
Day 2 - An EN1/2 Practice That Was Boring 1/24/23

We started off by doing our dryland inside the pool because it was raining outside. It was kinda boring. We did a lot of spiderman stretch basically a lunge but you go down to the ground with your hands with your back leg straight and reach to the sky and we did some frog jumps, nothing too interesting today. Eventually we got to warm up.

Warm up was nothing too interesting either. We had Coach Steve, the national coach, and we did a 600 loosen, then 4x125s 15 RI Swim, Kick, Swim, Drill, Swim or something. After Coach Andrew came back and we did 5x200s Backstroke EN2 on 2:40 nothing too hard. After we did a breastroke set 3x(100, 75, 50, 25) focusing on technique and stroke count. It was really easy, then after we did 8x25s fast finishes which was also boring and tiring. It was a overall boring day, but after we took bereals and that was fun. Everyone was giving their phones to Anna to take them. The pictures that were taken were so funny. That was the highlight of my day. School was boring and I fell asleep during class. It helped me stay awake through biology so that's the good part, but then once school was over, I was so tired that I almost fell asleep on the bus. Another boring day for the books. That's day 2 done.