
La Vie Le Valley

La Vie Le Valley, The Valley Of Life.

Marfsnok · Fantasy
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3 Chs

(old)Chapter 1 part 1&2: "You're all unimportant!"

(5/11/2022- redoing ch1 and continueing La Vie for fun! I added the 2th part of ch1 to part 1, i never got around to actually finishing it but I decided to add it anyways. This was originally written back in 2020, specifically August 20th 2020 and I've decided to continue this 2 years later since well.. I get bored and it bothers me I might never get around to finishing this. Unfortunately will not be redoing the prologue, don't get as much of the cringe like I do with chapter 1. Hope you'll have fun seeing the new and improved La Vie Le Valley!)

Mom and I are eating breakfast, she suddenly stands up from her seat and goes out of the room. What is she up to so early in the morning?

She comes back with a uniform in her hands, "I forgot to tell you but you'll be wearing a uniform!" I almost choke on my food, A UNIFORM?! Really? They're the most stupidest things ever created. Well, if I at least look good in it then I'm fine with it, I guess.

After I finish my food I get ready for school.

It is 7.40 am, I am on my way to school and along the way I meet up with North.

We don't have to hurry up since school is not that far away. We greet some of our past classmates, most of our past one's dont attend Deuxiton, Since you either have to; take a test, buy or just get an invitation to attend it. Both North and I got an invitation, since our families are.. important to the queen.

Also, Deuxiton is a school that raises mages. Most of them when they graduate from there get to be Magician Knight's, a group of mages that the queen controls.

I'm not really intrested in this whole mages stuff, but since my mother and everyone else in the family are, I kind of have to.

North.. North is North, of course he's interested. North always was interested ever since we were smaller.

I don't know if he's just heavily influenced by his family or that he just is interested.

"Hey Vertu, do you think I'll see Ray again? He's probably really busy n all but I want to see him again!" Who? Oh yeah, Norths older brother. Ray is an elite mage that specializes in lighting, but Norths family specializes in fire, so I think he's a bit strange. I've met him like once, but I barely remember that. "Hmh, maybe? Well we'll probably run into him since he's also at Deuxiton."

"Hell yeah! I can't wait to show him my moves!" I snicker "Yeah, he'll be super excited by; 'Omega Fire Burst'." "I-it's a cool name, stop judging it.."

"Oh right, where's the entrance ceremony again, I uhh, forgot." North asks, entrance ceremony? Oh. "The gym, how did you even forget?" North smiles awkwardly and scratches his cheek, "Hehe.. I uhm, sorry.."

We both arrive in front of the school, memories from a few years back flood into my mind. I've been here before, alot of times. Most of the times is because we wanted to break in. Yes, we tried to break in countless of times, why? Because North wanted to see his brother and because of that, I broke my bones alot of times.

It's honestly too easy to break my bones and no matter how many times they get broken, it hurts alot every time.

But that didn't stop him. Anyways, we're in front of our new school. It's really big, it looks like a castle.

"We should head inside." I say, North nods. We make our way to the gym. "Hey Vertu, let's make lots of rivals!" "Don't you mean friends?"

We sit down to where all the other first years are, North immediately starts to talk to someone. "Hey, I'm North! How strong are you?" Isn't it supposed to be 'Who are you?' Or 'What's your name?''. From what I hear, the person doesn't respond. I bend a bit to look at who he's trying to talk to, it's a Pumioless, you don't see those often.

Pumioless are a humanoid species. They don't have mouths because they communicate telepathically, so right about now North should be hearing some kind of voice in his head.

"Uhm, you're not really answering so let's talk later, 'kay?" North says, so that Pumioless person didn't answer back?

Anyways since there's nothing to do right now, why not observe my surroundings?

We're in a gym, you would think this gym is packed with students right? You're wrong, absolutely wrong, probably because of the 3 ways to get accepted into this school there aren't alot of student's around, I would say each year has about 20-30 students or maybe even less, since there are 6 years there are about 120-180 people here, excluding the teachers. It's not like I can see everyone from here so i'm just guessing.

...what's North up to? He's talking to someone behind him, some tall cowardly looking person and there's this red girl joining their conversation, with red I mean red. She's like a tomato.

Back to checking my surroundings, North and I are sitting at the front, in front of us is a stage, they're probably gonna make some kind of announcement on that. At the front is a microphone, if someone realy wanted to they could snatch it and run away with it... I take that back, you have to be an extremely powerful mage to do that, considering this place is stuffed with mages with potential.

Speaking of someone doing an announcement. Four students, who seem to be last years, go up that stage. One of them looks alot like North so it's probably his brother. I look at North to see if he didn't pass out of excitement, he didn't but he has this big smile on his face.

Anyways back to the totally unimportant people on the stage. One of the four, a girl with light pink hair styled into a ponytail and a lab coat, picks up the microphone from the stand. She just stands there, waiting. Is it because of the crowd of people that are talking about this unimportant bunch of people being some kind of hot shot? Of course it is.

The crowd dies down, they probably realized that they were being annoying.

"Good morning," the girl spoke, "how was your morning? Did you get enough sleep, or did you stay the whole night worrying abour school?" Hey just get to to point, I don't want to spend my first day listening to some woman talk. "Hmh, anyways, I welcome all the first years to Deuxiton! Are you nervous? Excited? Or don't you feel anything? Simce you're all new you probably don't know me, I'm Sophiette Soana! Your student council prez! Okay handing this over to our secretary." She throws it to a girl behind her, she has long straight light purple hair, "Eh? Huh? What?! Why me Sophie?!" The girl says, "Erm, I'm Cecila, the student councils secretary.." she then hands it to the an orange haired man with strange goggles on his forebead, "Hey, hey~! I'm the treasurer Ail Pétrole! Nice to meet ya." He says, Ray, Norths older brother snatches the microphone with a angry look on his face, but before he begins to talk his face softens, "Ray, R-Ray Partem, the vice president."I'll be assigning you all to your classes, s-so listen closely."

This part is totally not important, I only really needed to know in which class North and I are, we're apparently 1-A, our classmates are Tomato Head, Tall coward, Pumioless-who-doesn't-talk, lame person, a priestess, North and I. Our teacher is apparently Garry J. Jackson, the most strangest name I've heard, also they're some lame looking elf. We're right now all grouped somewhere in the gym.

"Vertu~ I feel like you just called me lame.." Jackson said, "I didn't, but you definitely are." Ouch, my cheek got pinched. Why is ir always my cheek? Where's North when you need him?! Wait, speaking of North, where is he? "Mister Jwackson, let go of my cheek." He let go of my cheek, yeah this'll definitely leave a bruise.

I rub my aching cheek and look around me for North, he's running up to Ray and giving him a hug, Ray at first looks suprised by this sudden action but he pats Norths head with a smile.

"Hmph," I look away, I'm not jealous ok? I'm not! It's just... "Let's see," Mr Jackson began counting his students, he notices that someone is missing, that person is North, of course. "Huh? We're missinv someone, does anyone know who it is?" I raise my hand, "It's North, North is missing, he's over there." I point to where North is at. "Wow it's the first day of school and you're already snitchin!" Don't remember who you are but you better shut up, I'm in a bad mood.

I try to focus my hearing somewhere else than on him. "Our classmate, North, is he really Rays brother?" A girl says, it's the priestess, "Yeah, duh! That means hes strong right?! Hes now number one on my 'future husband'' list!" Tomato head said.

"North should finish talking with his older brotber, we'll be leaving soon to class." Mister Jackson says. I sigh, "I'll bring him back here."

I walk towards my friend, North and grab his wrist, "North, let's go. You've talked enough with your brother right?"

(This would be where part 1 ended and part 2 started. It switched from Vertus POV to North.)

"North, let's go. You've talked enough with your brother right?" Vertu said,

I turn towards him, "No! Of course not! I want to talk more with him!" Vertu flinches, did I scare him? "S-sorry..! I-I didn't mean to shout at you..." "It's fine."

Vertu tugs on my arm as I follow him right behind him. I REALLY, REALLY didn't mean to shout at him. I... Vertu will forgive me right? Yeah, of course he will! I just know that he will! Well actually, Vertu can be mean to other's I dont think he will...

"Teacher, I've brought him." Vertu says, I look at the person he's talking to. Is this person our teacher? They're small for a grown-up. The teacher claps his hands with a happy look on their face, "Alright, alright! Everyone's here now, let's all head to the classroom now!"

We all walk behind our teacher while he leads us inside the classroom, there aren't any assigned seats and since we're a small class we all got to sit at one table, I sit next to Vertu! I hope he doesn't mind.

"Everyone sitting on their chair? I don't think I did a proper introduction, I'm Garry Jackson, just call me Mr Jackson or teacher. I'm both your history and homeroom teacher. I think it's pretty appropriate for one of you to introduce yourself now!" Our teacher said.

I raise my hand, excited to introduce myself, "I'm North Partem! I'm 13 years old and this is my best friend Vertu!" I pat Vertu on the head, putting his beanie in a slightly uneven position. "W- I, yes I'm Vertu. Vertu Blaneige." He fixes his beanie and then moves his head my way, I think I saw a glimpse of his eyes under those long white bangs of his. It's been so long since I last saw em! I almost forgot that they were red.

"Hehe, guess it's MY turn to introduce myself! I'm Rouge Feu, 3rd oldest in the Feu family!" The girl puffs out her chest and smiles proudly from her seat. The girl next to Rouge stands up quietly, "I-I'm Amai S-Subarashi, n-nice to meet you all..!" She says in a soft voice and sits back down again.

The next one to introduce themself is a guy with some sunglasses and, it's not very sunny outside he must have bad eyes like Vertu! Is he part of the Blaneige family? Doesn't look like it... "I'm Grap, unlike you nobles I actually worked my way into this school!" 

"I, I uhm also did?" The guy next to Grap said, "What? You think you're so brave talking back to me? What's your name." "Sorry, I'm uhm, Terre Solide." Terre awkwardly looks away from Grap. Mister Jackson coughs, "Well, almost everyone has introduced themselves! This one here," he points at the Pumioless, "This young man, well they're old compared to you all. He's Scheld, he may not be able to talk but please get along with him." Our teacher ruffles his hair and goes back go the front of the classroom.

"Teacher, Teacher, what will we do now?" I ask. Mr Jackson, places a hand underneath his chin and begins to think. "Hm, well, technically I can let you all go now, but does anyone have any questions?" I start to think hard, do I have any questions? Probably not!

Noone raised their voice to ask a question, I take Vertu by his arm and get outside the classroom excitedly, "Ow- that hurts! What do you even want North?" "Well I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier and also let's explore this big school!" Veru sighs. "I forgive you North, just don't drag me by the arm all of a sudden you know that I can get hurt easily." I nod excitedly and grab his hand instead, Vertu flinches. "Huh? Is there something wrong?" I ask him, Vertu shakes his head and then scratches his cheek awkwardly.

We walk in the halls, "Where are we even going?" Vertu asks me, "Uhm, I don't know? Oh! Let's go to the gym and decide where to go when we're there!" "The gym? I expected you to just randomly head into the nearest room." "You think so?" We kept on talking as we try to head back to the gym.

Not far behind us we could hear soft footsteps following us,

Heya, yup this is gonna be in 2 part, sorry? Uhh, i just dont like going above 1000 words-

did ya like it? Bet ya didn't, I'm not a good writer.

uhm anyways, my thoughts huh?

Also, uhm, should I make a social media account for this if it gets famous? I want to show you how the characters look, I'm an artist, not that good tho.

I uhh, yeah- bye? Not sure on what to say so bye!

Marfsnokcreators' thoughts