
Kumiai, Cookies & “Genki” Club

Do you know the feeling of not knowing what to say to someone when they ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?". This is especially true when you're still in high school, like our heroine Rina. They say that the best way to find your vocation is to try as many different things as possible and enjoy your life to the fullest. And what better place than Kumiai to get the best experiences and unforgettable memories. An island full of surprises, a lively school, a bit of fantasy, and the promise of following funny adventures with young Rina and her two friends Aya and Sophie. In the Genki Club, Rina will always be there to solve the problems of the students and anyone else in need, no matter how crazy the requests are... https://kumiai.moe/

Jessie_Ka_ · Urban
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54 Chs

Where is Finn by the way?

The girls discuss what they did today in class and reminisce about their club activities in previous years.

Sophie asks Rina.

"Tell me Rina-chan, where is the toilet?"

"Look over there, you have a little hallway behind the living room on the right, that's the back door."

"Thanks, I'll be right back."

"Call me if you get lost."

"Mo~ how do you expect me to get lost here!"

"Haha, I trust your ability to get lost easily."

Sophie walks away with a pout.

Further on, while going to the toilets, Sophie comes to caress the head of the small lizard spirit which is on her shoulder.

"Shuu-chan, can you please stay here?"

"Um, I'll be waiting for you on the branch of this bonsai tree." *Vaterschweigen (Schuu-chan)*

She gently places her companion on the shrub.

"By the way, I'm thinking about it, I haven't seen Lynn and Finn since we got to the ryokan. Do you know where they might have gone?"

"I wouldn't worry about them if I were you, Finn is visiting the place and Lynn is following him to watch him. They'll be back later tonight." *Vaterschweigen (Schuu-chan)*

"Um, I hope they don't do anything stupid."

Let's come back earlier in the evening, in one of the corridors of the inn...

♪ hum hum hum ♪ *Finn*

"You look like you're over the moon Finn, why the burst of happiness?" *Lynn*

"How could I not be in a good mood when we are in the sanctuary of relaxation and well-being?" *Finn*

"I didn't think you were the type to enjoy this kind of place. Too bad you can't enjoy it, hihihi." *Lynn*

"I am sure that Lady Elsa or Sir Naoki would not mind receiving my person in their establishment. Especially since they can't see me..." *Finn*

"Do you think so?" *Lynn*

"Of course, I think.." *Finn*


"so… Well, well, well, that is most invigorating." *Finn*

Finn stops dead in front of the entrance to one of the outdoor bathing areas, of course, this is the area...

"...of damsels, I can not miss the opportunity to invite myself to this little gathering of radiant maidens." *Finn*

In a flash, this cunning rabbit sneaks into the women's baths.

"Oi! Finn, this is not the time!" *Lynn*

No response.

"If you think I'm going to let you trample on the innocence of the young girls in there, you're kidding yourself." *Lynn*

Lynn enters the baths, leaving the Whites behind and heading for the pavilion.

"Um, I am in the locker room, not a shadow of a goddess in sight, they may all be bathing already." *Finn*

Finn carefully opens the sliding door leading to the outside, inaudible voices attest to the presence of no one in the baths. Alas...

"This bloody steam, it's worse than fog. I hear them but... I don't see them." *Finn*

He moves slowly while he can't see a meter in front of him, it's really convenient these scenaristic vapors to censor the things too revealing, isn't it?

"I think it's time to get back to my lucky clover." *Finn*

Finn removes the plant that adorns his top hat and presents it before his eyes.

"Just make an effort my mucker, we're partners, let's go for the craic!" *Finn*

The clover begins to shake slightly in the rabbit's hands.

"Just the first leaf should be enough." *Finn*

One of the leaves of the clover lights up with a yellow-green light.

"May luck be with me today and may this accursed fog reveal before my eyes the beauty of youth in these parts!" *Finn*

A flash comes to dazzle Lynn who arrives in the back of the rabbit.

The vapors dissipate as if by magic... in fact, IT IS magic so...

"Haha, well done to myself, here I come ladies!" *Finn*

Finn leaps and jumps with all his might into the baths, using his magic to take on the physical form of a simple rabbit so he can make the most of the physical contact.


"Kyaa !"

Ruckus is heard, Lynn discovers the scene after having recovered the use of her sight following the flash of the clover.

Finn gets his head above water and...

"Ah what a little rascal that rabbit is. I didn't know there were any around here."

"Do you think he's wild?"

"No look, he has some kind of little jacket, it must belong to someone."

He then opens his eyes to discover it is...


*Thunderous sound of blood splashing*

Finn's eyes explode and release a fountain of blood. Inert, the rabbit literally faints, the shock was too great for his heart.

"Ara, look at him, he looks bad, let's take him back to the front desk, his owner can do something."

The old women take Finn and get out of the bath.

"Ouch ouch, that bloody Finn is at it again, how am I going to explain it to Sophie... Mind you, it's his fault, he wanted to tempt the devil and now he's paying the price." *Lynn*

"I'm sure that's what happened..." *Vaterschweigen (Schuu-chan)*

"What are you saying Shuu-chan?"

"No nothing, I'm talking to myself. Are you done? *Vaterschweigen (Schuu-chan)*

"Yes let's go back to the girls."