
Lackrian Academy

Zack's a lazy looser that lives alone doing what he enjoys doing, being a bum , until one day he decided to leave the house to go outside not knowing what lays ahead. is it power, mercury, happiness or fortune let find out.

jesse_gunn · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Skipping the Beta games

After a fierce battle between Zack and the Minipede, Zack came out victorious.

He was now ready to advance to the next stage. Transported back to the lobby to prepare for the next round.

Zack was walking like a zombie,pulling the minipede's head behind him.

Everyone was shocked, seeing him pull a Grade A monster head behind him, and not only that, he was bloody and filled with cuts and bruises, and his garments were a mess.

As Zack continued to head to the front, seeing this, everyone stepped back to make a path for him.

but one guy.

He stood firmly, folding his arm with a cocky look on his face, blocking the path they had made for Zack.

Zack looked at him like he wasn't even there—like he didn't even exist.

The guy's face twitched in rage.

"What's with that look?".

"You think you're hot shit because you defeated a minipede," he said.

"I'm Kiezer, the strongest one here, and you won't pass me until you show me some respect I deserve." "I don't care now, move," Zack replied, followed by a loud sound.


Followed by a 'Boom', Kiezer flew into the wall with an immediate impact.

"What just? How did he?" As Keizer is trying to recollect what just happened, Zack just continues to head to the front, not giving him a second glance.


Standing at the front, Zack saw a man in glasses; he was the transport navigator.

I looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Hey,, what do I do with this thing?".

Looking at the minipede's head, he clears his throat. "Ah hem.".

"What's the year's current level, sir?" he asked.


"It's level 2," Zack replied.


Suddenly, after hearing this, the man had a look of shock and confusion on his face.


"Can you prove this so that I can be sure you are not lying?" he asked, stuttering as he spoke.


"Celia," Zack called out.


"Yes, I'm on it," she replied as a small screen showed up, showing my level and name to the transporter.


"You, who else was involved in the slaying of this beast?".


"Oh, it's only me," Zack replied, scratching his head.


"You deafed this monster, a minipede, by yourself at level 2. It takes at least forty level 2 players to pull this off.".


He calmed down and fixed his glasses, then pulled up a screen, yelling.


"you pass",


Just touch this panel with your blood, and the contract is sealed. Normally,  you would have to complete two more tasks to complete this test, but seeing what you've just accomplished, you can. Just say you passed beyond flying colors; seeing your clothes and wounds, I have no choice but to believe you."

Zack bit his finger and pressed it against the screen, transporting him to the entrance of Lackrian Academy.

Zack looked around, saying


"Damn, that guy talks too much."


To his surprise, he saw a familiar person standing with an antique umbrella over their head.

"So you made it in one piece." The person asked

" So

It's you, Sophia Grimlaw." Zack replied.