kids were know flying around the garden and chasing each other. Everyone else was also there in the garden lounging outside on a couch.

Vernon took Richards advice that he gave him last time to heart and was now really fit. He liked to train his body and he had an almost athletic build. Since his confidence was boosted enormous through that, he soon got a promotion in the company he worked in and was now almost on the top of the chain.

He had now nice short black hair and wore top designer clothes and sometimes clothes from Sniffy as well. She was now making some designs based on Richard's future knowledge for other people too and they loved them.

Petunia did also look completely different than in the movies and she was now much better looking and calm and collected most of the time. But she was also a really head strong woman. Vernon was not the one who had the last word at home.

Richard was thinking about how much a few changed things can influence.

Petunia was not a grumpy housewife and was a completely calm and a happy person now. What 2 loving children and having a husband with much more self-confidence could change in people was really astonishing.

Now having much more free time now that they got more money, they decided to renovate their house.

They were currently at the planning stage. They wanted one more floor that should include a fitness room and another room for Petunia to do what she wanted.

They would also build a playing room for the kids and maybe even a bar and a pool table for Vernon.

Showing the plans to Sirius and Richard while Sniffy was currently speaking with Petunia about her clothes, Richard then had the idea to let the goblins manage this since they would be able to change the house in about a few hours with magic and put something on it to make it legit and not the need to let the plans be confirmed by law and everything.

In the muggle world something like this would need at least half a year to even a year to be processed and then be approved of.

Vernon was over the moon when he heard this and Richard said why not go all the way and include a swimming pool on a roof deck with everything on it including an area to eat meals under the sun and have enough space to hold parties. It would not even cost much more since it would be done via magic and that would even include some runes.

The runes would make the whole house self-cleaning and there would be temperature control and air control included. The pool temperature could also be changed via runes that would be on some kind of tablet like other runes to be able to finely adjust everything.

Writing to his goblin manager what they needed to be done and also asking how much muggle money would be needed for that.

Richard soon got an answer back after only a few hours that was stating that it could be done next week and the total cost would be a little bit over 20 000 pounds.

As Richard was reading the letter out loud for everyone to hear he saw Vernon and Petunia completely shocked at the efficiency of the goblins and the price was nothing to even think about. After they recovered a bit, they urged Richard to tell the goblins that they could start next week and mailed the letter with the attached money back.

Being overjoyed that they would now soon live in their dream house and they could not be thanking Richard enough.

Richard could not bring them to stop and was a bit embarrassed at their insistence.

He just wanted to help them with this and did not know that it would go so much easier than expected.

He even thought about getting his own home in the style of a modern house from his future live and stored that thought for later date inside his mentally to do list.

The children were playing around for the whole day and Harry then asked them when they would be learning magic, because he never even thought of the fact that Dudley may not be able to do magic at all.

Sirius explained them that they will not be able to start to learn concrete magic before the age of 11 because their magical cores were underdeveloped and they would not be able to do magic safely without any problems before that.

Understanding that and that they would not be able to do anything about it. But seeing their disappointed faces Richard promised them some magical theory books when they could read. Their expression turned faster than you could say something and they were running around and shouting happily.

After Richard turned about 7 years old, they made a trip together to diagon alley with Sirius to chaperone them.

Naturally with the amulet of the Polyjuice effect on his hand. He now was looking like a handsome and kind 30-year-old men with blonde hairs and an average stature. Richard knew that Sirius has found the completely opposite look of his normal one and Sirius was really happy with it. He was loving the stares that he got from the opposite gender while they were going out a bit to try it out.

They took another transportation method than apparation or house-elf plopping because Richard wanted to experience the joy of riding with the knight bus.

After the planned day arrived, they got out of the house and went towards the walkway and Richard moved his magic towards his right index finger and swished it around, because he wanted to see if he could emulate a wand being swished.


It worked and the knight bus arrived after a few seconds with a screeching sound. The door opened and out came a young looking girl at the age of 16 who said.

"Welcome to the knight bus, today I am your proctor Lisa Morello. Where do you want to go?"

Sirius answered with a smile on his face. "Hello there, we need to get to the Leaky Couldron, London."

Seeing the handsome Sirius smiling at her, Lisa blushed a bit and then answered. "No troubles, one of the next stops is there. That will be 3 Sickles per person, that means 6 Sickles please."

Sniffy was irritated at that but was more mature than in her earlier years and ignored the disregard from the girl to not include her in the price. It could be seen there that house-elfs did not really count as humans and Lisa did not even think a second if she should ask money for the little house-elf.

Taking his hand around Sniffy shoulder, Richard squeezed them lightly and smiled at her, which in turn calmed her down. He knew that something like this hurt her feelings and he hoped to reassure her with his little gesture.

Stepping forward with the money in hand, Sirius handed it to the proctor and they then headed into the bus.

The knight bus looked like its movie counterpart and was a 3-story tall bus with beds all over the floors. At the back of it were stairs that led upstairs and because the bus was almost full of people, they had to head up to the third floor.

Inside the bus were all kinds of strange magical people and it was funny to look at people that looked like they came directly out of a story.

The woman looked like witches from the middle ages with their traditional clothing style of wearing nice looking cloaks and dresses. They had on robes of all kinds. Not black like you would think of but in every color that someone could imagine. One even had a robe in a lime green color or another one had some with a bright yellow color.

The male ones were a lot more casual with their color regime and had cloaks in more like black, grey and brown tones. But not many robes had something written or even patterns on them. It seemed not common with things like this.

It was really funny looking.

Our trio got many stares of the people inside the bus because they had a lot of better looking robes. Sirius opted to go with black robes that had an embroidered black raven on the back side, that was seemingly alive and was flying around in irregular patterns. The raven was colored in a normal white color.

Sniffy had found about this particular magic a few months ago and was fascinated with all the possibilities she was now able to achieve with that knowledge.

Sirius and Richard were her first test subjects, to receive that kind of thing and were overjoyed when they found about that. They immediately asked her if she could make them things they liked or wanted to see on their robes.

Naturally, Sniffy was overjoyed since she loved to tailor and made some new clothes for them.

Sirius received this new type of robes this morning and he was loving it.

Richards wore dark green robes which almost bordered into blackness but in the right light you could see the green shimmer through which gave him a mysterious touch.

His robes had embroidered onto them a snow wolf in white lines that accentuated the color of his robes and the wolf was currently chasing a bright yellow rabbit in the snow on the front side of his robes. They looked like the wolf wanted to eat the rabbit but could never quite catch it.

The piece which made Sniffys tailoring technique unique was the fact that her creations could do much more than fly or run around the robes.

It created stories on the fly and let the embroidered animal live like it had a normal life.

It could be that they would be hunting or running around the woods which were shown like outlines with white coloring which changed every millisecond and it looked like a movie.

But that was not all of it. It was more like the animal really lived on top of the robes and the full life of said animal was shown on them.

It could also interact with the outside world a bit since Richard could pet his wolf and feel his soft fur and see it purr in delight, but that only worked with said beast. You could not feel anything else on them.

If you tried to feel the trees or the surroundings, all you would feel was the soft touch of the robes.

That really was some amazing kind of magic and Richard loved every second of it.

The people around them were stunned when they saw them go by and found them quite fascinating.

Sniffys other master piece was that said beast could even change clothes and was moving with Richard's choice of clothes. Each time he changed into another pair he felt the wolf move into his chosen piece. It became more like a pet to him in the past days.

That changing effect naturally only worked with the clothes Sniffy made and used her secret techniques on it.

Richard asked her how she did create that and then Sniffy started to speak for 2 whole hours and almost all about tailoring, he got lost at her telling what she did and he could not understand a thing.

He was more than happy that Sniffy invented something like that and he loved his wolf that he named Snow. It was a snow Wolf and also his family name so he felt it was fitting.

Richard thought that robes would be uncomfortable, yet he wore his normal clothing under them and found it quite nice.

They just made jackets obsolete and with all their enchanted spells they could be worn in each kind of weather. They had the followed spells enchanted on them: Featherlight charm, temperature control charm, water blocking charm, and the self-cleaning charm.

The water blocking charm was completely genius. It not only let the rain pearl of it from the robes but also from his head and shoes. It felt like some invisible aura that enveloped his body which let no water touch him.

The charms were done by Misses Malkins, she was one of the best tailors in the whole world of Britain and she and Sniffy became friends after Sniffy had asked her if she could enchant her self-made clothes.

At first, Miss Malkins was not sure if that would be worth her time since she never had seen or met any house-elf that was making clothes but her treatment turned a whole 180 degrees when she was seeing Sniffys work.

After that Sniffy spent a lot of time in Diagon alley to make clothes with her or they would talk about their tailoring for hours.

Richard loved that Sniffy had found a friend and was supporting that from every angle.

Right now, Sniffy had put on her normal maid-outfit, since she never wore anything else outside after that one incident.

They were greeted by a few wizards while they made their way towards the third floor and Richard was sure that a few women tried to hit on Sirius, but thinking that the 7 year old boy was his and assuming that he must have a wife, they did not do anything other than send some flirting glances and winks toward him.

Sirius, the dense man he was, did not seem to get any of this and they just walked towards their designated place.

Sitting down on the 3 beds and almost immediately after that the bus moved instantaneously forward.

Good that Richards training now included some physical exercises. He started with them after his sixth birthday since his body could now begin to build some muscles and he would not damage his body if he overdid it a bit with the training.

He knew that if his body was too underdeveloped that he would only hurt himself.

Richard only did some basics like running in the mornings, squats, pushups, pull ups and so on.

His trained reflexes and balance proved to be quite helpful and he was not falling of the bed when the knight buss sudden accelerated.

He was holding himself on the bed with his arms and got not thrown down. Sirius was not that lucky or trained enough and since it also was his first time to drive with the knight bus in years, he was rolling down the floor and came to stop at another bed.

"Fuuuuu….. how could I forget about this. Damn"

Cursing under his breath after he let out a surprising shriek that could be from one little girl, he got up and back to his bed while his face was completely red because of the embarrassment of his stunt.

Richard and Sniffy were laughing their asses of at this and Sirius was completely ignoring them.

It took them about 10 minutes to get used to the driving style of the knight bus and they now enjoyed this new feeling. The feeling was like riding a rollercoaster, but with more speed and more stunts. The bus was overtaking cars and drove through short alleys where he shortened itself and everything inside it for the duration and did drive through every kind of way.

One time they even drove through a house. They went through the front door that was open for some unknown reason and got out at the back yard window. And that only because the road was jammed because of some rather big accident.

The feeling of it was really peculiar.

It was like being stretched and then again forced back in your natural shape. Nothing ever seemed to be able to stand in the way of the bus. It completely ignored logical and physical rules.

After 15 minutes had passed, Lisa came up and asked them if they wanted to buy something to drink.

Sirius got a black coffee and Richard chose a hot chocolate. Sniffy got herself some pumpkin juice.

It was her favorite drink, after they bought it once only to try it out.

Richard found that it tasted to much like pumpkin with sugar, which is all what it should consist of and he did not like it.

He also did not drink coffee since he never found the taste of it appealing to his tongue and could not stand it.

If you needed at least 3 spoons of sugar and almost as much milk as coffee for it to be drinkable then it is not for you. Richard said when he was asked from Sirius a while ago.

They took one hour in the knight bus and then they came to a stop at the front of the entrance to diagon alley.

Hearing that their destination was called from their tickets, which was a fabulous feeling. Seeing something out of paper shout at you. They then proceeded to get down and thanked the Lisa for the ride and said goodbye.

The trio got down alongside a few other people and they then stood before the "famous" Leaky Cauldron.

From the outside it looked like a normal bar but no muggle could be seen around or even seemed to be aware of its existence.

Normal people were walking by without even glancing at the bar or the weird clothed people that got out of the weirdest looking bus that should be driving around.

The knight bus was completely blue and its 3 stories were not completely stacked up on each other and it was shaped kind of like the burrow.

Where the floors were just made separately and then put on top of the previous one. The second layer was much bigger than the previous one and the third one was much higher than the 2 others.

Thanks for reading and hopefully we will see each other tomorrow.

Goodnight to all which are going to bed now.

Vinciniacreators' thoughts