
Kusho Dimension

As koru was living his regular life, something strange has came into his life changing it forever..

Fun_Tanboor · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : Collecting info.

"Where do i go now..?" - Kuro

Kuro has entered the crowded village. The village had a long path that leads to the end of it. As you enter the village you'll notice that this path is crowded by people and market places. So kuro has decided to keep moving forward while reading the signs.

"Doesn't seem like i'm finding anything useful.." - Kuro

He continued walking not knowing where is the path leading him. Kuro has stopped walking trying to read the market signs around him.

"I don't want to keep using my shi, it will be no fun since i'm literally capable to do anything."

- Kuro's mind*

Kuro's eyes has landed into a market sign that says "Bar".

"Great place to find information." - Kuro

Kuro has entered the bar. As he entered he noticed that the bar was crowded with people, Many tables were taken. Unfortunately the bar wasn't large enough so there isn't a lot of tables. Kuro decided to move forward to the seats which were infront of the Bartender cabin. Kuro has sat down waiting for the Bartender.

"Welcome, what can i get for you?" - The bartender

"One water." - Kuro

The bartender went to get some water for kuro. As the bartender went kuro noticed a table crowded with people laughing and making jokes. He made his decision to ignore them since they were pointing and laughing at him. Kuro was thinking :

"I don't really know what is my dream or what i could do.." - Kuro's mind

"Narmani you're still trying to serve this small village?? why don't you fuck off to your town." - ???

The people in the table were laughing. The same guy continued by saying :

"OHH i forgot we took the town from your family!!" - ???

They laughed more louder. Kuro decided to finally turn around, As he turned around he noticed that they were making fun of the maid. Kuro started heating up but kept his calm.

"What other thing can i get for y'all?" - Naramani (The maid)

Kuro was confused of why she kept her calm on these kind of guys.

"We want you to f**k yourself, whore!" - ???

They started laughing more harder which made all the people in the bar looking at them. Kuro's patience started to fade away.

"Here is your water!" - The bartender

Kuro turned at the bartender and took the water.

"Thank you. I got a question" - Kuro

"Sure, ask." - The bartender

"This maid is getting laughed at, why can't you do anything?" - Kuro

"That table has an akuma member, along with akuma workers. Technically we're not able to help."

- The bartender

"Akuma?" - Kuro

"How you don't know the akumas? They're well known out there." - The bartender

Kuro replied :

"I'm new to here." - Kuro

"I see." - The bartender

As kuro turned around he was shocked, The maid were in the ground. kuro got furious when he saw that a guy who is caped along with a mask + a hat was covering both of his face and hair, this guy was kicking the maid's face. Kuro's patience has faded away seeing this situation. Kuro stood up with an angry stare at the man.

"I see somebody who's trying to help this hopeless maid." - The man

The people in the bar were staring at kuro knowing that kuro would get crushed down.

"D..don't help me.." - Naramani

Kuro's heat increased even more. He decided to walk toward the man.

"You still want to challenge me? how pathetic." - The man

The man stood up kicking the maid sending her to the wall. Fire started covering the man's palm, The fire was increasing as kuro take a step. The fire started forming a fire ball.

"You can't give up anymore. Fire shi : Fire Ball!" - The man

The man would throw the fire ball toward kuro.

"Zero shi : Shi cancel.." - Kuro in a very slight voice.

Everybody in the bar opened their mouth looking at the situation that happened.

"Why did you cancel the shi?" - Kuro

The man was in shock, knowing damn well that he isn't the one who canceled it. Kuro ran toward the man saying in a slight voice.

"Zero ability : Fire wind punch" - Kuro

Fire would cover kuro's grip. Kuro would throw a punch toward the ceiling causing fire to cover the bar along with destroying the bar due to the wind, people in the bar been sent away by the wind.

Kuro was running away from the bar while the maid was picked up by him.

"I think we lost them.." - Kuro

They were behind a wooden house.

"Why did you help me?" - Naramani

Kuro looked over to her.

"I don't really know, they just made me angry. Also don't talk or else you'll lose conscious" - Kuro

"Don't worry, i can help myself.." - Naramani

She tried to get up. As she did she fell down again. Kuro sighed looking at her not knowing what to do.

"I don't really wanna use my shi anymore, and she seems like she won't listen so i'll have to use it for a small reason.." - Kuro's mind

"Zero, make her unconscious" - Kuro

"Wha-" - Naramani

Suddenly she was knocked out.

- Time has passed -

Naramani woke up in a tent. She doesn't feel anything anymore.

"Where am i-" - Naramani

She remembered the situation that happened. She got up looking around.

"He did all of this, where is he!?" - Naramani

Somebody was coming toward the tent.

"!" - Naramani

Kuro has entered, He noticed that she woke up.

"Damn you really woke up midnight?" - Kuro

"What is your name, and how you've done all this." - Naramani

Kuro has sighed saying : "Please calm down a bit." - Kuro

"I'm kuro, new to this village. I think i've heard that your name is naramani?" - Kuro

Naramani continued asking :

"That's not important. How did you burn up the bar?" - Naramani

"If i don't get answers i won't answer." - Kuro

Naramani sighed saying.

"Yes, my name is naramani" - Naramani

"Nice nice. Replying to your question, i won't tell you how did i burn it up." - Kuro

"Fine, it doesn't matter." - Naramani

Naramani ignored kuro leaving the tent going back to her place.

"She has left afterall." - Kuro


"This guy is strange.." - Naramani

Naramani was cleaning up her katana thinking about the situation that happened earlier.

"Doesn't matter..I think i've served this village enough and trained enough." - Naramani

She sheathed her katana getting up. As she got up she went directly for the door leaving the place.

"Time to leave..for revenge!" - Naramani

- End of chapter -