
Ladar Transmigrates to Anthul

In death, Ladar finally escaped his abusive mother. He transmigrates to another world called Anthul and born into the body of Desser Mogar, the only child of King Nominus Mogar. He must now navigate this new medieval world of not only swords and bows but also magic. As the only prince, he’s also duty bound to restoring his weakening nation, while dealing with the scars of his past. Expect there to be monsters, magic, world + kingdom building, power building, cultivation, emotional growth, tragedy, some romance, and more! Special Thanks to the cover art artist, jadzoubair (on Fiverr).

toby_cruz92 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Cultivation Technique

Staring down the tiny insignificant humans, the Rule of the Sky cawed in laughter at the knights. Some knights trembled with their spear pointed at the Aguila beast. What surprised the knights was how docile the fearsome creature was. It did not attack or move.

Desser noticed that the carriage stopped again while meant he was finally at his destination. He yelled out the wagon, "Sonia, aid me in getting down."

Magi Cornelius used Magic to place Desser's tent in its usual spot. Last time, the knights and maid did this, but they were currently too afraid or battle-ready to help. Some knights stayed back, including Vince Follin, to protect his flank and rear.

Sonia looked at Vince and said, "please aid my master in getting to the tent."

Vince carried the prince closer and closer to the beast standing before the tent. Desser saw the young knight sweating but still moving forward without hesitating. He smiled and said, "you are a brave knight, Vince."

Vince stopped sweating and raised his head with pride, "thank you, my prince! You praise me more than I am worth."

"Nonsense! You are a valued night of mine. I appreciate your bravery and trust. I wouldn't purposely put you in harm's way."

Vince responded without missing a beat, "respectfully, my prince, I would still face any danger for you!"

They now stood before the Aguila. Desser spoke so casually that it shocked all who heard him, "hey, Isla! I see you've been waiting for me."

"Still as impudent as ever, strange one."

"Says the overgrown chicken that doesn't even call me by my name." Desser rolled his eyes.

Everyone's jaw dropped at Desser's words… They all thought in unison: did the prince go mad? Did he have a death wish?!

Isla yelled, "I am a noble chi—AGUILA!"

Desser smirked, 'seems I won this round.'

Isla was too frustrated to speak. Desser apologized because even if the beast's high and mighty attitude was annoying, he still needed Isla's help.

"Sorry, sorry. Have you come to help me cultivate?" Desser asked.

Isla huffed, "I guess…I was more curious about if my little gift killed you. Looks like you got something in that empty head."

Desser regretted apologizing. "It'll take a lot more than that to kill me off." He replied.

"I expected nothing less. I wouldn't have agreed to teach you if you couldn't survive after I've given you such a simple task."

"SIMPLE? You gave me no instructions! I had to figure it out on my own!"

"Yes, but it taught you more than what your books could. Have you not understood one of Anthul's truths?"

"I'm not sure. Is it that Magic cultivation needs balance?"

"Precisely. You must absorb Magic at the same rate you release it. Otherwise, you will lose so much Magic that it could reduce your life force. Or you will gain so much Magic that it could overwhelm your Core and cause an explosion."

"…and you couldn't at least warn me about those possibilities…." Desser muttered to himself.

Desser cleared his throat and asked, "what's the best way to cultivate quickly?"

Isla tilted its head and responded in a confused tone, "how else? Obviously by outputting as much as you input."

"What do you mean?"

"You need to release as much Magic as you absorb. Your Core needs to intake a large quantity of Magic to turn black to silver. Only when your Core is silver can you use that Magic energy to create a Circle."

"Why can't I create a Circle when it's still black-coloured?"

Isla rolled its eyes at such a stupid question, "your Core needs to concentrate the Magic into Energy to create a Circle. Imagine your Core as a funnel. Right now, the funnel is small, barely able to let Magic pass through it. You must increase the size of the funnel to concentrate more Energy into creating a Circle."

Isla noticed Desser's uncertainty and continued explaining:

"Let me say it in another way: your Core is just a tunnel to creating Energy. The Circles around your Core are filled with Magic that you can readily use. That's why more Circles equals more power. These Circles also become the balance to your Core. When your Core is empty, your Circles are filled. When your Circles are empty, your Core fills them up."

"And how do I expand my Core into getting energy faster?" Desser inquired.

"The fastest way would be combat. You force your Core into using expanding or transforming from black to silver by repeatedly consuming Magic and releasing Energy."

Desser rubbed his temples. He felt even more frustrated because he knew he couldn't do regular combat while he's a paraplegic, but he also couldn't cure his legs without getting to the second Ring as soon as possible.

He then asked Isla, "what should I do about these then?" Desser pointed at his legs.

Isla cackled at Desser, "why are you worried about what you can't use? You have arms, don't you? Use them!"

Desser didn't know what to say… 'is Isla being serious?' Desser thought.

Isla sighed and said to him, "I've had offspring that have lost their wings in battle. They have adapted by reinforcing their claws and by extending their beaks. When you face death, you either lie down or fight with what you got.

"If an assassin came at you with a blade, would you lie down and let them kill you because 'oop, I don't have a blade'? NO! You wouldn't think about what you don't have! You'd fight with your hands trying to take the blade. Even if you died in the struggle, you'd die swinging.

"So, strange one, let me ask you this: will you lie down or go out swinging?"