

"Are you sure about that?" Aru Higasa's mother asked Jorm and kept pestering him, forcing him to admit it. The Sixth Spirit of Serpents proceeded to violently shake his head afterwards. "We get it! We promise!" he said using the body of the girl that he possessed, which was Aru's friend. 

"How about you, are you going to do the same as well?" Aru's mother asked the vessel that was possessed by the Fifth Spirit of Hunting, Hakki. In truth, Hakki understood already, that he was already beaten. To think of just how big of an insult it was to get mopped the floor with by an older lady, a human at that, was truly stinging and it was chipping away at the pride of the two Kyoshi Spirits. 

Little did they know, Jormungandr was actually was playing stupid, and that he was going to go ahead and land an attack at either Aru or her mother by the time he got out of that weak body that he was currently possessing.