
Year 1: Swimming lesson(short)


"Bless you."

I sat in the swimming lesson on a bench next to Sakayanagi. Both of us couldn't participate. Sakayanagi, because of her leg and me because I catched a cold during the coversation with Fuka-senpai.

We watched the others swimming.

"Now we'll meassure time on 50 meter freestyle." The teacher said that and started various emotions under the students.

Katsuragi was rather calm and Totsuka immediately started praising how fast katsuragi will be.

Shiota looked rather nervous, although he didn't look like he struggled during the whole swimming earlier. He has a rather nice body. It looked like he has some well built muscles, but not the body of an athlete. More like he had someone who trained him specifically to be strong, but also for keeping a low profile. But I don't think he can overpower Katsuragi or Masayoshi in a battle of raw strength.

The just mentioned blondie, looked like he didn't even heard hat the teacher was saying. He tried to flirt with some girls. He sure has some special attitude. His body was well built and he has nearly invisible six pack. His biceps and triceps were also not bad.

Kamuro looked unpleasant to have to swim in front of the whole class with the time being measured. I don't want to go into too much detail, but her body looked really nice.

Most of our girl's bodies looked rather nice, but Nagi's was better.

While some guys stared at the girls bodies, no one of the ones mentioned above with exception of Totsuka does. Katsuragi was too righteous, Shiota too shy or just not interested and Masayoshi looked at the faces of the girls while flirting.

It started with Katsuragi's time being measured. His starting pose looked rather professional, but not like the one of a real athlete.

He swam quite fast with a time of round about twenty five seconds.

Totsuka looked like he was about to cu-. "Katsuragi you're amazing!"

"True, you're not bad Katsuragi." That was Masayoshi.

"He. Don't sound so condescending. You wouldn't get a better time."

"Of course not. Why should I even bother to be better than a old man." That took it to far, as I heard that Katsuragi losthis hair due to an illness.

"How could you-" Totsuka was about to attack Masayoshi.

"Enough, Totsuka. Don't lower yourself to their level."

"But he-"

"I don't want to hear anything. Understood, Totsuka?"

Totsuka nodded.

When it was Masayoshi's turn, Totsuka looked like he was about to shout that Masayoshi could never beat the bald guy, but the bald guy prevent this from happening.

Masayoshi didn't swim bad either with a time of a little more than twenty seven seconds. As he got himself out of the pool, he was talked to by Totsuka.

"Hah, I knew it. You couldn't beat Katsuragi. Too bad!"

"Hah, as I said. Why should I beat him. I wasn't even trying." "You-" That was a lie. He was obviously trying and giving his best, but he simply couldn't beat Katsuragi.

Now Shiota had to go on. He wanted to say he don't want to, but he has to at the end. His time was twenty eight seconds and like this he took the third place between the boys.

I think if I had to participate I would have end in fifth place.

Between the girls Kamuro took the first spot. Her time was about twenty eight seconds too.

"Don't you want to look at the girls bodies?"

"Huh." I looked at Sakayanagi. That was a rather unexpected question. "Why?"

"I didn't see gou stare even once."

"Are you, perhaps, not interested in girls?"

I looked at her. "That's not it. I just-"

"What are you talking about. I heard staring." It was the part time annoyer, the special blonde version.

"We just talked about Kurose's missing interests in a womans body."

"So you're gay."

Sigh. At least he doesn't look like he considered that as a bad thing to be.

"No, I'm not. And you also didn't looke at the bodies. Just at the face."

"True, but why should I look at them here in their swimsuit, when I can just look at them everyday. And like this I am considered a boy, who's not just after your body."

"Pretty disgusting, don't you think."

"Kamuro, it hurts me when you speak like that about me." That's at least what he said, but I couldn't think of a situation where Masayoshi would say that seriously. And I couldn't think of a Kamuro taking this serious.

"Too bad, I couldn't see boss swimming."

"I would've just lost to you all."

"Don't say that."

"Kurose, do you have time after today's lessons?" Why does Kamuro ask me that.

"Yeah, why."

"Let's go to a cafe together."

A group of girls and boys walking next to us stopped as they heard that and looked at me waiting for my response.

"Fufufu." "Oh Boss."

"Sure, why not."

With that the swim lesson ended and we returned to our classrooms. I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the day. 'Why did she asked me that?'

"Kurose." Sakayanagi teared me out of my thoughts.


"I need you to talk with mashima-sensei, after the lesson, before you meet up with Kamuro."


After the lesson we approached our teacher. Sakayanagi explained her plan to me beforehand.


"What do the two of you need from me."

"We want to buy something."

Sorry, I now this chapter is short, but I wanted to start the next thing with a new chapter, so I had to cut it.

I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless.

definetlyundeadcreators' thoughts
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