
Ladar Transmigrates to Anthul

In death, Ladar finally escaped his abusive mother. He transmigrates to another world called Anthul and born into the body of Desser Mogar, the only child of King Nominus Mogar. He must now navigate this new medieval world of not only swords and bows but also magic. As the only prince, he’s also duty bound to restoring his weakening nation, while dealing with the scars of his past. Expect there to be monsters, magic, world + kingdom building, power building, cultivation, emotional growth, tragedy, some romance, and more! Special Thanks to the cover art artist, jadzoubair (on Fiverr).

toby_cruz92 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Great Prophet’s Trials

Again, there was a knock at the bedroom door. Desser sighed in frustration, "the interruptions never end!"

Sonia spoke through the door, "your highness, I have brought you a warm washcloth and some medicine. Also, for some reason, Magi Cornelius is outside sulking and muttering to himself…should I call the guard? He might have finally gone mad."

"I haven't gone mad, little child! I have always been CRAZY!!!" Cornelius replied with a smug look of pride that Desser couldn't see but could tell through the door.

"You may enter, Sonia. Let that idiot in too."

Cornelius dragged his feet as he said, "your highness, you are merciless to this old man."

"Speak, Cornelius. Why were you waiting outside my door?"

"I wasn't done talking to you before you kicked me out!"

"Okay, then what else did you have to say? I want to continue reading this book."

"Your highness, that's a holy text, not just 'this book.' Anyway, I'd like to teach you how to cultivate your Circle since you must have forgotten that. I believe you'll be able to heal faster if you cultivate on your own rather than me forcing your body to heal. Also, since you have passed the Arch-Magi's trial, I'm sure you are even more powerful than most 1-Circle magic wielders."

Desser thought about what Cornelius meant, 'Since no one knows about the Rings except the imperial family, the citizens of Mogar must think these trials make our Circles stronger.'

Desser learnt that the circles were changed into a different kind of living power. So he deduced that his original owner drank the griffin blood and tried Arch-Magi's Ring cultivation.

His curiosity was peaked, and he asked Cornelius, "how do I see my Ri—I mean my Circles? And tell me more about how I can continue my cultivation."

Magi Cornelius enthusiastically replied, "of course, your highness." At this point, Desser and Cornelius were alone after Sonia left the warm washcloth and medicine.

"First, it is with a heavy heart I must say that most descendants of the Arch-Magi do not survive our great prophet's trials. The mortality rate is 50-percent. In comparison, the mortality rate of the most used cultivation in Mogar is closer to 1-percent.

"That is not including the almost 90-percent risk of a severe injury that claimed your limbs and almost your life, my prince. I'm not sure what fails, but it must be Brutreq's judgement that causes many to die and be seen as unworthy.

"Only those who have passed our prophet's trial become prosperous monarchs and are legitimized by Brutreq. These blessed monarchs lead our generation to greater glory and are called Brutreq's prophet. Their word is unquestioned and absolute because they are the words of Brutreq himself!

"However, the death of many royal sons and daughters have caused many monarchs to shy away from the Arch-Magi's sacred text. Some have even outright prohibited their successor from participating in our great prophet's trials!"

A look of disgust appeared on Cornelius's face. It was a look that Desser had never seen before. For a second, it reminded him of his mother, who'd look at him with the same hatred and disdain. Desser frowned at seeing Cornelius acting in such a way.

Cornelius noticed Desser's saddened expression and said with a caring smile, "you are not like them, your highness. You have passed Arch-Magi's trial and become the chosen successor by Brutreq himself. No one can doubt your legitimacy or future power! You will be a force that this kingdom needs in these dire times!"

Desser looked at Cornelius with a puzzled expression, "what's wrong with the kingdom?"

"So, about your cultivation!" Cornelius attempted to change the subject.

Desser responded with, "is that insolence I hear? Are my words not Brutreq's words?"

Cornelius began to stutter, "I am sorry, future prophet and rightful heir! I do not know the specifics and was instructed by your father to keep quiet until he returns. If you really desire to know, I will do as you've ordered. Your father has not been blessed by Brutreq; therefore, your words are equal to his authority in Mogar."

Desser was shocked to hear that. However, he did not want to cause any trouble. He preferred to wait for the current king to explain. Yet, he did feel uneasy to hear he'd be inheriting a kingdom that is not stable or safe.

He looked at Cornelius as the old Magi began to sweat under his gaze: "Nevermind. Tell me more about cultivation."

Cornelius exhaled and wiped his brow, "yes, your highness."

Cornelius began to explain:

"There are various ways to cultivate your Core and Circles. In the Kingdom of Mogar, we condense the Magic and filter it through our cores.

"The higher the Magic concentration, the faster the cultivation. Usually, Temples are erected at such hotspots. However, the royal family holds some of these Magic-dense locations as private property. Of course, the Arch-Magi's Playground is such a location.

"Arch-Magi's Playground is in the valley of the Northern Mogar Mountain range."

Desser recalled the Arch-Magi's book and his experimentation at that exact location. He asked Cornelius, "is that the griffin's breeding ground?"

Cornelius was shocked, "so you haven't lost all your memories! That is correct! The griffins are sacred beasts of the Mogar Kingdom. Killing a griffin for any other reason except self-defence comes with the death penalty and 10-year imprisonment of the offender's children."

Desser thought that was a ridiculously severe punishment.

Cornelius continued, "all our clothing and our flag have the golden emblem of a griffin. Killing one is the same as offending Brutreq and the royal family."

"Anyway, how one cultivates is dependent on how well you can connect with Anthul. Souls that can join Anthul's breath and rhythm can also cultivate at extraordinary rates. That is how we believe Arch-Magi became so powerful. He could become one with Anthul, and this world is the blessed child of Brutreq.

"So, in turn, he became blessed beyond any Magi in history. That's why only he holds the title of Arch-Magi—reserved for people who have reached the 9th Circle."