
Kyuubi in Dxd

Transmigrated in Dxd World as a perfect jinchuriki of the Kyuubi.

Anotherhumanperson · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 7

"So these are the 'Old Things'?" I asked Ay, intentionally throwing shade at him and all I got was an amaterasu stare from him and I swear I saw the 'Old Things' eyebrows twitch.

"Who and what are you?" asked Enma seriously while staring at me.

"My name is Kurama and as you can see, I'm a Kyuubi." I said calmly while waving the nine tails behind me.

"Is what you were telling them true, about you not being a Kitsune Youkai?" asked the Carp milf.

"Yes, I am not a Kitsune despite being a Kyuubi." I responded, "So you could say I'm a pure Kyuubi, no offense to you two."

"Mhh, very peculiar indeed." said the Karasu-Tengu while stroking his beard, "For a Youkai to be born the same way as a dragon."

"Can you show us these 'Pure Kyuubi' abilities of yours?" questioned Hiruz- Enma seriously.

"I really don't mind. I've actually been itching for a fight." I responded truthfully, "Maybe I could teach my abilities to Yasaka and Kunou to make them for powerful."

"That's actually a pretty good Idea." said Magatama, his eyes fully open for the first time. He seems really interested in the topic about my abilities.

"Let's take this outside, young man." said Enma while turning around and walking away. The other elders quickly followed after him.

"Don't underestimate that old monkey. He was the Monkey King after Sun Wukong and he was personally trained by him." said Magatama casually.

"And he is also our teacher." added Yasaka while shivering at the thought.

"Good to know." I said excitedly while also walking out, "Let's go. I want to see what a Monkey King can do."


Outside, the former Monkey King was already in his combat armor, one that resembled an armor from the Three Kingdoms Era, although he was still in his human form. He was holding a two meter golden staff. He was standing in the open field behind the mansion.

"I heard you were trained by the Great Victorious Fighting Buddha himself." I said nonchalantly.

"You can't win this fight using this form." he said ignoring my statement completely.

'Version 2.' I thought activating the spell as a familiar black and dark red energy covered me, my fox ears and my nine tails making my power shoot to the limits of Ultimate Class.

[Name- Naruto Uzumaki.

Health- 90 000 000/ 90 000 000

Aura/ Mana- 4 500 000 000/ 4 500 000 000

Level- 1 [4 600/100 000]

Race- Kyuubi/ Human.

Rank- Super[Currently Ultimate].

Title- None.

Strength- 15 000 [105 000]

Speed- 15 000 [105 000]

Intelligence- 6 000

Wisdom- 6 000

Might:- 322 000

Points- 0]

"Is this good enough for you." I said sarcastically in a distorted voice as my power had far surpassed his.

"Wrapping yourself around your Youki Aura to boost your powers drastically in your human form. Ingenius" said the Former Monkey King while eying my transformation. His Old man form was soon shed as it was replaced by a humanoid monkey one with white fur and golden eyes. A white aura immediately surrounded him which also boosted his Might by a lot almost matching mine. This is Touki.

Touki is, in essence the external manifestation of one's life-force, in other words their Ki, which would be wrapped around them as an aura. Using this, a person achieves heightened offense, defense, and speed. It also had the added effect of damaging others from the slightest touch, and defending a user from a wide arrange of attacks, while knocking their foes back too.

[Name- Enma.

Race- Monkey Youkai.

Rank- Ultimate.

Might- 300 000.]

"But I didn't become Monkey King by being a weak Old man." he said while pointing his golden staff at me, "Hiruzen, extend."

The staff was immediately in front of me, but my 105 thousand speed stat wasn't for nothing. I instantly jumped to the side dodging the attack and dashed at Enma, while slashing my claws at him. His staff instantly retracted and he used it to block my claw. The collision between my claw and his staff immediately created a crater below us.

Enma jumped back while trusting Hiruzen at me which instantly split off into hundreds of thrusting attacks. I let the attacks land, and they left me completely unscathed. Although I could tank his attacks easily, they were all in fact powerful enough to obliterate most High Class beings and injure some Ultimates. All my nine tails stretched and sped for Enma who started dancing around dodging them and occasionally using his staff to parry the one's he couldn't dodge. This is probably using Senjutsu which is stated to excel at reading the flow of someone's aura, thus letting them grasp their movements and attacks.

Seeing the attack useless I retract my tails, but Enma saw his as an opportunity as his Touki covered his staff and it extended towards me with even greater speed. My tails as if acting on their own, all came together to block the attack but I was pushed back and thrown a few hundred meters away.

Touki has also been shown to be usable on weapons as shown by Sun Wukong who channeled it into his Ruyi Jingu Bang taking down Vali's attacks. Sun Wukong displayed the ability to disperse powerful attacks and the clones created by Bikou by enhancing his shouts with Touki. {A/N- I got this from the wiki.}

Stabilizing myself in the air, I landed safely on the ground only to see Enma dashing toward me at full speed. The tips of all my tails instantly morphed into hands and a big ball Rasengan appeared in each tail hand, which all charged at the incoming Monkey who again started weaving through the tails, dodging them while still dashing forward as the tails that missed him wracked havoc to the ground behind him with the Rasengans. But all the other tails were a diversion as one of my arms sprouted from the ground directly below him with another big ball Rasengan. With no other choice, Hiruzen was covered in his white Touki aura as he blocked the big Blue Orb of Destruction.


The Big Ball Rasengan exploded hurling Enma high into the sky at super sonic speeds, but he quickly stabilized himself and looked down as his ascension slowed down. He held out his Hiruzen which expanded greatly to an gigantic staff of length 20 meters and width 2.5 metres.

"Monkey King's Giant Staff." said Enma as he started to descended slowly while exponentially gaining speed.

'Tailed Beast Bomb.' I thought as I opened my mouth in Enma's direction and the giant dark purple ball was swiftly formed in front of my mouth. Small orbs of blue and red slowly appearing in the surroundings and merging forming the purple orb. I ate the big basket ball sized orb and swallowed it, making my stomach expand making me look like a toad.

"Descend!" shouted Enma as the giant staff coated in thick white Touki extended downwards towards me. I opened my mouth and blasted a bright yellow beam of energy at the giant glowing falling staff.


The collision caused an explosion of city leveling proportions, but thanks to the barrier the others put up, so the artificial dimension that is UraKyoto was completely unharmed, but they could all feel some of the Aura leaking from fight. Every denizen of UraKyoto was outside of their homes enjoying the light works the fight was causing.

The blast from my Beast Bomb quickly overwhelmed the falling staff and blasted the former Monkey King but a bright golden light destroyed the blast revealing Enma now with golden fur and golden Touki around him, Hiruzen in his right hand now covered in a fitting golden aura. I could even feel the weapon humming in excitement as it was excited to be covered in the Golden Aura. Enma was now standing in the air no longer affected by gravity.

"It's been a few hundred years since I used this form. It's the one that got me the Monkey King moniker." he said while looking down on me.

"The 2nd Generation Monkey King, huh. Not bad for an old man." I said as I cancel the version 2 transformation since it became obsolete.

[Name- Enma.

Race- Monkey Youkai.

Rank- Ultimate.

Might- 390 000.]

"Giving up already." said Enma mockingly.

"Hell no." I said as I activated my Kyuubi Transformation and my nine tails with orange fur covered me as I started to exponentially grew in size. I quickly grew over the height Enma was standing at as I still continued to grow. Once I was 180 meters in height the tails hurled away from my form revealing my full Kyuubi form.

"Even the Original Monkey King wouldn't be able to defeat me." I declared as I now looked down upon him as he was standing about 50 meters from the ground. Enma looked at me for a few minutes straight without saying anything, before he burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!" he laughed as he reverted back to his human form dispelling the Touki around him.

"I, Enma the 2nd Generation Monkey King declare you Kurama, the strongest Youkai to ever exist, the Heavenly Youkai, the True Kyuubi Emperor!!" shouted Enma, his voice enhanced with Touki making everyone in UraKyoto hear him, but his voice also travelled as echoes in the Dimensional Gap in which UraKyoto was built.


A large 1.95 metre tall man with a buzz-cut hairstyle with greenish brown hair colour and lavender eyes was sitting down on a cliff on Mount Meru. He was wearing circular sunglasses, an ahola shirt, and a jewel around his neck. Plus, he has a vermillion mark on his forehead.

Standing before Indra, the God of War is a monkey youkai who appears around the same height as a kindergarten (at least a meter tall), covered in dark beige wearing a monk's cassock, a wrinkled, creased face and beige, wearing prayer beads around his neck and a golden headband around his forehead. He is the Great Victorious Fighting Buddha, also the First Monkey King, Sun Wukong.

"Your student sure is confident." said Indra amused as they both could hear the echoes of Enma's voice.

"I trust his judgement. When he became the Monkey King and succeeded me, I showed him the difference in power between a Monkey King and a Buddha." responded Sun Wukong calmly, "So I'm sure he knows what he is talking about."

"Well, it doesn't matter if he does. The Youkai are going to be in a very festive mood and that's going to break the current balance." said Indra as a smile spread on his face, "How exciting."

"True, but it sure is disheartening to know someone succeeded where I failed. I had to abandon my race to reach this level of power." said Sun Wukong, but a happy smile still spread on his face despite his words.


"So, the True Kyuubi Emperor huh." said Yasaka while looking at me amused. Kunou besides her looking at me cheerfully.

"I'm not going to lie, it's a very good and intimidating title." I responded while chuckling.

"Anyway, Nurarihyon the leader of the East Youkai faction in Kanto is coming to visit in a few days. He sent a message of his visit soon after Elder Enma's announcement." said Yasaka casually.

"Obviously, that ugly Old man is coming to visit. Afterall, Kurama-nee san is the strongest Youkai ever." said Kunou excitedly. After the fight, she basically forced me to stay in my Kyuubi form for about half an hour as she scaled me in her own small Kyuubi form, screaming how soft my fur was.

Its been a few hours since my fight with Enma where I was basically named the Ruler of all Youkai, by the now third or fourth strongest Youkai ever [Formerly Second or Third.], Sun Wukong's own disciple and one of the most respected Youkai in the world. There hasn't ever been a Transcended Class Youkai before me, and even Sun Wukong had to become a Buddha to get to this kind of power. I'm expecting there to be a few King rank or Peak Ultimate Class Youkai coming from all around the world to fight me. Even the Bull Demon King himself might come down from his throne in China for my title as the Strongest Youkai.

I'm starting to think Enma is planning to use me to gather all the Youkai in the world under one banner. Currently, this faction is one of the weakest in terms of man power. They only have three Peak Ultimate Class fighters in Yasaka, Enma and The Bull Demon King. I'm not including Bikou because he's currently part of the Khaos Brigade.

'Well, better go ask the Old monkey himself.' I thought as I went towards Enma's might signature. The Former Monkey King was sitting in a tree currently absently looking at UraTokyo.

"I was wondering when you were going to come." said the Old Youkai calmly.

"You are pretty ambitious for an Old Relic." I said as I jumped toward the branch Enma was sitting.

"This has always been my dream. I myself failed in reaching that power level and so did my teacher." he said absently, "But you showed up from nowhere. I couldn't let such an opportunity go."

"But you really don't know anything about me." I said slowly, "But you still just made me your superior even though you met me a few hours ago."

"As soon as I saw you, I knew you were the one I was waiting for. The fight just proved me right even further." he responded.

"You followed your gut to crown an unknown youkai as your emperor?" I asked the Old Man.

"I might not look it, but I'm actually an expert in Senjutsu and your aura is as pure as they come. Something I wouldn't have expected from the Great Nine Tailed Demon Fox." he said. I had forgotten Senjutsu allows people to view other people's auras and since my Kyuubi doesn't have any memories or personality, it doesn't possess any malice or hatred. Lucky me.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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