
Labyrinth of Worlds

Luke's life was a hard one he fought for everything, yet even still always lost. His friends and family are ither dead or enslaved, and as he attempts one last struggle, he is betrayed by the race he created. Left for dead as everything crumbles around him, he awakens back to the beginning of it all. Not knowing nore caring how it happened, he starts his journey to make every enemy pay and to hopefully create a better life.

Rezac356 · Games
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26 Chs


[Labyrinth Announcement: Congratulations to Player Nightmare for reaching the 10th floor rest area. The reward for this achievement is a platinum chest]

[Congratulations on reaching the 10th floor rest area without dying. Your [Undying One] Title has been upgraded]

So ya, a guild token came out of the chest and not just any guild token, though it is a platinum Guild Token and an upgrade. Speaking of the guild token. I remember that there was only one in the human empire, and it was owned by one of my most annoying enemies he must have gotten it after being the first to reach the 10th floor rest area go me for taking it from him.


[Platinum Guild Token]

Grant's user the ability to create a platinum rank Guild.


To be honest, platinum rank guilds and under are all tutorials. The real thing starts when it becomes a common rank guild. Yes, I know, wouldn't going from platinum to common be a downgrade. The answer is no. The rank goes from the normal to the bloodline type when it goes from platinum to common, so the guilds status gets multiplied by 2 just like a bloodline.


Title: Undying One

Effect: When holder dies will be revived with full health and Mana.

2 Revive

Note: Death doesn't count against no death clearance. The title only applies in labyrinth.


Yay, my revive chances went to 2. I'm awesome, right?

After gloating to myself for a few minutes, I started walking through the crowds. Yes, there are now a lot of people here. Also, there are a lot of people in chat. There are also people recruiting for their guilds. Yes, there are now guilds, but not in the normal way they just create a chat room for guild members. You need a guild token to create an actual guild. As I surf the chat and walk, I see 2 familiar names, Tyrant and Buggy Bear I pm Tyrant.

"Hay jackass how you doing?" What I got back was. " Do I know you?" I just typed out." Ya, it's, Luke." I waited a minute when I got."Hay num nuts. I was wondering if you were here too. Give me a second, and I'll bring you in." After that, I was brought into the Defenders of Orak guild chat room.

"Hay Luke, we were wondering if you were here too."

"Ya, we found a few of the others, and we thought you weren't here ither."

"Ither, what do you mean by that?" Though I already know the answer to that question.

"Ya, a lot of our people are here, but for some reason, anyone 21 or older hasn't shown up we even asked around and it's the same thing the threshold for people to come here seems to be around 16-20 years old anyone older or younger ain't here."

"Shit, what is this popular science or something?"

"Nah just the facts, man."

As they all go off trying to figure out the reasons behind all that I hurried to Commercial Avenue, I got a lot of stuff to assess. On the way, I got a pm from Tyrant. "Look, I know this is cool and all, but have you found any way to return home? There is no log out button to press, so I'm starting to get worried." Tyrant has been my best friend in both lives, and I don't wana lie to him, so I just say. "We got here, didn't we? As such, there is definitely a way to get home, so keep up the optimistic outlook, ok." He just sent a smiley face, and that was it.

As I walk into commercial square, I see a lot of kiosks selling stuff they found in the labyrinth. There was a lot of stuff there was also a lot of familiar names, not the happy familiar ither they fleeced me in my last life so I'm not a happy camper. I walk into the store, and there is now a line, but instead of them assessing items out in the open, they take people into a set of rooms to do the assessing. While waiting in line, I checked the chat records, not must to say, and not much to buy at this point. Nothing under bronze rank will help me anymore.

As I walked into the room, I wasn't polite and just dropped everything on the floor. I'll tell you now that if it was possible to see under that mask, I'd say he was both surprised and exasperated. He was surprised at the number of items to assess and exasperated at the amount of work ahead of him cause there was, unfortunately, no were left to move since there was so much stuff in the room. While he was assessing everything, I asked if I could do a bit of shopping he merely called an assistant to help me shop and said he'd call me when he was done. As i started shopping, I found something interesting in guild chat.

"Hay, did you guys hear about Clarence he got jailed for 3 days for attacking someone."

"What awesome! His guild must be pissed."

"Ya, he just got out yesterday he also sent out an announcement saying if he finds out who the person was, he'll destroy their family and such."

"Well then, I guess he still doesn't know we can't leave. Not only that, but the bulk of the people here are using their UVR IDs, so finding them will not be easy."

"Ya, it's not like he can bribe the company that made this place or something like that besides considering this place as is, I think they would just ignore him."

"Oh ya, he can't even use his families name to try to force them to do what he wants ither."

"Ha ha ha ha, he's such an idiot am I right?"

Well, now, so that arrogant idiot that hit me was Clarence. This it just an fyi he was that annoying enemy it seems he got the floor rewards, and I now know how he did so well in my last life. Well Clarence thanks for the stuff I'll be taking them all thank you very much however to add insult to injury I sent a message in normal chat and after that the chat blew up both literally and figuratively oh how I'd love to see that bastards face right now.