
Lackrian Academy

Zack's a lazy looser that lives alone doing what he enjoys doing, being a bum , until one day he decided to leave the house to go outside not knowing what lays ahead. is it power, mercury, happiness or fortune let find out.

jesse_gunn · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: The Messenger

Zack POV:"Celia, give me a status review on my skills and abilities,and could you please list them this time? It was pretty hard for me to understand last time." I asked."Your current skills are active and passive skills." She replied as she continued her explanation."YOUR ACTIVE SKILLS ARE"[EYE OF PETRIFICATION][EYE OF MANIPULATION][EYE OF DESTRUCTION] "YOUR PASSIVE SKILLS ARE"[NOVICE REGENERATION][QUICK PERCEPTION][ANALYST][CONNING]"THESE ARE ALL THE SKILLS IN YOUR POSSESSION."."Of all the skills mentioned, I'm only sure of what three of them can do." [EYE OF PETRIFICATION]: THIS IS MY LEFT EYE'S UNIQUE ABILITY. AT A GLANCE, I CAN RESTRICT SOMEONE'S MOTION. DUE TO ME RECENTLY BEING AWAKENED, I'M NOT SO SURE OF THE RANGE OF THIS ABILITY.[EYE OF MANIPULATION]: THIS ABILITY IS UNIQUE TO MY RIGHT EYE; IT GIVES ME CONTROL OVER SOMEONE'S BODY AND WILL; I'M NOT SO SURE OF THE CONDITION NEEDED TO ACTIVATE THIS ABILITIES; I HOPE THAT THIS ABILITY DOESN'T BECOME A PAIN LATER.Last but not least,[THE EYE OF DESTRUCTION]: THIS POWER IS QUIET UNIQUE IN IT'S OWN RIGHT. WHEN ACTIVATED, AN EYE SUDDENLY OPEN IN THE PALM OF MY HAND SHOOTS OUT A BEAM OF DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY, DESTROYING EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES.This is all I can really sum up about my abilities, which is great. Besides, I know a lot about these abilities for a person who just got this system today, but something keeps bugging me, and I just can't stop thinking about it. This system, why was I chosen to wield it, and if this is like a game, there have to be other players with the system as well, for if I remember correctly, Celia said she is the Advanced System; this clearly shows the specification of the title, so in theory there are other system wielders.Now that I'm clear about other players in theory, hypothetically speaking, there must be an end goal to winning this game. However, I'm not sure what such a goal will be. If I'm right, things might get messy, and I might run the risk of dying again.Anyway, sitting here won't solve anything; I need to practice and master my abilities, so if this is a death game, I'm well prepared. I've watched enough anime and played hours of countless video games, so I think I know where to start. Now this is where it's crucial to ask some questions and put the factors of my hypothasis together."Celia, are there any others like me out there?" I asked"YES, THERE ARE MANY SYSTEM USERS OUT THERE, AND THERE IS ALSO AN ACADEMY FOR SYSTEM USERS YOUR AGE AND OLDER; IT'S CALLED LACKRIAN ACADEMY." She replied.Following Celia's answer, the doorbell rang.As a shut-in, I don't get many visitors unless it is something important, so I went down the stairs to check who it was.I reached out and opened the door, but to my surprise, there was a beautiful, breath-taking chick at my door step. Blocking the sun from her perfectly toned skin was an umbrella of the finest material; she could be described as nothing more than a goddess: "Zack Devilinch," "I'm a messenger from LACKRIAN ACADEMY; nice to meet you.".