
Lackrian Academy

Zack's a lazy looser that lives alone doing what he enjoys doing, being a bum , until one day he decided to leave the house to go outside not knowing what lays ahead. is it power, mercury, happiness or fortune let find out.

jesse_gunn · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: The Trial Games 2

Zack, faced with the minipede, rushed in with a series of attacks, trying to find the minipede's weakness. "Damn it, the tough bastard won't budge," he said."Graahh!" it screamed out in rage. As a result, it rushed straight for Zack, hitting him with its blade-like legs. This attack was like standing directly beside a train with blades on; it never stops because it keeps moving.Zack stood firm and used his gauntlet to block its attack. "This thing is wicked strong."{eye of petrification} his left glowed as it stopped the minipede dead in its tracks."Warning, due to the size of this monster, you can only hold it in place for three seconds before cooldown," Celia said.["That's enough time for you to run a quick analysis to scope out its weakness."].["ahy,"].He then leaped into the air as he rushed down, pulling his hand back with incredible force, and attacked Minipede with a punch to the head, smashing its face into the ground.It retaliated by braking free of the petrification and using its tail to slap him to the ground, skating to the ground as he tried to catch himself. "Luckily, I blocked that attack; that would have shattered my ribs in an instant.".It immediately started to chase him, so he started to run, yelling, "Celia, I could really use that analysis right now.".

"Sorry to keep you waiting." ["Analysis is now complete"]."About freaking time," he said as he turned around, performing the electric slide facing the minipede.

"Its most vulnerable spot is under the red-looking plate on its forehead.". Celia recommended."So your saying if I rip off that red thing from the center of its head and it hits that area, I can kill it."."Yes, based on my calculations, pearshing that spot will kill it for sure.".Zack grinned like a maniac.["You have a messed up idea again, don't"]."You can tell," I replied.

"Celia, do you trust me?".

Celia interrupted, saying, "I trust you, Zack." "Now, let's murder this thing.".Zack was now ready to execute his crazy plan. He charged at the minipede and paused for a moment before punching the ground, sending vibrations through the ground and slowing down the minipede's movements, using the dust of the recent attack as a smokescreen.Taking advantage of the minipede's obstruction of vision, Zack leaped into the air once more. As he reached his maximum height, he stretched out his hand, yelling {destruction shot}.blasting the red stone in the minipede's forehead, exposing its weak point, and stunning it in the process.Zack then uses the momentum from falling to punch the minipede's weak point, fastening his arm inside as he wails in pain.The minipede digs itself under the ground, hurting Zack in the process, but Zack did not slow him down. He started punching the minipede, continuously getting hurt in the process, but he didn't care because he was single-mindedly focused on killing this monster. "I won't lose to a half-ass monster like you," he yelled, increasing the speed of his punches."Graahh!" the minipede screamed in pain as it reached back to the surface as purple blood spewed from its forehead, raining down like water.It tussled around for a bit, creating a huge cloud of dust, then slowly lay still and died.A figure could be seen in the mirage of dust standing over the corpse of the minipede.It was Zack, standing with his hand raised over his head with a thumbs down, staring at the dead minipede, who grinned and then said, "It seems my cunningness is simply superior to yours.".

["Minipede scale claimed, Minipede gem claimed"] Celia announced.[" Congratulations,Your level has increased"].