
Lackrian Academy

Zack's a lazy looser that lives alone doing what he enjoys doing, being a bum , until one day he decided to leave the house to go outside not knowing what lays ahead. is it power, mercury, happiness or fortune let find out.

jesse_gunn · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 : The Awakening

As the theif finished taking all the value that Zack had on him, he turned to the lady and said, "Their, are you happy?" as he leaned in to give her everything. "Hey, something is wrong," he said. "I can't move."Did the beating get to your head or something?" She said it mockingly. "No, I'm serious; I really can't move at all," he replied.

Thethief's hand starts moving towards Hineck. What the fuck are you  doing? she yelled as she backed away from him. He carried on slitting his own throat with the knife that he retrieved, the one that was used to murder Zack. "What the fuck, the fucker just offed himself," she thought for a moment, for she was in shock and confused. "Hahaha, a sound of laughter could be heard from Zack Corps as it raised up like a zombie; his body was steaming and his eyes were glowing like a devil, laughing his ass off with a psychotic grin."Shouldn't you be dead? How are you still alive?" She screamed in fear of what she was seeing."Hey, you miss me, my damsell, in distress," he said, grining from ear to ear with his hand over his face like a psychopath. "You should see the look on your face right now; hi, hee, it's the best." "Did you like the show made for you with your little puppet?" he said as he looked at the theif's lifeless body on the ground."

[Flashback]:In a dark void filled with silence, Zack opens his eyes and is confused about what's going on. In front of him is a virtual screen sitting in the air, and a voice in his head reads what is presented on the screen like a narrator."So is this heaven or hell?" he thought to himself. "What is that sound in my head, and why is there a floating translucent thing in front of my face?" "GAME OVER, DO YOU WISH TO RESTART?" the voice said, echoing in his head."Restart. What do you mean restart?" the voice asked. "YOU MAY BE REBORN AT YOUR OWN VOLITION DEPENDING ON YOUR ANSWER; NOW, DO YOU WISH TO RESTART? YOU NOW HAVE 5 SECONDS TO MAKE YOUR DECISION."5, 4, 3, 2, "CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE CHOSEN."AWAKENING INITIATED, AWAKING COMPLETE, BODY RECONSTRUCTION INITIATED, BODY RECONSTRUCTION COMPLETE."You are now a player."Zack started to walk slowly towards the lady. struck with fear as he approached; she couldn't do anything but wait to die. He is now directly in front of her; she could feel his presence heavy over her body as she cowered in fear against the wall. "Now tell me, how do you want to experience death—a stab to the back just like you did me—or dismantle your body piece by piece? Come tell me. Tell me. Tell me! he yelled.But Zack's questioning was to no avail."You're a fucking psycho!" she screamed.Zack paused, the air in the atmosphere got still, and he raised his hand above her face and replied, Im what you made  me,"" [EYE OF DESTRUCTION. As these words left his lips, an eye opened in the palm of his hand that was over her face, and a ray of red condensed light shot from his hand, annihilating her head from the rest of her body. "Let's see how you like being dead. You backstabbing bitch,he said with a look of disdancing as he turned to walk away. "  Plerrrp,his tommy echoed in th alley. I ly need those instant t noodnoodles. said this as he headed to the supermarket.After shopping, he ran straight home. He noticed something different about himself: he was out running cars like it's nothing. "This is sick, mad sick," and in no time he's at his house. He enters the house and heads straight for the bathroom to take a shower, for his clothes were soaked in blood. In the mirror, he could see a change in his posture and hair, but the same couldn't be said for his face; it looked the same.In the shower, he looked at the tab on the left corner of his view, touched it, and the floating screen appeared. "ATTRIBUTES STATUS: STRENGTH [5], AGILITY [5], SPEED [5], INTELLIGENCE [5], said the voice of the displaying screen."I see, so it's like a system," "but seeing all of this, I now know what to do." "Hey voice in my head, what should I call you?" he asked. "I do not possess a DESIGNED title, but you may call me whatever you wish."."From today on, you'll be known as CELIA," he replied with a confident smirk on his face.

"I am Celia, and I am THE ADVANCE SYSTEM.".

this is my first time writing a novel so please understand I'm trying. if you like this novel, please rate and comment if you want me to countinue this book. I would really appreciate your support . thank for reading my book.

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