
Ladar Transmigrates to Anthul

In death, Ladar finally escaped his abusive mother. He transmigrates to another world called Anthul and born into the body of Desser Mogar, the only child of King Nominus Mogar. He must now navigate this new medieval world of not only swords and bows but also magic. As the only prince, he’s also duty bound to restoring his weakening nation, while dealing with the scars of his past. Expect there to be monsters, magic, world + kingdom building, power building, cultivation, emotional growth, tragedy, some romance, and more! Special Thanks to the cover art artist, jadzoubair (on Fiverr).

toby_cruz92 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Prince's Heart

Desser woke up in a sweat after fighting for his life for almost 24 hours. He felt better after his Ring stabilized. He then called out to his healer and maid that came rushing in.

"You're still alive, my prince?! Thank Brutreq!!!" Cornelius exclaimed with excitement.

Desser rolled his eyes, "Stop being dramatic. Prepare my meds, so I can get back to training tomorrow. And Sonia, please prepare my bath."

Desser needed medication to help recover his frail body. If he wanted to recover quickly, he could not miss a single dose and needed to eat more meats. Until now, he was fed through a tube because he was unconscious. This contributed to his massive weight loss.

He remembered what Isla had told him. Desser had to train his body, which was the most he could do at this time. There was no gym equipment to train his upper body…and his legs were useless.

Desser now had one goal in mind. He needed to get to the second Ring. Since 2 Rings are equal to 6 Circles, he could begin to use powerful healing Magic on himself without issues. After all, the problem Magi Cornelius had was the restriction for Magic used on a living being.

Another problem presented itself, what was the best way to cultivate? Arch-Magi's cultivation was so unique that Desser thought it needed a special method of balancing the push and pull of Magic.

Yesterday's ordeal weighed heavily on his mind. He decided to call the Magic he absorbed "Magicules" or "Magic molecules," and the Magic that was released from his core Magic energy or just energy. It seems that the Magicules he absorbed into his Core would convert to something that could be readily used for other processes.

Desser knew he needed to speak with Isla Cielo to get her opinion. After his bath, he got Sonia to prepare for another outing. Sonia was apprehensive; yesterday's trauma had made her wary of any training the prince might do. Sonia, who was usually timid, spoke up:

"My prince, must you really train so soon? You've only just recovered. I fear the training you are undergoing is much too dangerous. Is there not a safer method?"

Desser laughed and replied, "this method was developed by your beloved Great Prophet. Are you suggesting that his method is bad?"

Desser asked that to tease Sonia. The people in this kingdom viewed everything replated to the Arch-Magi as sacred and perfect.

Subconsciously, Desser was also testing Sonia. He always had trust issues. His parents, people you should trust completely, were either absent his whole life or ignored his wellbeing. Also, how could Desser trust these Mogarians when the people around him saw Desser not as a person but as an extension of their hero.

Desser felt like he did not exist to these people. Instead, he existed in their deluded expectation of who he should be and what his lineage represented. He had never felt this way because his mother never expected anything from him. Now, he was being told to reach a national hero's power…

However, Sonia's response shocked him. She replied, "I don't care whose method you are using. I only care about your life and happiness, my prince."

Desser looked at Sonia dumbfoundedly. Here was someone who cared deeply about him which made him re-evaluate how he saw the people around him. Desser knew he was putting up walls around himself to avoid getting hurt, but Sonia chiselled away at them.

Desser felt a pang in his heart and was afraid of that feeling. Why was Sonia being so loyal and caring? He couldn't understand her or her ulterior motives. He couldn't remember ever earning her trust and compassion…

Desser snapped at Sonia, "just get everything ready! I want to leave within the hour!" Sonia rushed out the door after seeing Desser look so displeased. She thought it was because Sonia had disregarded or insulted Desser's ancestor.

There are some wounds in Desser's heart that, if time could heal them, the scars would still be harsh reminders.

An hour had passed, and Desser was brought back to the same cultivation site. Except, this time, they were greeted by an immense Aguila. The carriage and knights stopped a distance from the Aguila to prepare for another battle.

The abrupt stop shook the carriage, so Desser asked, "what's going on outside?"

The senior knight Alfonse responded, "the terrifying beast from last time has returned. We will turn back and look for a new spot. It seems this is its territory now because it keeps returning to the same location."

Desser scoffed at Alfonse, "keep going. We will meet the Aguila."

Desser waved Alfonse away without acknowledging him. He could still remember what Alfonse said in the hallway. Although he had a lot of questions like how Alfonse is related to him, he wasn't going to ask this self-entitled prick. Desser was going to wait to meet his "father" since he remembered Magi Cornelius mentioned that the king would be visiting.

Desser sighed when he saw Alfonse look at him with disdain and anger. Alfonse then said, "as you wish."

Alfonse rode to the front and commanded the rest to march on. A knight that was Alfonse's close friend asked, "why are we doing something so suicidal?!"

Alfonse angrily responded, "because our dear prince's brain is as useful as his legs. Now shut up and march!"