

“Falling. That’s all I could remember before waking up as a remanent of a boy who once lived. How did this happen?” ‘We’ll protect them’ “This is all my fault” ‘I’m sorry’ “Promise you’ll become what I could not” ‘I promise’

Knightsky · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: The Story Begins

Walking to the classroom was the most nerve racking thing the young boy had ever done, causing him to stop and stare at the door, his anxiety spiked when the older gave him a quick look indicating that he needed to stay calm.

As they walked into the classroom it seemed as if everyone's eyes were trained on him, although in reality no one was looking at him and they were just minding their own business.

The green haired boy stuck close to the blonde walking to what he assumed was the elders desk.

All was going well so far. (You just had to jinx it)

'Hey, bakugou! Who's your new friend?' Came the energetic voice of Kirishima Eijirou, who was known for his friendliness and loudness.

'What do you mean, shittyhair?'

'Don't play dumb bakubro, I'm talking about the guy standing behind you.'

'Huh, wait, what?'

'My name is Kirishima Eijirou, what's yours?'

"Wait, do you mean me?"

'Who else would I be talking to? And why do you look like I just tried to kill you?'

"I… you mean… you can see me?"

'Well of course I can, are you supposed to be invisible or something?'

All went quiet as the other students had focused their attention on the new scene playing out in front of them. Just as the silence was becoming uncomfortable, the sound of the door being slammed open caused everyone to jump. There in the doorway stood a half dead looking man in all black.

'Wait, who are you? I wasn't informed I'd be getting a new student.

"I- wait wait wait, can you all see me?!" The green haired boy exclaimed, shock covering every feature of his face.

'What are you talking about? I mean yes I can see you. Why? Is that a problem? And you still haven't answered my question, just who are you? If you aren't a new student then that means you're trespassing, I'm gonna need you to come with me if that is the case.'

"Uh, well, you see…"

'He's not trespassing, I brought him in mr. Aizawa.'

'Then are you a new student?'

"Well, not exactly, but I can explain, just give me a moment to collect my thoughts."

"My name is Midoriya Izuku, and well, none of you should be able to see me right now."

'Is that your quirk or something?'

"No, uh well, how to say this.." Midoriya looked over to Bakugou, silently asking if it was ok to tell, one look from the blonde and he knew what he had to do.

"I know it may be hard to believe but, I'm a ghost. I died over a year ago."

Suddenly the classroom burst with noise as everyone started talking about the new information and whether or not it was true.

'Everyone Quiet!' Came the voice of Aizawa.

And once again everything became silent.

'What he's saying is true, currently he's staying with me in my dorm, the only reason you didn't know is because until now no one but me could see him.'

'So if I were to believe all this, which I'm still trying to wrap my head around, why are you with bakugou?'

"I've been with Kacchan ever since my death, I woke up and he was beside me. We later found out that if we get too far away from each other that we'll be pulled back together, as of right now we're not sure why that is."

'Ok, and you expect me to believe you like that?'

"Well no… but I guess I could show you proof."


"Everyone, would you please go to the far end of the classroom?"

Everyone reluctantly complied, except Bakugou who had yet to leave his side.

"Alright Kacchan, I'm ready."

'Ok, fine, but don't complain about the mess afterwards.'

And with that, the blonde put both of his hands on the younger's chest causing an explosion to erupt with many of the students screaming in surprise and worry.

The green haired

boy then proceeded to turn a greenish-grey color as the explosion was absorbed into his body leaving only burnt marks behind.

"Ok, and, mr. Aizawa was it, please follow me."

Aizawa was shocked but moved with the younger anyway, intrigued about what he would do next.

The two exited the classroom to find the halls almost empty except for a few students making their way to the different classrooms.

"Wait here please."

The green haired boy then proceeded to walk up to one of the students and was passed right through.

He then walked back into the classroom Aizawa stumbling after.

"And finally, Kacchan, did you look it up?"

'Yeah, here.' The elder replied, handing over his phone to the teacher who just read it in silence.

'I'm going to need more information, for now stay in this class until it's over, we can talk afterwards.'

"Ok. Thank you for letting me explain."


'So, you're saying that this is you? The dark haired man asked, holding up his own phone which held the same info he was reading before.

"Yes, that is me, and the witness in that article is Kacchan. I would say sorry for not telling you before, but I didn't expect that you and the other students could see me when everyone else so far can't."

'Yeah that would make it difficult to explain. And why is Bakugou the only one who can touch you without passing through?'

"We're not sure, but it's probably the same reason why I'm pulled to him whenever we get too far apart."

'And exactly how far can you get from him?'

"I'm not sure, at first I couldn't leave his side at all, but over time I was able to move further and further away. Also in the beginning, Kacchan couldn't touch me, but over time he started to be able to. My theory so far is that, the more time I spend with him the more of my *rules* change."

'Ok. And why did you come to the classroom now?'

(Note: it's the middle of the school year.)

'It's because I was worried he'd make trouble and then I'd have to clean it up.'

'Ah so that's why you suddenly flew out of class at the beginning of the year, we all were led to believe it was Uraraka's quirk malfunctioning.'

"Yeah sorry about that, I wanted to know just how far I could get without him."

'I guess for now since I'm the only adult who can see you, I'll need to keep my eye on you in case you become a potential threat. For now you'll continue to stay with bakugou, but you will come to class everyday so I can monitor you. You are not permitted to leave the building now that you are under my care. Is that understood?'

"Yes sir, I look forward to your classes in the future."


The two boys returned to Bakugou's dorm room, having been tired from the day's events.

"Hey, Kacchan?" The green haired boy asked, from his place on the bed.

'Yeah?' The blonde replied, having sat at his seat to finish the homework he was assigned.

"Why do you think class 1a can see me?"

'I'm not sure, but I'm going to start researching this. I'm not exactly sure what's going on but we need to be prepared for if this turns dangerous.'

"Ok. And sorry to inconvenience you." The younger said, yawning in the process.

*I'm the one who should be apologizing* Bakugou thought, looking over to the green haired boy who had fallen asleep.

'I'm so sorry, Izuku. I never meant for things to turn out this way.' He whispered.