
Ladar Transmigrates to Anthul

In death, Ladar finally escaped his abusive mother. He transmigrates to another world called Anthul and born into the body of Desser Mogar, the only child of King Nominus Mogar. He must now navigate this new medieval world of not only swords and bows but also magic. As the only prince, he’s also duty bound to restoring his weakening nation, while dealing with the scars of his past. Expect there to be monsters, magic, world + kingdom building, power building, cultivation, emotional growth, tragedy, some romance, and more! Special Thanks to the cover art artist, jadzoubair (on Fiverr).

toby_cruz92 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Great Prophet’s Flaws

After Cornelius had left, Desser thought about everything the old Magi had told him. To break it down:

Desser had to meditate in a location with high Magic concentration. He needed to 'connect with Anthul,' and then he could look at this Core and Circles for cultivation. He began to worry because his soul wasn't of this world. He said to himself, 'How can I connect with Anthul when I've never been a part of it?'

He cast his doubts aside and continued to read Arch-Magi's book, hoping to get insight into his problem. After all, he was really good at strategy. Years of dealing with a temperamental mother made him walk on eggshells and think before he took another step. He was confident that if he could understand more about cultivation, he could heal his legs at the very least.

[ Chapter 5: The Flaws of Ladar Mogar ]

[ My name is King Zeloz Mogar, the third king of Mogar and grandson of Ladar Mogar. If you are reading this, then you're an idiot! Ladar Mogar was a mad man! His technique has killed many of my children. And now you, you reading this, are about to risk it all because of these religious fanatics! ]

[ These religious leaders of Brutreq have made Ladar a great prophet and gained significant power throughout the kingdom. I fear that they will have more or equal authority to that of the crown in the coming generations. I have refused to allow any more of my children to embark on Ladar's trials. I even refuse to call him a great prophet or whatever the fuck the religious heads want. ]

[ Let me warn you, there are many flaws to this 'immortalized being' called Ladar Mogar. I'm sure you have heard by now, as I bury my children, that Ladar's trials have a 50-percent mortality rate. The few children that have survived have permanent injuries like blindness. ]

[ Because Ladar had regenerative healing from his 6th Circle, he could instantly heal himself as the backlash of the Rings power rampaged through his body. My children, though...my children were not as lucky. ]

[ They had to activate the first Ring without the regenerative abilities. Although a 1-Ring user is equal to a 3-Circle user, the body suffers 3 times more instability and is untrained for the backlash. ]

[ I recommend, at the very least, training your body is the most gruelling way to strengthen yourself. Your mind cannot be weak when facing Anthul's wrath for obtaining a power beyond human comprehension. And most of all, obtain 6-Circles before converting any of the Circles into Rings. That is how you might have a chance in Hell to survive. May Brutreq's mercy guide you on that path. ]

[ Finally, there is one last flaw to Ladar's trial: the cultivation time. The power of a Ring takes much longer to cultivate compared to a circle. So far, I have only been able to create one Ring. The time it takes to reach the second Ring could take longer than if you cultivated Circles only. The risks outweigh the rewards. ]

[ Yet these religious fanatics refuse to listen or believe me. Often, it sounds like Ladar Mogar is more of a god to them than Brutreq. ]

[ I implore my future generations reading this: only if you are in dire need or have a solid connection to Anthul, do not try Ladar's trials. Only pain and loneliness follow Ladar's teachings. ]

Desser could see more written in King Zeloz's handwriting, but it was scratched out and had a footnote from another person. The footnote read:

[ In fear of the church's power, I have removed many comments King Zeloz has made. I hope that my fears are unfounded and that the Arch-Magi's cult never finds a way to open this book. The blasphemy could mean the end of our monarchy and the beginning of a theocracy. – Queen Natalea Mogar ]

Desser pondered on everything he had read. It seemed that the Arch-Magi was a supreme and perfect being until now. Desser was even excited to try the Arch-Magi's cultivation technique. However, he spoke in a hushed tone, 'did the host's original body die and become paralyzed because of the Ring's effect?'

Desser had no way of confirming his suspicion until he tried cultivating. It was time for him to practice and steel himself for what was to come. He was going to attempt cultivating in a low Magic concentration area in case his weakened body couldn't withstand the Magic injection to his Core.

He first needed the help of both Magi Cornelius to find him such a location and Sonia, who seemed very loyal to him. After reading Chapter 5 of the Arch-Magi book, he looked at Mogar's religion with suspicion.