
Kurta Clan’s Sword and Shield

drragoon · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


In this secret village, there is a small academy run by the Kurta Clan Elder with a helping assistant, Kurapika's dad.

They teach children above the age of 5 about many subjects ranging from Mathematics and Japanese to Sparring which happens down at the backyard.

The backyard consists of many elements. Training dummies made of sticks and a large piece of spiral wood for each, two wooden racks of wooden weapons with a variety of weapon types, and a 20m x 20m smooth field.

How does he know this? His father always comes to take him there every so often to show Mamoru fights between children.

Mamoru looks at these fights with a mildly exhausted look. He didn't really like watching kids fight. It's like clowns performing horrendously.

Mamoru, a 3 month old, had understood that in 12 years time, there will be a massacre that will cause the Kurta Clan to become near extinct with Kurapika the only survivor.

He had to grow up quickly but he can't. Mamoru still couldn't speak properly, which still aches him a lot. He needed to quickly find a way to learn a power that the clan had never touched or seen.


There were currently two ways to activate his Nen pores. The first is through meditation while the second needs an influx of life energy. The problem is… he had only one option, it was the former.

(It looks like I need to meditate and try to unlock my Nen pores one by one)

He didn't care if he exposed the fact that he had capacity to think, feel and do to both his parents and the townsmen. But rather, wouldn't they be happy about a genius being born within their clan?

He also knew that Kurta Clan was infamous for their Scarlet Eyes. It's a gene passed down from Kurta Clan's older generations. It enhances the user's Nen proficiency in all of the 6 Nen types.

But currently, there are only 34 townsmen out of 127 that have the Scarlet Eyes.

He had yet to unlock them or so he might have had it.

The Scarlet Eyes were activated once a Kurta expresses major emotions like guilt, sorrow, and anger.

Anger is said to be the most prominent emotion to activate the Scarlet Eyes.

However, Mamoru couldn't really feel anger at any point. There wasn't really a reason for him to feel angry.

So, he didn't really worry about it.

He snuck into his parents room, climbing up a chair and onto the desk.

He tried to grab a pen and ink but he was struggling as usual.

(Why do I keep struggling so much and yet my struggles has not borne any fruit)

He had it…

He smudged his fingers with ink and went ahead take out a new piece of paper to write something.

'Mother and father, me need peace'

He didn't want to write full sentences or else it would really make him abnormal. I mean, being able to write at 3 months old is already pretty out of the ordinary.

Mother and father were currently either in the kitchen making meals or in the living room relaxing.

But when they saw their son Mamoru grabbing a piece of paper and walking out through their bedroom door, they were quite shocked. Not too shocked though.

His mother scolded his dad to watch over their son carefully. The father was rubbing his head embarrassed but he quickly grabbed their son holding a piece of paper tight.

The father then looked at the piece of paper. He was shocked beyond belief.

"Mother… and father… me… need peace… @#$@!?"

The father looked at his son in awe.

"Wow honey Mamoru seems to know how to write"

"What?!" She nearly dropped her knife onto her feet. She wasn't worried about that, she was more or so joyous but she quickly came towards her son to read what the paper said.

Both Mamoru's parents nodded at each other and said to Mamoru.

"Ok sweaty we can give you some space of your own. And also honey, get our son some books from the library to give to our son to read"

"Alright, I will be back honey"

"Take care~"

And so Mamoru's training starts at the age of 3 months.


It has been three years since the last time Mamoru wanted some peace and quiet. It felt like he was caught up studying back in his days. He was studying and meditating on Nen in the living room. He had stacks of books on the floor he had already read several times over.

He had grown from 50cm to 72cm. Quite significant but, he wanted to grow faster.

Mamoru had already unlocked all his Nen pores in his body and is now seizing control over his life energy pouring out like a waterfall.

And by the way, he can talk now but he still sounds like a child obviously.

"Sweaty, would you like a drink?"

"Yes mum"

Mamoru was smiling at the fact that he had such caring people around him including his parents.

He really didn't want to lose all of this happiness.

His Nen progression was quite steady, it had solid foundation as he doesn't attempt other major principles of Nen without finishing what he is currently training.

He was now training his newly found Hatsu.

It took him a year to master Ten which he struggled to keep his Nen nodes from pouring out.

After, he needed 6 months to work on Zetsu which he uses Nen to hide the user.

Then he needed 1 year and 6 months to master Ren which forced him to output his Ten to the maximum. He didn't really master Ren but he could maintain it for 4 hours.

And finally, Hatsu…

"Mother, can you get me a glass of water with a leaf on top of it for me please"

"Yes Mamoru, here you go~"

Mamoru's mother didn't really question what her son was doing most of the time. But sometimes during the past she would feel kind of oppressed by her own son feeling a little scared. But not too much.

(It's time to test what Nen type I am)