
Kusho Dimension

As koru was living his regular life, something strange has came into his life changing it forever..

Fun_Tanboor · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 0.5 : Dead?

"Another boring day.." - A white haired boy named kuro, who seems in his twenties were laying down on his bed while reading one smack man manga. His face details was bare black eye pupils, his hair were covering most of his forehead, Along with having small sized eye brows. His body seemed half muscled. His height was around 174 cm to 177 cm.

As Kuro was going through the manga pages reading them, he noticed that the manga pages has finished.

"I finished it in 3 hours again.." - Kuro

Kuro got up closing the manga book, throwing it at the bed while yawning.

"This is the 10th time i finish this manga. I wonder when the new manga season will come out?"

- Kuro

He stopped yawning and started walking toward the apartment's door. He opened the apartment door and continued by leaving the apartment.

"I'll be heading to the manga store..i guess?" - Kuro talking to himself

As he reached the manga store, he immediately entered. Heading to the popular manga's side.

"I've read them all.." - Kuro

He found a strange manga in the end of the shelf. This manga didn't seem popular and he never saw it before.

"Hm..?" - Kuro

Kuro has started walking toward the strange book.

"Fate manga?" - Kuro

He opened the manga, leading him to first page.

"Your death is near.." - Repeated in the manga.

"What? why is that between the popular manga books.." - Kuro

Kuro's curiosity made him walk toward the worker to ask why this book exists in a manga store.

"Hey sir." - Kuro

The worker turned around replying with a smile.

"Welcome, how can i help you sir?" - The worker

"I have a really small question. what could that book be-" - Kuro

As kuro was asking the worker the book has disappeared from his hand.

"Which book?" - The worker

"Sorry to bother you sir, continue your work!" - Kuro

The worker had a strange look in his face toward kuro.

Kuro left the store thinking of that weird scenario that happened earlier.

"What was that? and how did it disappear..?" - Kuro's mind

As kuro was walking a woman in front of him was screaming for a kid to becareful or run. Kuro looked over which made a surprised look in his face.

A kid was crossing the road. As the kid was crossing the road a truck who was going extremely fast was nearby the kid, which made the surviving possibility for the kid 0%.

Without hesitation kuro ran as fast as he could toward the kid pushing him to the next side.

"Live great..kid" - Kuro

The car was already close and no escaping for kuro. Kuro closed his eye being ran over by the car.

People started running to kuro hoping to help him. One of the citizens started checking on his heart status by putting his ear next to his heart.

"His heart stopped.." - The citizen

Kuro's dead body was bleeding which filled the area around him aswell.

"Life repeated" - ???

Kuro was falling down in the endless space with no ability to move or see any object around him.

"Life repeated? what is that??" - Kuro

Kuro was hearing a voice in his brain whispering.

"Repeating life as..." - ???

"Repeating life as what?? where am i?? shouldn't i be dead by now??" - Kuro

"Shi signed..." - ???

"Shi? What is a Shi?" - Kuro

"Area delivering..." - ???

"What am i pizza-" - Kuro

Out of a sudden kuro was already standing above a grave.

"Where am i.." - Kuro

Kuro was looking around him noticing that he was standing above a grave.

"Nobody can tell me where exactly am i.." - Kuro

He continued by

"Shouldn't i be dead." - Kuro

A voice began talking in kuro's head.

"Location specified : In the grave area of Maku village." - ???

The voice continued by answering kuro's second question.

"You've been rewarded with a second life. Especially in a new dimension." - ???

Kuro freaked out not knowing what was talking in his head.


The voice replied :

"Zero." - ???

Kuro palmed his face.

"You sound like i know who is zero. Elaborate further please." - Kuro

"I am your Shi." - Zero

"Ugh...elaborate what is a Shi, elaborate everything please." - Kuro

"Shi is an alternative of ability in this world. there is 3 types of shi which is learnable, unlearnable and teachable, Maximum amount of Shi can be learned is 1." - Zero

"Explain the types." - Kuro

"Learnable : Can be learned by anybody, simply by studying and learning the skills of the Shi. There is plenty of learnable Shi'. 100% of humanity is capable of learning this Shi type." - Zero

Zero continued by explaining the unlearnable.

"Unlearnable : Can't be learned or taught and only 5% by humanity plus 1% of beasts been born with it, Making the Shi more unique and different, however not all of the unlearnable Shi' is stronger than learnable Shi'." - Zero

As Zero finished explaining unlearnable Shi', it continued to explain teachable.

"Teachable : A unique Shi where a person are able to use and teach people a whole new Shi. Only 10 people who has been born with it, And their abilities were Light, Dark, Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning, Nature, Earth. The remaining 2 died before teaching anybody." - Zero

Kuro was focused to all of the explanation, And then proceeded to say :

"I see. So you're an unlearnable Shi, As what i see you're useless you just reply to questions." - Kuro

"False." - Zero

Kuro got confused.

"Then what the heck could you be?" - Kuro

"Zero is capable of doing every single order been said by the user." - Zero

Kuro was confused and then he proceeded to test :

"Zero crush that tree." - Kuro pointed at a tree near him.

Out of a sudden this tree was crushed down into pieces.

"HOLY!" - Kuro

"Proceeding to turn the user user to holy soul.." - Zero

"STOP STOP." - Kuro

"Stopped." - Zero

"I see, the shi will do the order even if it wasn't meant for it." - Kuro's mind

"Once i say Zero and proceeds to say the order then do what i say." - Kuro

"As ordered." - Zero

"Destroy that tree" - Kuro pointed at a tree.

Nothing happend.

"Alright, i think i'm stuck in this world now.." - Kuro

"Zero, is there any place close to my location as of right now?" - Kuro

"True, Maku village is the closest destination." - Zero

"Lead me to it." - Kuro

"Walk to your right, you'll be finding a pathway, follow it to reach your destination." - Zero

Kuro followed the said destination, reaching a pathway. He followed the path noticing a village infront of him.

"Why does this village seem too old? or maybe because i'm used to the new generation." - Kuro

Kuro continued moving entering the village.

- Chapter End -

A gift could be helpful to continue this novel.

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