
Land Above Heaven

A mysterious man in black walks in the mortal land carrying the name of Luke and with his companion Brute a wolf, he teaches he’s students both in the art of arcane magic’s and weapons. Not much is known of his capabilities but one thing is for sortian that his powerful in some way or shape. He’s students named Toru and Cecilia, are taught to harness their skills and talents as well as giving them knowledge unlike any other. They fought many battles together and learned on their adventurers together. Discovering past relics and cursed objects. A long yet steady journey is a head of them with many mystery to cross, but what will they find? What land will they stand? What strange material will they hold? Just what will happen? May they’re journey come to an end? Or will it go further from end? What will happen to their future endeavors? We shall wait and see. For time is not something that I lack.

OPPAIN · Fantasy
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23 Chs

A Little Fury

"I wander why Luke left us?"

"Maybe he got something to do…"

"I suppose, Brute! Start running!"

"Please don't, I might fall…"

"Can't hold on?"

Brute walks back to the castle escourting the two children on his back.

Up above them, Brute saw a shadow jump across at top of Brute's eyes and and stopped and looked up to what he say.

He saw only the moon and stars staring back at him as as ghe two girls as Brute to why he stopped.

Brute continued walking as he walked past fewer and fewer people.

Brute then hears footsteps behind them but dismissed it as his thoughts are those are simple people walking by.

Brute notice that a weird smell, it was a sort of chemical.

Brute realize that something is not right and stopped to listen.

"Why did you stop, Brute?"

Brute then started to growl at the shadows and corners as the two shrieks in fear in the fear of the unknown and Brute's growling.

Out of the shadows and dark corners, came out men in dark robes with blades.

"Who are you people?!"

Asked Nichole as Lee grabbed Nichole tightly.

Franky then walked in behind then with a smile on his face.

"Well aren't I lucky to day."

Brute turns around to face Franky as suddenly a dart his neck to which Brute turns again to see where it came from.

Then more darts shot out from the shadows as Brute falls unconscious slowly with all of his might to not harm the girls.

"Sleep tight dog, we'll be taking care of those two.

Meanwhile, Luke was talking to a freckle, hunchback old man holding a cane to support his balance.

"You know me…"

"How could you forget about me?"

"Forget about you? Who are you?"


"Identify yourself."

Luke spoke as he quickly drew his staff out of his sleeve and into his hand.

"A great coincidence that has brought us, All Mighty P-"

"Finish those words and I'll-"

"Of course, My lord. I know you no longer want to hear that title again."

Luke's staff then flew into and thrust deep on the shelf right behind and close to the head of the unknown old man.

"Well... it's not really a surprise for you to forget me, of all the years you ruled, we only really met 3 times."

The table that separates Luke the old man then crumbles as if there was a heavy boulder on top, splits apart slammed on the walls as Luke's staff flew back on his hand.

The staff flew so fast that it crearted a small gust of wind that made the the old man blink.

the old man opens his eyes and saw Luke standing in front of him by just a foot away.

"Who are you."

No longer a question, Luke demands his name with glowing white eyes glaring at the old man's eyes.

"He... Lau, the gate guardian."


"The gate guardian whose left nothing to guard but a lonely gate has left, for my purpose is to serve my creator."

Distracted trying to remember who is Lau, a fiery plump rushed out on the decrepit hand of Lau and hit Luke on his side.

The fire formed a giant hand made of fire and pinned down Luke on the wall.

"Why did you step down!"

Luke then remembers.

"The... fire guardian..."


The hand pinned down Luke even tighter but still gripping on the artifact on his left hand.


The fiery hand then extinguished as dark mist swallowed the hand of fire and into Luke's sleeve.

"Then what about my purpose? Our purpose?! Why would you let these mortals have the powers of the Hysuers? to all the mortals races to choose, you choose Humans... why?"

"All of these mortals life at the cost of my title, insulting them is insulting me."

"Such irony for someone who countlessly butcher lives for the sake of power."

Luke gripped the artifact with slight rage but kept calm.

He then took the artifact and put the object in his packet dimension.

"Why are you here in Beramuth? What is it you seek?"

"I'm simply an ordinary salesman, nothing more."

"I'm not a fool, Lau."

"Hehehe… I know, I'm here to serve a new master."

"A new master?"

"Yes… and he will conquer all beings and soon to eradicate all human insects! He has planned to destroy the whole world! And nothing can stand on his way!"

"Those who try to harm the earth itself will answer to me."

"I know, He will overpower you with ease."

Lau then looks up to the ceiling and offers his hands.

"My Lord, Shenru! Will take the soul of these mortal and bring an end to humanity!"

"A, Shenru…that name is quite familiar."

"Yes! My Lord will devour the souls of these wretched mortals!"

"He seem to be quite powerful."

"Yes indeed, he is the Demon Lord of the South and the leader of all Demon lords!

"I see, I have to get going now, I have many work to do."

"We'll see each other again."

"I know, just wish that I'm not in a bad mood when we do."

"We'll see about that."

A dark mist then flows out of Luke's sleeve and forms a staff on his hand.

Luke then stumps his staff and his body was then covered by a dark mist and disappeared like thin air.

He teleported back in the castle to the hall way, going straight to Arthur's office.

As he came back, he was greeted by Cecilia that happens to walk by.

"Shouldn't you be on a bed?"

"I can walk normally like usual"

"I see."

"Yeah, wait… where's Brute and the others? I thought they were with you?"

"Hmm? Are they still not back yet?

"No… if they were back, I would've known by now."

Luke closes he's eyes to look at what's Brute is seeing but saw nothing.

Luke eyes shrink with distress and pulled the map out of his packet dimension.

He saw the icon on map and with on blue and red sitting on one spot.

Luke then disappeared in a dark mist.

He appeared in front of Brute and saw Brute laying on the ground with multiple darts on his body.

Luke then came closer to Brute.


Luke realized that this we're sleeping darts and touch Brute and a shock of electricity flowed at Brute.

Brute woke up instantly and posed at his battle stance.

He realized that its Luke and stopped his stance.

Luke then puts his hand to Brute's head and looked at the memories of Brute.

He saw men in dark robes and Franky to which Luke has yet to know.

He then saw one of the robes with the symbol of the kingdom of Rhuth.

Luke began to feel the emotions of anger.

"Go back to the castle and bring the soldiers, you'll find me by the trail I'll leave behind."

Brute starts running and heads to the castle.

"If I found out that they put on a single scratch those two… their demise will be meet."

Luke then looked back at the map to see where the two were and turned into an owl with map on his talons and started flying towards where the map is telling Luke.

In the dark and murky sewer but cut off by the stench, Nichole anf Lee were in a cell, unconscious and weaken.

"Clark! Long-time no talk!"

The fat man in a golden suit and with a golden fang and a diamond on the other began speaking to an image of Clark in a small dark fog of figure.

"I'm not in the mood for this, have you done what I asked for."

"Well, we did kidnap these kids. These little girls seem close to Luke."

"How do you even know that those girls are close to Luke?"

"They went on a walk today with their big dog."

"Let me see."

Clark then took a look on the children.

"And even better, Nichole is there as well! I guess we have a bonus!"

"Good, once the preparation is done, send them to me."

"Alright, Mister Clark."

The dark image and disappeared.

Luke then saw a building on some sort with graffiti on the wall.

Luke drops down and turned back to his original form and held his map.

He looks back at his map to clarify and saw the girl icon on the man inside of the building.

He stood in front of a wall of brick and proceed to put his hand to wall.


He muttered a spell under his breath and the area of the wall of where Luke's touching began to turn to dust and made a massive hole.

Time before the wall decayed, inside was men and women gambling with waiters giving drinks to the poeple.

They where laughing and having fun, as suddenly, the wall began to turn in dust and dropped down and created a thick dark cloud of dust.

They all stopped whatever they were doing and looked at the thick dust cloud.

As they stared, a pair of deadly white eyes stared back as fear suddenly run down to each and everyones spin and their instinct to run was screaming at them.

Luke stepped out of the thick dust cloud and looked at the people inside.

"For those who value your own life, leave."

"Who's that guy?"

"Hey! Who the hell are you!?"

A man in the distance shouted to Luke and the card on the table began fly to the man.

The card slits the man's throat and dropped down as pool of blood gush out from his open neck.

A woman screamed in feat and everybody began to run to save themselves.

The screams of women alerted the guards and went to take a look and saw the crowd of people running away and out of yhe building.

The guards went inside to investigate as saw Luke walking.

"Hey, You! What the fuck did you do?!"

Luke then grabbed a pole and smacks ghe guard of his chin and completely destroyed his jaw as he drops on his ground with his nose bleeding out.

The other guards saw this and ran away as one of the guards opened and went inside a steel door and locked it.

"Sign's of Life"

With another words of power, Luke saw two little girls assuming they were Nichole and Lee.

Luke began to walk to the direction to where the two is located and saw one of the guard closing a steel door and locked himself in.

The guard stepped back and had his back of his hip on the railing.

One of guards then went up to see what was happening and saw the other guard sweating as if he saw ghost as in fact he saw something worse.

"Oy! What happenin there?"

Asked the guard to the sweating guard.

The sewating guard then turns around but just before he could answer, a blast of lightning bursted the steel door open, hitting the sweating guard with the steel door and splated his between the door and wall.

"Oh shit-"

The other guard ducked a little in react to the danger and looked back up and saw the steel door falling down on him.

The steel drops on him and even sliced his head on the edges of the stairs with the body of the dead former sweating guard now flatten on the steel door.

"What the hell was that?"

Asked the fat man.

"Franky, check that out for me."

"Yeah yeah."

Franky then starts ealking to the stairs and looked up to see what's going on.

He then sae something falling and followed it with his eyes.

"What the?"

He then looked closer and saw the lifeless head of the guard the fat man sent to see what's happening at top.

"That's freaky."

He then heard a single step above him followed by a sense of dread and fear and with all of his instinct to telling him to run away as he looked up and saw Luke glaring down at him with piercing white eyes.

Franky stepped back a little as sweat began to pour down his forehead and gulped down his saliva.

"Hey, who are you."

Luke did not answer but continued glaring as Franky blinked due a sweat of his eye.

He wiped the sweat in his eyes and saw Luke now just a few steps closer to him

Franky drops down on shock and the overwhelming feeling of dread and fear and started to crawl away and run on all fours like a dog.

He reached back with heart trembling in fear and heavy breathing.

"Hey, what happened? You look like you saw a ghost."


"What? Why are you panicking! what did you saw?"

The place then slowly consumes with silence as Franky feels a chill of frat slithering on his spine and turns around to find Luke already there.


Luke's arm is stitched up with his hand wide open.

Luke then puts his whole hand on his face and Franky then turned to stone.

"What the did he do?!"

All of them was shocked in the same time confused as they saw one of their strongest assassin turned to stone.

Luke then turns his attention to cell and saw Nichole and Lee knocked out and Lee having a scar on her forehead and bloodstain on Nichole's nose.

Luke then starts emitting tremendous murderous aura and glared at the men who kidnapped them with daggers on his eyes.

The assassins at the back we're discourage by seeing the sight of their leader turning into stone.

"What the hell are you doing?! Attack him!!!"

Three large muscular men then starts to run towards Luke.

Luke then lift's his hand and electricity starts to form on his fingertips.

Then a ball of lightning then emerges on his palm.

The three men stops as their instincts tells them to instead run away.

The ball of lightning starts to turn red and blasted towards to men.

The blast of red lightning hits all three men and was turned to ashes in an instant while miraculously, the fat man and the other assassins dodge the blast while the fat fat doging the blast because he tripped on a rock.

He stood up and saw Luke staring dead close on his eyes.


He then got on his feet and runs away and into the sewers.

Luke then focused he's attention to the other assassins.

The assassins were consumed by fear and starts run away on the sewers as well.

Luke then sweeped his hand across to where the assassins are they all suddenly was pulled to the side and hits the wall and knocking them unconscious.

Luke then looked the unconscious body of Lee and Nichole and proceed to cast a spell on them.

With a wave of his hand, a bubble came out and formed a shield on the two.

Luke then turns his attention back to the running prey.

"Who the hell was that guy?! How did he-"

As he runs, he slips and fall.


Before he could stand back up and run, he feels a chill on his neck.

He turns around and sees Luke with white glaring eyes staring on his soul.


He tried to crawl backwards and hits he's back on a wall.

Luke stood on his front and a greenish fluid on his arm.

"Please stop! I beg of you!"

Luke then turned back on his senses and thought of what he could get more than a pleasure of death.

"Wait! I can pay you!"

Luke kneeled down and looked him straight on his eyes.

"Are you the one who ordered to attack the girls?"

"No No! I was hired!"


"Yes! I was hired by Clark! His the one who hired me to kidnap them!"

"I see, tell me more and maybe I'll let you live."

"Yes, I will! Don't kill me!"


"He's the one who tried to kidnap princess Nichole in the first place!"

"His the one who ordered the attack on the carriage in which Nichole was in?"


"Hmm… I see, any more?"

"He's… he's the one who ordered to earth dragons attack!"


"Yes! You have to believe me!"

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know, that's all I know."

"He's name is Clark?"

"Yes! You'll keep the end of our agreement, right?"

"The agreement was maybe."

"Hold on, let me live!"

Luke stood back up.

"Never did my mind cross on sparing your life."

"No! AAAAAH!!!"

Luke lift's his hand a greenish fluid then burst and smeared all over his body.

"What the hell is this!?"

"For keeping the end of our agreement, your life will not be taken on my hands."


Luke then walked away and went back to the girls.

The man then took his opportunity and got up.

As he gets up, he saw a rat on the side of his foot and kicked it.

"Get out of my way!"

As he shouted, he heard little high-pitched voices.

He looked around in confusion and notice little eyes glowing.

He turns back to walk away and saw even more glowing eyes.

"What the hell?"

Then a rat then showed on his front and stopped while looking at him.

He looked behind and saw even more rat.

He turned around and saw much more rats.

Then, a cockroach drops above and he looked up.

And saw rats on the ceiling looking straight at him.

"What the hell is going on!"

When he shouted, the rats on the ceiling drops on him and the rats on the side's swarms to him.

The rats swarmed on his body, eating him alive.

He tried to scream for help and the rats went on his mouth and starts eating his tonged.

His body was swarmed by hundreds of rats while eating him.

Luke was on the cell where Nichole and Lee are sleeping.

The bubble pops and Luke grab the two and lifts them with both of his arms.

While his lifts the two, he casted healing magic on them and their injury disappeared.

In the casino, Brute, Cecilia and Qeniver with her Knights.

They followed Brute as if he wants to tell them something.

They then stopped on the large hole on the wall.

"Damn, that's a big hole."

"Hey look, the wall was not bursted open. It doesn't even have cracks.""


"Look here, it's…dust… brick dust…"

"Even weirder…"

"Let's take look inside, maybe we'll find something."

Qeniver and Cecilia are inside the casino investigating with the men outside and inside helping with the investigation.

As they walked through, they saw Luke holding Nichole and Lee in his arms.

"Hey, it's Luke."

"It is."

Luke notice the two and smiled back.

"Hey! Get me some knights over here!"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"Brute brought you two here, I presume."

"Yeah, you looked shocked when I said these two wasn't back. What happened?"

"They got… we'll abducted…"

"Wow, really?"

"What's with that response?"

"When Toru was also little, he was also kidnapped."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I beat the living shit out that guy..."

"What do you think Arthur's going feel when he finds out his daughter got kidnapped?"

"Angry, probably."

"That's expected at least. While you're here, take these two."

"Yeah, sure."

Luke then hand over Nichole to Qeniver and hand Lee over one of the knights.

"I'll take them back in the castle."

"Please do."

"Hey! All of you, guard this area! I'll leave Cecilia in charge!"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"Now then, I still need to do something."

"What's that?"

"Leave the knights here, we're going to take a… criminal, you should say."


"Come, you too Brute."

Them went down on the building. As they went down, Cecilia saw a stone statue and a large chuck of damage on the other side lidding to the sewers.

"What the hell happened here?"

"Don't let this distract you from our goal."


Luke then touched the shoulder of the petrified statue and turned him back to normal.

The person then drops on the ground and unconscious all over.

"What the?!"

"Brute pick him up, let's head back and have a little talk with him."

"Just talk?"

"Well… if he doesn't talk, then I may result on a little torturing."

"That's a little harsh…"

"Just trust me."

"By the way, what's with the massive hole there?"

"Ah…that… a little explosion happened and… did damage. Never mind, let's focus."

"Where are we going?"

"We're going back of course, Arthur has a interrogation room, right?

An hour pass, Arthur, Merlin, Luke and Cecilia and are in their interrogation room.

The room is silent and only has one window but very high up with bars on.

"This person kidnapped my daughter?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry… I should've guarded them. None of this would happen if I was in there."

"I can't say I forgive you but… catching a criminal this big is huge deal."

"Let's move get a move on. Toru bring him in."

Toru then brought the captured assassin in the room with tight rope on his hands and feet.

"You better talk you little shit!"


He was put on a chair and in front was a table with a candle on the side.

"Hello Franky, good to see you again."

"Well if it isn't Arthur, still a shitty king I see?"

"Spare me your compliments, talk."

"Like hell I would!"

"If you wish the bright of dawn again, I suggest answering without lies."


"We've met before but in a…very…unpleasant way. Well… my name is Luke."

"The hell did you do!?"

"We're the one asking the questions, frank."

"Do you think I would talk? Shit heads like you are garbage."

"*Sign*… Merlin."

"With pleasure."

"Lightning shock"

Merlin casted a small currency of electricity of Franky and only hurts him for a bit.


"Feeling talkative now?"

"Ha…ha… just…kill me. You'll get nothing out of me!"

"Playing hard to get now? Again."

With a shock of another electricity, Merlin created another bolt only this time, a more power burn his skin.


Arthur then punches Franky on his face cramp his hair tight.

"Where is Vandal! And why did you kidnap my daughter!"

"Find…it…up your…ass."

"Why you-"

Just as Arthur lift his hand to punch Franky, an unknown force then stopped his hand.

"What the?"

"Perhaps, harsh physical treatment will not work on such a fellow."

"Like hell! This bastard kidnapped my daughter!"

"Calm yourself, you're more hard-headed than him."


"I'm calm…calm… then, what should we do to make him talk."

"Let me take over."

"What are you going to do?"

"Pain always make a person very talkative."

"Are you ganna beat his ass?"

"Close but not quite. Both mental and spiritual torture works and are the best Duo and it haven't failed yet. At least to what I've heard…"

"How are you going that?"

With the wave of Luke's hand, the burnt skin and flesh healed up on Franky's body.

"Healing is a torturing tool?"

"Watch and try not to be consume by fear and despair."

"What are you…?"

Luke eyes gets darken and includes the eyes of Franky.


With another powerful spell, Luke casted a illusion spell directly on Franky.

"What's happening?"


Franky then starts to scream in agony and starts to struggle furiously on the ropes.

"What's Luke doing?"

"Hey! Stop it already!"

Franky keeps on screaming until he reached a scratching voice.

"I'll talk! I'LL FUCKING TALK!!!"

"Stop it Luke!"

"Luke, stop!"

"He had enough!"

Luke eyes then starts to turn back to normal and Franky eyes return to normal as well.

"What did you do?"

"I just used his darkest and deepest fear against him."

"What's that?"

"It's …better if you don't know."


"Ready to talk this time?"



"The last time I saw Vandal was in the casino… talking with and Clark."


"That's it?"

"Let's talk about this Clark you speak of later, right now focus on Vandal."

"In the ground floor of the casino, we talked about where we would meet. Well… where would Vandal and Clark meet."

"Where would be it?"

"Cut off, after this bastard showed up."

"Understandable, next."

"Wait, how sure are we that he's speaking the truth?"

"I'm telling the damn truth!"

"As far that I can see, he hasn't put a sign of lying yet."

"If Luke says so, let's continue."

"When that asshole showed up, he did something to me and that's all I remember."


"What he says is the truth."

"Did you saw Vandal in the site?"

"This is the first time I've heard this name Vandal, I'm not quite sure… what does he appear?"

"Bald guy, a big fat bastard, dark skinned, wears fancy golden tuxedo, a golden tooth on his fang tooth and diamond on the other."


"Do you remember now?"

"Hmm…yes but…"

"But what?"

"Did you do something to him?"


"What did you do to him Luke?"

"Let's just say we won't be seeing him again."

"Well… that bastard had it coming."

"He deserves it anyways."

"Wait, Luke can bring back dead people to life, right? Why not bring him back?"

"It would be a pain in the ass to talk with him but… he would clear everything if his still alive."

"Your suggestion is valid but resurrection of the dead will not work this time."

"What are you talking about?"

"Bringing the dead back to life is not that simple, it all depends on what's the condition of the body and time."

"For example, if a person dies due to decapitation, he will be dead if his not healed for 10 seconds on decapitation, this includes resurrection. But let's say dying due to blunt and trauma on the head is enough for me to bring him back. And lastly, the time of someone's death is very crucial. No matter the cause of the death, if the soul has moved on, resurrection will be impossible. Once the soul has pasted the gates, it will never return."

"That's explains why there are few soldiers who didn't came back to life."

"What did you do to Vandal anyways?"

"It's…too gruesome…"

"Clark also has a helper; her name is Trish."

"Trish, The Dark Pink snake. Why is she helping Clark?"

"I don't know…"


"Clark is the master mind of the earth dragons' attacks."

"Master mind?!"


"So, it is true…"

"You know about this Luke?"

"Before Vandal died, he said the same name and that his the one responsible of the Dragons attack."

"You know?"

"I just wanted to confirm if Vandal's words are in line with the truth."

"So that's why the dragons didn't attack the kingdom directly."

"Is that all?"

"That's all that I know."

"Clark ha? I guess we have another bastard to deal with."

"Yes, but when it comes to Clark himself, I would like it if he would face my judgement."

"What? look what he has done to my daughter."

"I understand, but, in order for me to fulfill my contact with the dragons, It must be me who will deal with Clark.

"As long as he pays for that he did, then that's enough.

"And also, since his the master mind of the earth dragon's incident, then he also has the other two eggs."

"What plan did you prepare?"

"No need to concern yourself, I'll deal with him myself."