
Labyrinth of Worlds

Luke's life was a hard one he fought for everything, yet even still always lost. His friends and family are ither dead or enslaved, and as he attempts one last struggle, he is betrayed by the race he created. Left for dead as everything crumbles around him, he awakens back to the beginning of it all. Not knowing nore caring how it happened, he starts his journey to make every enemy pay and to hopefully create a better life.

Rezac356 · Games
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27 Chs

5th floor rest area

clang Clang CLANG Bang Crack BABOOM Ha ha ha ha, I did it not only did I get past the sea of Kobalds I made it to the boss room yes go me you know you all can praise me now. What not gonna because I still gotta fight the boss huh well fine. As the Kobalds on the other side of the door kept ramming into the door while rawring, I took in the boss room. In the very center of the room, there is a platform made entirely of bones with a throne, which is also made of bones, but the thing that grabbed my attention was the Kobald that was sitting on it. 12 ft tall when standing with a mix of leather and chain mail armor and a massive spear as tall as he is and as thick as a fat man's thigh and this Kobald isn't just tall he has muscles on muscles on muscles that would make any body builder look like a weakling as I continue looking at him I see above his head "Kobald King Kaketero" umm I don't think named monsters were supposed to be on this floor and it's a boss too well great.

Ok, I have a great plan, and it is to RUN LIKE THE GATES OF HELL ARE COMIN FOR ME cause seriously it is and I started running not a moment to soon as the king of Kobalds rawrs and rushed me ok I remember this boss this boss is not ment to be beaten all you have to do is survive for 1 minute after that the door to the rest area will open and done but I have a problem I only need 0.01% xp to level up and become bronze rank as such I don't wana go yet. As I'm running and thinking this for the longest time, I swear the keystone cops music has been playing since the Kobald Sea. If you don't know them, Google it or watch them on YouTube. I don't have time to explain, or have you forgotten the Hulk of muscle that is the Kobald King that's after me?

I really, really, really don't wana miss killing this guy cause the first boss kill gets you great rewards it's not because I'm angry about the Kobalds running me all over the labyrinth just to have to run more from the Kobald King nope not it I want the reward as I continue trying to escape this reality I decide to turn around and face the bastard long story short as I get into an attack stance he uses his skill 1000 spears rush I block the first one only to be thrown back by 20 ft as I land all I can think is that strength is monstrous however I give it another try but this time I dodge to the left and attack with swift kill he blocks 2 of the attacks but the 3rd got through but only cut up his arm lengthwise.

I try getting some distance by jumping backward and throwing out 2 shadow cuts he dodged the first one, but the other cut off his left ear RRRRRAAAAAWWWWWRRRRRR a massive rawr rocks the place as he charges me however I can't let him get close so I use 40 mp to throw out 2 fire blasts my heart is bleeding well no his ear is bleeding and he now has a few scorch marks as he was blasted backwards fuck I feel weak yes every use of magic as a skeleton makes us feel weaker but I have Mana steps so it should even things out however he's now helpless well for a few seconds he also lost his spear so I charge forward and use swift kill aiming for his neck as I said before this place is semi gamelike however losing your head will kill you regardless of how much health you have and I only have a second to attack. Slice plop plop bang. Yes, I got him, and yay, there is a fanfare as well.

[ Congratulations on being the first player to kill the Kobald King Kaketero ]

Then, a golden light flashes in front of me as a treasure chest is deposited in front of me. Oh goodie, I wonder what I'll get. As I open the chest, I'm hoping for something good.

[ Received 5 star hero card ]

Oh God, did I ever luck out as I checked the hero card for its specifics.


Hero card

5 star

Bloodline: Epic


Well, well, this isn't too bad, and it gives an Epic Bloodline not the best, but it's still good. Unfortunately, I can't use it yet. I need to become flesh and blood for that feature to unlock, and becoming bronze rank was a good step forward. Talking about stepping forward, the door to the rest area is now open, so let's head in.

[ Labyrinth Announcement: Congratulations to Player Nightmare for reaching the 5th floor rest area. The reward for this achievement is a platinum chest ]

[ Congratulations on reaching the 5th floor rest area without dying. The reward for this achievement is the title [Undying One] ]

Yes, score. I got both rewards, so first, the platinum chest.

[ Received: Bloodline Refining card ]

Oh God, did the person in my last life get this item? If so, they would have started out at a higher level when he or she became flesh and blood. Well, whatever I got, what I wanted the title. Oh, you wana know what's so great about the title, then gaze upon my greatness plebeians.


Title: Undying One

Effect: When holder dies will be revived with full health and Mana.

1 Revive

Note: Death doesn't count against no death clearance. The title only applies in labyrinth.


Now, do you see my greatness? What it's just an extra revive tut tut you don't seem to understand. This means I can die once, and I can still get the 5th floor no death bonus so what it only works in the labyrinth well im going to be in here for a very long time so in the early stages it's a Godly thing to have. Well, whatever, I'm done with you. As I stop making a fool of myself I look around the rest area looks exactly as I remember like a fucking city only since I'm the only one here it's kinda deserted anyway I start heading to the commercial avenue what iv got stuff to sell and assess however before I get far another person comes out of the door to the 5th floor interesting looks like I won by a hair I decided to try talking to the guy so I type in the chat channel "Hay nice to meet you." The guy well as a skeleton, it's kinda hard to tell. However, it looks like he found the chat channel, but what I get in return is "Huh, so your Nightmare well good, I'll give you the great reward for you to give this young master everything you have." ok, pretentious much I don't even bother attempting to roll my eyes as I turn and start to walk away, but it looks like the young master doesn't like my response as he grabbed my arm and tried to turn me back but not gonna work ya so he runs in front of me and punches my head but I don't do anything you know why no fighting in the rest area. As I think this 2 warriors in black full plate armor come out of nowhere and pick the little shit up by the arms as the one on the right says "You are under arrest for attacking another person in the rest area." Then they take him to jail through the same portal they came out of, and I just kept walking. Enjoy prison, young master. You'll be there for about 3 days, HA.