
Ladar Transmigrates to Anthul

In death, Ladar finally escaped his abusive mother. He transmigrates to another world called Anthul and born into the body of Desser Mogar, the only child of King Nominus Mogar. He must now navigate this new medieval world of not only swords and bows but also magic. As the only prince, he’s also duty bound to restoring his weakening nation, while dealing with the scars of his past. Expect there to be monsters, magic, world + kingdom building, power building, cultivation, emotional growth, tragedy, some romance, and more! Special Thanks to the cover art artist, jadzoubair (on Fiverr).

toby_cruz92 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Fight to Live Another Day (1)

Desser knew that Isla was right. If he wanted to survive in this strange but exciting world, he had to overcome everything that stood in his way. Unlike on earth, he had a chance of curing his paralyzed legs. That alone was a huge gift that he had no right to complain about.

If battling was the best way to increase his power, then he needed to think up solutions for his legs. Desser thought to himself:

'I could either make a wheelchair or somehow construct bionics that are powered by Magic instead of electricity. A wheelchair would mean I sacrifice height and agility because I can only move as fast as my wheels let me. Creating bionics is even worse…not because it's inferior but because I'm not an engineer or a blacksmith.

'On one hand, it would be simple to explain to a blacksmith that I need a chair with wheels. On the other hand, it's very complex to explain that I need a metal exoskeleton that's light and flexible for my legs. Bionic legs powered by Magic might be too advanced for me and this world right now. Instead, I will talk to Cornelius about getting a blacksmith to make a wheelchair, then get Mogar's best blacksmith to create a prototype bionic exoskeleton.'

Magi Cornelius stood near Desser to make sure he was safe while facing such a terrifying beast. Even if Cornelius couldn't kill Isla, he felt confident enough that he could slow the Aguila down by sacrificing his lifeforce.

Desser turned to Cornelius and told him, "I need a blacksmith to come here at once."

"Right away, your highness!"

Desser then looked at Isla and asked, "I agree with what you said. I must steel myself and prepare to fight. What kind of training do you suggest I do first?"

Isla nodded in approval, "wise decision. You should practice magic control. You and your body need to get accustomed to Magic fluctuations. Also, being precise when using your Energy will save you in the future."

Isla didn't explain further about what she meant. However, Desser would soon learn why.

Desser knew exactly what he needed for practicing Magic control and precision, but he gulped at the thought of what he was about to say. After all, Isla might take it the wrong way. Yet, getting his cultivation teacher's approval was necessary.

"Do we have any easy prey like ducks?" Desser asked.

Isla looked surprised and responded, "why?"

"Because it's DUCK SEASON!" Desser smirked devilishly.

Isla pointed at a nearby pond where different easy prey frequent. "Over there might be a good place to start."

Isla's calm attitude made Desser ask, "do you not care that I might kill other 'sky birds.' You are the Ruler of the Sky after all."

"And why should I interfere with the cycle of life and death? Will you be killing all the animals? Will they cease to exist? Life is precious, but it is as important as death."

"Death is important?" Desser thought this out loud. He couldn't understand how death was important. On Earth, humans spent their whole lives avoiding it. Even the prospect of immortality was appealing to many.

"Of course, it's important! Death feeds the living in every plate of food you eat. Death feeds the land in the process of decomposition. Death feeds Magic in every battle. However, remember that even if death is inevitable, there is value in life. Life is precious in every relationship, love, friendship, and experiences we have. Death holds no meaning but to teach the living to keep fighting. That is the balance of Anthul."

Desser thought about Isla's words. Her reality seemed cruel but logical. She did not put any more importance in life than she did in death. Maybe because Isla has lived for so many years, it made her uncaring about everything. She has seen family and friends have children, making life, and then dying in an endless cycle.

For just a brief moment, Desser saw a flicker of sadness in Isla's eyes. He decided to not pry any further. Instead, he spoke to Sonia: "take me to the pond Isla pointed at."

Sonia reluctantly told the knights to follow along and protect the prince. She didn't like the idea that Desser would be put in harm's way but knew that it was necessary for him.

Desser stopped the knights. "I will only have myself, Sonia, and Vince Follin come with me. The rest of you will stay behind." Desser ordered.

There were a variety of reactions from the knights. Some looked upset while others were shocked. Yet, he could not help but notice Alfonse Follin's scowl and his fist trembling. It did not matter how the other knights felt or thought. He only wanted people loyal to him around when he was training.

Isla began to fly in the opposite direction when Desser yelled, "aren't you going to supervise my training?"

"Am I your babysitter?" Isla rebutted while flying off. Desser started to curse at her until he felt better.

Arriving at the pond, Desser stayed near the edge of the forest and water. He hoped he was hidden enough to wait for easy victims…or prey to arrive. Time passed and nothing arrived.

Desser started practicing on pebbles near the shoreline. He would concentrate small amounts of Magic to his fingertips. Then, he'd visualize shooting the Energy out at small objects around him.

At first, it was fun to see how far he could shoot and practice with using different Magic output. The Magic he would blast would shoot too far or too close. It would be too strong and vaporize the pebble or too weak and not even move it.

However, over time, Desser became increasingly impatient. He began yelling:

"Did that fockin' chicken lie to me?! Where the hell are the animals?!"

He noticed Sonia and Venice next to him and they gazed with pity at Desser's outburst. An idea came to him: 'maybe I need to hide my presence better. If I use mud to hide my scent and leaves to hide my presence, that could get more animals comfortable enough to visit. Also, I should tell Sonia and Vince to wait further back.' Desser thought.

"Both of you wait 20 meters (65 feet) away from me. Also, help cover me in mud and leaves." Desser ordered

Sonia looked at Desser like he was a patient at a psych ward. Venice understood the assignment because that was training, he learnt in the academy for hunting. They both inevitably did what they were told.

In about half an hour, a rabbit came closer to the pond. It looked much like the one he saw his first night in Anthul. Desser's heart began to race in anticipation. He had never killed anything. 'Am I going to kill such an innocent creature?' Desser's conscious began to weigh on him… 'maybe I could kill something that deserved it instead?' Is what Desser thought…

Suddenly, a rustle was heard near Desser.

"Glory to our new king!"

Desser's body began to roll the pond. He could barely make out the figure that had kicked him.

SPLASH! Desser's mind began to race as his lungs filled with water.

Got some cover art (special thanks to the artist, jadzoubair)! Hope everyone likes it and is enjoying the book so far.

Also, thank you to everyone who added this book to their collection and LaziestSloth38 for the power stone <3

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