
Kyuuketsuki No Fukushuu

A Deliverer seeking to recover his memories, travels from city to city, country to country, seeking to find any traces of his memories, in a world where there are all kinds of monsters that crave for human flesh, he risks his life every day during these trips while doing his job as a Deliverer.

Yumi_Sakigami · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 02 - Snow

"Hmm? Where I am?"

"What is happening?"

"It's so dark.. I can't see anything.."

"Where I am?"

"Hm? My body?"

"I can't move?"

"I don't feel my body?"

"I don't feel anything.."

"Is cold.."

"Ah..so that's it.."

"This is death..."

"I died.."

"What happened with me?"

"How did I die?"

"I... I can't remember."

"Why can't I remember?"

"Well, that doesn't matter, now that I'm already dead."

"Death… is something… well… lonely…."

"It is dark…"

"It's cold.."

"Do not wait.."

"Cold? I thought I wasn't feeling anything when I regained consciousness.."

"But now some time has passed and I'm thinking better, I can still feel my body, I can't move.. but without a doubt I'm still feeling my whole body and also an extreme cold."

"So I'm still alive? But if it goes on like this... At this rate I'll die soon."

"I don't know where I am or how I got here, but if I don't get out of here soon, I'm really going to die."

"Let's go… Let's go! Move body!"

"Move fast! Any part! One leg! One arm! One foot! One hand! Anything!"

"Because my body is so cold, I can't move it."

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Damn it!"

One finger starts to move slowly.

"That's it! Got it!"

[I'm feeling it, it's my finger on my right hand.]

"Come on!"

Other fingers of the hand begin to move slowly as well.

[That! That!]

The hand closes.

[I achieved! Now just keep opening and closing my hand until I can move it properly.]

Saying that, the hand was slowly repeating the movements of opening and closing, until it began to move properly.

[Okay, that should be enough, I can feel my arm now too.. So all the movement now, helped to recover my senses a little and body temperature.]

[And this feeling under my hand is… Snow? At least it seems to be, as I can't see anything I can only guess.]

[If so... So I'm surrounded by snow? buried?]

The right arm starts to move slowly.

[Let's see if I can move it to my face… If I can get the snow out of the way.]

Gradually the hand removes the supposed snow from the path towards the face.

[I am getting it! I'm very close to my face.. I can feel it.]

The hand kept removing the supposed snow from the path, until one of his fingers touched something firmly.

[I achieved! I'm feeling! It's my face! Now I just need to remove it from my face and...]

The hand gradually removes what was on top of his face, until he is completely free.

[Okay, now I should be able to open my eyes.]

With a lot of effort, your eyes slowly open.

[My vision is a little blurry from having been with them closed for so long, but I'm finally seeing what's in front of me...]

[It's still pretty dark in here, but I can see something now... It was really snow.]

[Okay, now that I can see what I'm doing, I need to shovel snow off my other arm and get as far away as I can from the rest of my body.]

Gradually he was removing the snow from his left arm and then pushing away the rest of the snow that was preventing his body from moving. He was a young boy.

[Well, I'm not totally free here, but I can finally see my body properly.]

[Now, dig my way out of here, before I freeze to death.]

The boy starts digging in the snow above him to try to get out of there.

[This is going to be a long job, but I'm running out of time here...]

Suddenly the boy stops digging.

[What if I'm digging in the wrong direction? I might be going deeper.]

[I need to confirm the direction, my mouth is very dry… So I will have to use my blood.]

The boy bites his hand and looks at the dripping blood.

[Actually I was heading in the wrong direction, quite the opposite.]

Blood was dripping in the direction he was digging.

[Damn, if I had continued I would have died even faster.]

[Well now I know which direction I should go so just start digging in the right direction this time.]

[But how did I know that by doing this, I would be able to know which direction to take under the snow?]

[I don't remember, I just knew… No it doesn't matter now, I have to get out of here as soon as possible, my body is starting to freeze.]

He starts digging quickly, his hands were already red from the cold, even the blood that was dripping before had already frozen, he could barely stand it.

[If I stop for even a moment I won't be able to go back, my body is exhausted, heavy and cold...]

[If I stop I will lose consciousness and die here, so as much as it's hurting and it's hard, I can't stop, no matter what.]

He kept digging non-stop, and after a long time, his left hand reaches an open space with no snow.

[That is..]

The boy perks up and starts digging even faster, until then he can see out of the snow.

[I can see outside.. Although with so much snow it's complicated..] (Boy)

He started to force his way out and after a lot of effort finally managed to get his right hand out of the snow.

[Now just pull the rest of my body out..] (Boy)

Forcing his left hand against the snow below him, he pushed his body with all his remaining strength and finally stuck his head out of the snow.

"Ergh! I'm finally out of the snow.." (Boy)

"Ergh, ah, ah, even so, it's hard to breathe amidst all this snow and this cold.." (Boy)

Barely able to keep an eye on his right arm that was in front of him, he supported all his weight on top of it, thus managing to pull his body a little more to the surface and with that he managed to get his left arm out of the snow as well.

"That! Almost there!" (Boy)

Leaning on his two arms, he managed to gradually pull the rest of his body out of the snow, but at the same time he found himself prostrate on top of the snow, barely able to keep his face and chest away from the snow with his weakened arms.

"Damn it! That was hard! But I'm finally free!" (Boy)

It was a young boy, who was now leaning on his arms to keep from falling flat on the snow.

"Finally I made it out of all this snow! Finally! I thought I was going to freeze to death." (Boy)

"We will! I finally got out from under all this snow, I need to get up and get out of here." (Boy)

Leaning on his knee with difficulty, he slowly got to his feet, staggering to his feet.

That's when he saw in front of him where he was, a vast nothingness, everything around him was white, there was nothing but trees and snow in front of him, while behind him was a cliff.

"Everywhere I look there is only snow and behind me a cliff.." (Boy)

"So where am I? I don't remember this region." (Boy)

"How did I get here?" (Boy)

"Did I fall from up there?" (Boy)

"What was I doing?" (Boy)

"Hmm? I can't remember... What happened?"

He places his hand on his head for a moment and his expression changes.

"Was I going somewhere? Was I attacked by some monster?" (Boy)

"Damn I can't remember what happened.." (Boy)

"No... Wait..." (Boy)

"Name? My name?" (Boy)

"Who I am? I can't remember?" (Boy)

"No, it's not just that… I can't remember anything, not just about myself.. Where did I come from? What place is this? What was I doing? How did I get here? I don't remember anything at all.." (Boy)

"What the hell is this? What happened with me?" (Boy)

[I was going somewhere and got attacked? Or does it just fall?] (Boy)

"I really can't remember.. Damn it!" (Boy)

As he said that, his eyes started to close for a moment and he started to lower his head.

"Hmm?" (Boy)

He staggers and loses his balance and falls to his knees just keeping his hands against the floor.

"Damn, I can't be careless, for a moment I started to lose consciousness." (Boy)

"Looks like I'm in a worse state than I thought" (Boy)

[If I continue like this, I'm really going to die..] (Boy)

The boy staggers to his feet again with difficulty.

[So none of that matters now, if I stay here in this state.. It'll be the real end of me this time.] (Boy)

[I need to get my body moving and get out of here or I'll freeze to death.] (Boy)

He looks back towards the top of the cliff.

[Maybe coming back from where I fell is probably the quickest way to find other people.. More…] (Boy)

[Climbing this cliff is impossible in this state… And since I can't see the end of this wall in both directions… Going around and up seems unlikely too.] (Boy)

[So my only option is to go down the mountain..] (Boy)

[Further ahead all I see is snow, there doesn't seem to be any change in this scenery of white vastness in kilometers...] (Boy)

[Ergh… my whole body is aching..] (Boy)

[It's not like I have a choice, that's what you're telling me isn't it?] (Boy)

The boy starts straight down the mountain.

[To keep walking through all this snow in this state is practically unbearable, but even with all this pain, the only thing keeping my body upright is my desire to survive.]

[The day is almost over and the sun is barely visible anymore, if it gets dark and I'm still on the mountain my chances of surviving have dropped dramatically.]

The boy stops and looks back.

[Looking back I can barely see the cliff, being in the middle of these trees also makes my vision difficult, but I have to keep it as my reference point so I don't get lost.]

He walks back faster.

[Still, I need to hurry even if it increases the pain even more.]

Some time later.

[Walking is proving to be an even bigger challenge, each step is weighing a ton, my body is heavy, I feel like I'm close to my limit, if I stop for a second I won't be able to move anymore.] (Boy)

"I can't stop here, die like this, not knowing anything, my life can't end like this." (Boy)

[Keeping that in mind I'll keep pushing my body forward.. I'll keep pushing my body step by step...] (Boy)

Until finally, he spotted what appeared to be the first change in the landscape, there were no more trees ahead and there was a decline right after them.

"A decline?" (Boy)

Upon reaching it, he saw that the decline was a long descent to the foot of the mountain and a little further on, he could see a city.

"A city? It is a city!!" (Boy)

The boy smiles, he could barely contain his euphoria.

"If I can get to her, I will surely survive! I just... I just need to get to her!" (Boy)

At that moment, the emotion of having a little hope was so great, that he ended up moving his body without thinking and started to run down that long descent, at the same time laughing with happiness for thinking that now he would be safe when he got there.

But while he was running, enraptured by that momentary joy, he lost his balance and ended up falling, which caused him to go rolling and hitting the ground several times until he finally came to a stop covered in snow.

"Oh, that hurt like hell, I think I got too excited." (Boy)

The boy starts to slowly raise his head and then he realizes he was at the foot of the mountain.

"Eh? Did I roll all the way here?" (Boy)

"So losing your balance wasn't so bad after all." (Boy)

The boy smiles.

[Well, that being said.. My body is probably much worse than before, I can barely feel anything but pain.] (Boy)

He starts to get up, leaning on his arms when..


A scream echoed from his mouth and at the same time he fell onto the snow again.

[Eh? What was there? All this pain in my right arm wasn't like the pains I was feeling before, it was much more excruciating.] (Boy)

The boy turns around in the snow and lifts his right arm with great difficulty towards his face and then sees him facing the opposite direction.

[It's broken… It was during the fall… Damn, that hurts a lot.. It wasn't so lucky after all.] (Boy)

The boy turns around in the snow again, and starts to get up using only his left arm.

[I should have been more careful, well it doesn't matter now. I can already see the entrance to the City from here, so I just have to hang on until I get there.] (Boy)

After standing, he starts walking towards the entrance of the City.

[Walking is getting more unbearable with every step.. Will I make it there? No.. I have to make it.. Or all this pain I've endured so far will have been in vain… Even if my body breaks more along the way, even if the pain only continues to increase, to a point where I can't. no more thinking straight because of her… I'll keep walking in a straight line without stopping until I get there.] (Boy)

With these thoughts, the boy continued walking in a straight line towards the city gate, and after a few hours, he finally managed to catch a glimpse of the gate up close.

One of the two guards at the gate sees a figure heading towards them in the distance.

"Hey, are you seeing that? It looks like a person coming this way. (Guard 1)

"What are you talking about? There's no way anyone could be walking here after the blizzard they had earlier." (Guard 2)

As he says this, the guard looks in the same direction as the other and sees the same figure coming towards them in the distance.

"It can only be a joke, who would be stupid to go out right after a blizzard?" (Guard 2)

"I don't know, but he doesn't seem to be doing very well." (Guard 1)

The boy slightly raises his face as he continues to walk steadily.

[I can see… I can see the entrance gate to the City, I'm so close… So close that I… I can even see it.. The guards running on this.. . Direction..] (Boy)

The boy finally collapses and falls into the snow.

The two guards were already running towards him at that moment, but they didn't arrive in time to stop his fall.

"Hey boy! Everything is fine?" (Guard 2)

"Wake up boy! Wake up!" (Guard 1)

"Can you hear us boy!?" (Guard 2)

The boy's eyes begin to open slowly.

[Hmm? Where I am? I was walking non-stop towards the City gate until then..] (Boy)

"Oh, did you wake up?" (Voice of Unknown)

The boy turns his head to the side.

"Who are you? Where I am?" (Boy)

"I'm one of the doctors who works here, and well, you're at the City Post Office where the Deliverers work. (Doctor)

"Post Office? How did I get here?" (Boy)

"One of the Gate Guards came running bringing you here, they said you passed out while walking towards the City Gate, if it wasn't for them acting fast to bring you here you would have died of hypothermia in a few more hours. You can be very grateful to them, after contracting hypothermia you don't start treating the problem, usually the person dies in a maximum of 5 hours, by their symptoms it should have been 2 to 3 hours since then. You really were very lucky." (Doctor)

"Eh? Really, I must thank them properly afterwards." (Boy)

"Well don't worry about it now, your treatment is going to be a bit long, you were in a horrible state, I treated your broken arm and other injuries to your body as well as your head." (Doctor)

"But I can't pay for the treatment, I don't have money." (Boy)

"Don't worry about it now, I'll take care of the expenses for now, and then we can talk about payment when you're better." (Doctor)

"I see, thank you very much for your help." (Boy)

"It's nothing, that's what Doctors do. By the way, my name is Jace and what is yours?" (Dr. Jace)

"My name? I… Actually, I don't remember my name.." (Boy)

"Can't remember your name?" (Dr. Jace)

"Not just my name.. I don't remember anything at all, how I ended up in that snow, where I came from, what I was doing, family, friends… I don't remember anything about myself or my past , I have no memory of anything." (Boy)

"Don't remember anything, have you lost all your memories? Before, I've seen cases where people forget something after an accident, but nothing like yours where the person forgets everything completely. I don't know what to do in such a case." (Dr. Jace)

"I understand. If neither Dr. Jace knows something, it's impossible for me." (Boy)

The doctor puts his hand on his chin with a thoughtful expression.

"It could be that..." (Dr. Jace)

"Which?" (Boy)

"I think I've seen something about this kind of case in some book, maybe I still have it in my house." (Dr. Jace)

"Serious?" (Boy)

"I'll look for him when I get there, rest for today, we'll talk about when I find him." (Dr. Jace)

"Thank you so much again Dr. Jace."

"For nothing, now just rest." (Dr. Jace)

"Okay, thanks." (Boy)

A few days later, the Doctor returns, and the boy was already able to get up from the bed where he was.

"It took a while, but I found the book" (Dr. Jace)

"Serious?" (Boy)

"Yea." (Dr. Jace)

The doctor sits beside the bed, and opens the book.

"According to the book, this particular case is called amnesia" (Dr. Jace)

"Amnesia?" (Boy)

"Yes, that's right, but don't worry, I read in the book that there are ways you can slowly remember some things and get your memories back." (Dr. Jace)

The boy is happy to hear this and his countenance instantly changes.

"Serious?" (Boy)

"Yeah, but... There's a problem with that..." (Dr. Jace)

"Problem? Which?" (Boy)

"Well, it's said in the book that just by seeing things you've seen or visiting places you've been, that you could remember something and end up having some memory back." (Dr. Jace)

"I see... As I woke up in the snow outside of town, and I'm not a local, the chances of me seeing anything familiar here are slim to none." (Boy)

"Precisely." (Dr. Jace)

"And to make matters worse as I woke up in the middle of snow in the middle of nowhere, there's no way to know where I was coming from." (Boy)

"I'm sorry, unfortunately this is your current situation, I'm sorry I can't be of more help." (Dr. Jace)

"No, you have already helped me much more than you should, I really am very grateful." (Boy)

"I'm glad I was able to help you even a little bit." (Dr. Jace)

"Well, what about the payment? You said you would talk about it with me when I was better." (Boy)

"Oh, about that, I was in need of an assistant, these last few weeks I've been very busy attending to several Deliverers who arrive injured from their travels." (Dr. Jace)

"Is being a Deliverer really that dangerous?" (Boy)

"Of course, there are a lot of monsters out there, and during your travels from one city to another you almost always encounter one, it is possible to avoid them sometimes and sometimes not, which is why many end up injured or killed." (Dr. Jace)

"Monsters in? I see, I will do my best to help you as an assistant until I have paid my debt." (Boy)

"Thank you, I look forward to having your assistance." (Dr. Jace)

"What day do I start?" (Boy)

"You can start tomorrow. My assistants and I provide care right here at the Postal Headquarters." (Dr. Jace)

"Right." (Boy)

The Doctor nods and gets up, preparing to leave. And the boy raises his hand towards him.

"Dr. Jace..." (boy)

"Um, what happened?" (Dr. Jace)

"If it's not a problem, could you lend me this book so I can read it?"

"Oh? Of course, no problem, you can return it to me when you finish reading it" (Dr. Jace)

"Thank you very much." (Boy)

And right after the doctor left, the boy then started to read the book, and so the days went by, the boy helps the doctor as an assistant during the day and at night he reads the book again.

On one of these nights while reading the book the boy comes across something that catches his attention.

"So even if you don't see a familiar place or you've been, as mentioned before, there is still another method, even though the chance of recovery is drastically lower, there have been few reports of recovery by this method, but it's still a method valid. This method is through triggers." (Boy)

The boy's eyes widen as he keeps a fixed gaze on the pages of the book.

"Triggers?" (Boy)

"Triggers unlike the traditional method where it needed to be something that belonged to you, or where you've been, triggers work even on small objects, and it's not necessary for them to be something that was yours or somewhere you lived, that is, as long as you see something. object or some place that is at least somewhat similar to something that was part of your past, it can serve as a trigger to recall your memories, and the more important that place or object was in your past, the greater the chance that this trigger will work. ." (Boy)

"A trigger on?" (Boy)

The boy closes the book, and looks with a serious look towards the book and with his right hand presses his shirt towards his heart.

The next day. During a break while the doctor and the boy had their meal.

"What do you think of the book?" (Dr. Jace)

"It's very interesting, the doctor author of this book is really amazing, he described several very rare cases, as well as their causes, but not only that, he also provided several alternative treatments for several of them." (Boy)

"Yeah, really he was an amazing doctor, at least I thought he was..." (Dr. Jace)

"Did you?" (Boy)

"Well, I'm not as sure as I used to be, whether what he said in his books is really reliable." (Dr. Jace)

"Hmm? Why not?" (Boy)

"He, Victor Frankenstein, was considered a genius, well, that was before he went crazy." (Dr. Jace)

"Go crazy, do you mean he's gone crazy? even if you're a genius?" (Boy)

"Just because he's a genius, who knows? Maybe he was crazy from the start and all his polls were just a representation of his madness, but that's just my opinion." (Dr. Jace)

"Still, everything he wrote in this book.. It doesn't seem like something a madman would write, it all seems to make a lot of sense." (Boy)

"That's why I still have his books to this day, as much as they called him crazy, I couldn't quite believe what they said and stop admiring him, him and all his research and works, everything he did. managed to accomplish was really amazing, that's why even after two centuries, even though they call him crazy, his works and research are still used in medical schools." (Dr. Jace)

The boy is startled to hear this.

"Two centuries? And even using his works to this day they call him crazy? Isn't that contradictory?" (Boy)

"And a lot, that's one of the reasons I can't take it all so seriously." (Dr. Jace)

"It just goes to show how extraordinary his accomplishments were, even denying it, they still continue to use them." (Boy)

"Extraordinary? That's nothing, according to the stories, before he became a doctor, he had already achieved the title of Arc Mage, and that at the age of 15!" (Dr. Jace)

"Arc Mage? What is it?" (Boy)

"Oh, don't you know? It's a title only given to a certain range of Mages, City Guardian Mages are usually First-Class Mage right?" (Dr. Jace)

"Yes I heard about them here at the Post Office, what works here is a Zero-Class Mage right? But I have no idea why they have these titles." (Boy)

"It's actually simple, a Zero-Class Mage is a mage who doesn't master any Elemental magic, a First-Class Mage masters one, a Second-Class Mage masters two, a Third-Class Mage masters three, and an Arc Mage is mages. who managed to master the magic of the four Elements, Fire, Water, Earth and Wind. Arc Mages are already rare and even when any appeared they were already very experienced or old Mages so for a kid at that age to have become one.. He was a prodigy." (Dr. Jace)

"So he was a genius even before he became a doctor, that's really surprising." (Boy)

"There were reports that he was about to be nominated for the title of War Mage soon too, but he dropped everything to start studying medicine and becoming a doctor. And War Mage is the highest title given to the Mages of that continent and as the title itself says, it is something given only to those with great proficiency in combat and with enough power to change the course of a war alone. Why he abandoned all that to become a doctor is a mystery." (Dr. Jace)

"Actually, even more you didn't say why he was considered crazy." (Boy)

"It's because you needed to know about it to understand what comes next." (Dr. Jace)

"And what comes next?" (Boy)

"He became a doctor as fast as he became an Arc Mage, without a doubt. But he didn't seem very interested in caring for patients, soon after becoming a doctor he immersed himself in studies and research in various areas, even discovering cures for various diseases and problems that until then had no solution. And shortly after his publications gained notoriety he was awarded the title of Academic Researcher Chief of the Academy of Medicine, it was the highest honor any physician could receive." (Dr. Jace)

"This is really amazing." (Boy)

"With this he received access to all the knowledge of the Academy of Medicine, the archives, books, reports on diseases and even histories of diseases already forgotten. He continued to immerse himself in research while continuing to publish his findings… Until one day… He dropped everything again." (Boy)

"Did he drop out of the Academy of Medicine too?" (Dr. Jace)

"That's right, and this time, he turned to magic again and began to pursue his own private research, no one knew what he was doing. But he continued to publish his findings, but this time… It was different." (Dr. Jace)

"How different?" (Boy)

"His research was now based on merging both magic and medicine as he moved into the field of science." (Dr. Jace)

"And was that possible?" (Boy)

"Well, many said no, but in fact many of his discoveries were put into practice and are still used today, so he was able to prove his point. And that's when he started to be repudiated by the Academy of Medicine, on the other hand the Mages were idolizing him as the greatest Mage of the century. Since his research was benefiting them a lot." (Dr. Jace)

"Except for the Academy, everything else seems to be going well for him, I don't understand what happened." (Boy)

"And indeed he was, as much as they hated him at the Academy they still recognized his discoveries and accomplished deeds, but that was only until he strayed into another path." (Boy)

The boy's gaze changes, as he seems intrigued by what he has just heard.

"What other way? Is there anything else besides magic and medicine?" (Boy)

"That's... He started doing research and experiments with monsters." (Dr. Jace)

The boy is startled and moves away from the table.

"Monster experiments?" (Boy)

"That's right, and when he was discovered doing this, he was tried, convicted and executed for such horrendous research, he was said to even experiment on humans based on the monsters he had captured. According to what they reported, their notes and findings related to these experiments on monsters and humans were things too hideous to go public with, and they were all burned and destroyed. That's when he was thought to be crazy, and all his previous research was devalued and lost almost all of its value." (Dr. Jace)

The boy was pale given what he had just heard.

"This was far worse than I could have imagined." (Boy)

"It was something really horrible everything he did, it was unforgivable. But... But even so, I prefer to ignore everything he accomplished after he left the Academy of Medicine, and stick to what he managed to accomplish before, after all, I'm only the doctor I am today thanks to him." (Dr. Jace)

Upon hearing this, the young man's face changes, and he expresses a slight smile.

"Take a look at the last page of the book." (Dr. Jace)

"Hmm?" (Boy)

The boy opens the book and goes through the pages until he reaches the last page.

"As a doctor, I will never go looking for recognition or money, my purpose will always be to help those in need, no matter who it is. Victor Frankenstein." (Boy)

He looks surprised to read that and looks at the doctor.

"The fact that you helped me then was..." (Boy)

"Yes, since I became a doctor I lived by these principles, these words.. It was these words of his that made me the doctor I am today." (Dr. Jace)

"I understand." (Boy)

"No matter what he became after, I will always admire just what he was before. And to me, his words show what he really was." (Dr. Jace)

"We should all live our lives as we think is right, so we don't regret it later." (Boy)

The doctor looks surprised at the young man after hearing this.

"That was in the book's index..." (Dr. Jace)

"Yeah, he really said inspiring things, didn't he?" (Boy)

The boy smiles.

"Really..." (Dr. Jace)

The doctor laughs a little.

"When I finish reading this book, if you want I can lend you some more of it, or if you just like to read, even here at the Post Office there is a library with several books too, although most of them are just records of Monsters that were found by couriers." (Dr. Jace)

"Books with Monster Records?" (Boy)

"This is something that has been done since the founding of the Post Office, the couriers who found Monsters and managed to survive to tell the story, made reports describing what the monster looked like and where they found it, over time, they started to name, categorize and record information about all these Monsters, so each Monster registered has information such as its name, its characteristics, customs, habitat... And in some cases, the ones with the most detailed records even have their food preferences." (Dr. Jace)

"You seem to know a lot Dr. Jace." (Boy)

"Just a little, after all I need to know what kind of monster attacked my patient in order to treat him in the best possible way." (Dr. Jace)

"It makes sense. Maybe I'll read some of them too when I finish this one, thanks for the nomination." (Boy)

"Of course, it was nothing." (Dr. Jace)

The days passed, and the boy had finished reading the doctor's book and started reading the books in the library at the Post Office, and his broken arm was almost completely healed.

As he reads a book in the library at night, he takes a deep breath with an unmotivated look and closes the book.

"Actually, there are several different types of monsters, with different characteristics, from monsters that don't show any kind of rational conscience and act like animals to monsters that can communicate in the human language, and there are those who can communicate and still use magic, for example the dragons." (Boy)

The boy gets up from his chair and goes towards the open window and placing his hands on it while looking towards the sky.

"This world is very vast, but at the same time it is very cruel." (Boy)

"Ordinary people just like me, without any skills... are just..." (Boy)

The boy grits his teeth showing frustration on his face as he looks down and starts squeezing the window ledge with his hands where he was leaning.

He gives a slight smile, and as he looks towards the mountains in the distance outside the city his expression changes to a serious and determined look.

"It seems that in the end, I don't have much to do, do I? I have no other choice…" (Boy)