

"I am sure that you all fairly remember another time wherein we were together like this as well, about ten years or something ago, back when I donned the whitest of masks in order to hide my identity and how I looked like, all the while I was killing all of those rookies." The First Apostle said to them with a cackle as he did so. "Yes. I also remember that you turned me in to a Lunaseeker all those years ago, it was this exact same situation and scenario as well, the only one missing is Damian." Leon Vergil said to Arima Chrysos in response. "Only this time, it will be your head mounted on a pike. For the lives that you have taken then, and even before that, and after that. I will make sure of it myself." The Commander added. Kyro Shin picked up his wand blade that had just fallen right on the ground as he was rushed in by the First Apostle without him realizing it at all. He wiped off the blood from the attack of the First Apostle that was dripping from his lips.