
Labrados High

Maliq,a nineteen year old and his mother moved to a town called Labrados after he killed his abusive father. No one knew his dark secret. He got enrolled into the town High school where he experienced more darkness. Will his secret catch up with him? Will he live a normal life?

Authororb · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Karen's first day at school

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Maliq,you need to get out of that room or you will be late for school"

Karen knocked on Maliq's bedroom door. She wondered why he locked the bedroom door and why he isn't ready for school yet,she had already had her bath and made breakfast.

"Am waiting at the living room,hurry up and get dressed for school;am driving you today"

"Alright mum,give me a minute"

Maliq woke up. He did not believe he had slept so deep that he did not hear the alarm. He quickly undressed and went into take a shower.

After getting out of the bathroom;he saw his phone screen light on and checked it. He just missed three calls from Maddy. He knew she was calling because he was late.

He hurriedly dressed up and went to meet Karen who was dishing out his breakfast in the kitchen. She was already dressed up.

"Morning mum"

"Morning dear;you woke up late today"Karen said staring at him.

"Yes,I slept so deep I didn't hear the alarm clock" He replied avoiding her gaze and faking a smile.

Maliq hurriedly ate breakfast and soon they both left the house.

"So mum,tell me about your new job and workplace" Maliq asked Karen as soon as the car moved.

"Okay,I secured a job as the secretary of the richest man in the town of Labrados. His name is Brad Huxley. He interviewed me himself. The name of the the company is The Huxley named after him"

"That's cool"

Maliq did not know Doug last name was Huxley so he simply ignored the name.

Brad Huxley was the biggest business man in Labrados. He acquired his massive wealth through illegal means which no one knows about.

He is the boss of a crime syndicate and he has companies that produces and sell illegal firearms and mass destruction weapons.

No one knows about his illegal business,not even his wife and son,Doug.And when they all started to get suspicious about his increasing wealth;he built The Huxley company in Labrados.

The Huxley company itself has a mystery to it. The workers are not allowed to go more than six floors up unless they are Brad's secretary or bodyguards and yearly about two percent of the staffs go missing.

The remaining four floors upstairs are restricted. Every Friday's,different men with muscular bodyguards visited the company and goes to the top floors for meetings.

The reason why most workers work diligently is because they do little work and get paid handsomely therefore making The Huxley the highest paying company in the whole town.

Brad has a lot of connections with presidents and ministers who he supplies with illegal weapons and warheads not to mention his vast connections with law enforcements agents.

A week ago;his male secretary got suspicious of his activities and started asking questions so Brad killed him.

He gave Karen the job because he was attracted by her beauty and because it was only the post of secretary that was vacant in the company and he wouldn't want to lose a beautiful woman to another company.

He also went through her documents and was amazed at her diligency. He shook hands with her as he lustfully surveyed her body.

"What a specimen" he thought.

Karen pulled up at the front of Maliq's school. Maliq was already late for school and he quickly got out of the car.

"Bye mum,have a nice day at work"

"You too,have a great day at school" Karen said as she zoomed off.

Maliq sprinted as fast as he can into the school and took his books off the locker before the hall monitor caught him then he snuck into class.

He texted Maddy;he knew she was stealing glances at him but anytime he tries to look at her,she will avert his gaze.

"Morning beautiful"

Maddy received the text and after a few minutes,she texted back.

"Why didn't you pick my call?"

"I was busy helping my mum" he lied.

"Meet me at the cafetaria during lunch at our person table"

Maliq smiled;when did they have a personal table?

"OK" he texted back.

It was lunch time and Luke went to meet Doug. Doug smiled as soon as he saw Luke approaching him.

"How is it? What did you see?" Doug asked.

"Well,he is smart and deleted a lot of messages but I was able to recover all his deleted messages" Luke replied

"Is it with Maddy?"

"Not Maddy;he didn't reply her text"

"So what did you have for me fool?"

Luke looks around and whispered in Doug's ear. Doug's eyes widened.

"What!!!are you sure about this?" Doug asked.

"Of course I am"

Doug smirked.

"Just keep shut about it and make sure not to tell anyone about it okay?"

"Ok" Luke replied.

Doug patted him on the shoulders.

"Good job Luke" Doug made to leave.

"Yes;what about the flash drive?"

"What flash drive?"

"You know what I am talking about Doug"

"Oh!you thought I had a flash drive?your smart a** had the video deleted so I had to lie to use you for some things" Doug said mockingly.

"You used me?"Luke asked with teary eyes.

"I wouldn't say I used you;I borrowed you,haha loser see you later"Doug chuckled and left Luke.

Luke was between tears as he ran to the boys restroom to cry his eyes out. He felt used and powerless. While he was running towards the restroom,he passed by Maliq and Maliq saw him tearing up,Maliq wanted to stop him but he had already ran past him into the restroom. 

Maliq went into the cafeteria and saw Maddy sitting at the table they ate the day before;he also saw Charlotte,Keisha and Doug sitting at their table.

He grabbed his food tray and sat beside Maddy. Her face brightened up as soon as he sat down. 

" Why did you ignore my text?"she asked pouting her mouth

"I was busy helping my mum and reading yesterdays note"

"That's fine,but next time you should tell me if you are busy,by the way,why did you come late to school today?"

"I woke up late"

She giggled

"Sleepy head"

They both laughed then they proceeded to eating.

Doug fumed as he stared at Maliq. Charlotte was also observing Maddy and she was seething. She looked at Keisha with great displeasure. 

Keisha knew she was referring to her about going to meet Luke.

She knew she can't go to him or she would get his feelings confused,but she simply nodded at Charlotte and stood up to go to Luke. She wondered why he skipped lunch as she went searching for him.

Karen arrived at work and called the number on the card Brad gave her to call when she got to the company. 

"Hello" the voice on the other end was crackly so she was sure it was not Brad's.

"Hello,this is Mrs.Karen Johnson. I was told to resume work today by Mr.Huxley and he told me to call this number"

"Oh yes,stay right there while we come to get you"

Karen waited outside for about five minutes then she saw two muscular men in suits coming towards her. She was frightened as she turned to go.

"Wait!!!are you Mrs.Johnson?" they asked. 

Karen turned and answered.

"Yes I am"

"Good;we are the men sent by Mr.Huxley to bring you upstairs.


They took Karen inside the company. The staffs faces were glued to their monitor screens. The atmosphere was too silent for a company  like The Huxley and as soon as Karen came in with the bodyguards,all heads were turned.

"Who is she?"

"Is she the new secretary?

"What happened to his former secretary?

Everyone started talking about the new woman who came into the company since they were not used to seeing visitors in the company.

They took an elevator up the building. The elevator stopped after they went six floors up.

"Here" the bodyguards stretched their hands to another elevator on the sixth floor.

Karen entered the elevator and was followed by the bodyguards. The door to the elevators closed and both of the bodyguards faced Karen. She was confused.

"They are meant to face the front not turn to me;what's going on?" It was starting to creep her out.

Then the bodyguards started to come towards her. She was scared as she shouted at the bodyguards.

"What did I do?

The bodyguards simply ignored her and came closer and closer. She closed her eyes shut and still nothing happened. Then she opened it and the bodyguards were no more in the elevator.

"What in the--

"You are late Mrs.Johnson"a voice said behind her and she recognized it to Brad's.

She turned back and her face widened. She could not believe it.