
Kumiai, Cookies & “Genki” Club

Do you know the feeling of not knowing what to say to someone when they ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?". This is especially true when you're still in high school, like our heroine Rina. They say that the best way to find your vocation is to try as many different things as possible and enjoy your life to the fullest. And what better place than Kumiai to get the best experiences and unforgettable memories. An island full of surprises, a lively school, a bit of fantasy, and the promise of following funny adventures with young Rina and her two friends Aya and Sophie. In the Genki Club, Rina will always be there to solve the problems of the students and anyone else in need, no matter how crazy the requests are... https://kumiai.moe/

Jessie_Ka_ · Urban
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54 Chs

A good meal in sight

While they are talking, Sophie comes back to Rina and Aya.

"Did you find the toilet?"

"Mo~ Rina-chan, I'm not that dum-dum after all."

"Haha, you're back at the right time, I was just telling Aya that we'll soon be eating. Remy-san had told me at 8 pm the start of the meal."

"Let's go join our parents in the living room."

Rina turned off the brazier she had lit earlier.

Aya opens the bay window that leads to the living room and at the same time...

*Sliding door noise*

"Well? Someone has just entered the pavilion, it must be Sana."

Elsa meets Rina's eyes.

"Your timing is perfect, you can go check if it's your sister Rina."

"I'll check it out."

Rina rushes to the entrance and is about to go behind the curtain that separates the entrance from the living room.

The curtain rises and...

*BAM !*

"Ouch!" x2

"My head…"

Rina goes backward after having hit something...

"Onee-chan, you should be careful. What an idea to pop up like that, I'll get a bump on my forehead..."

"I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Yeah, except for the fact that I'm probably going to look like a unicorn with the bump I'm going to have."

"Um, then there will be two of us, look."

She in turn shows off the beautiful red mark on her forehead.

Elsa gets up from the living room sofa and walks toward her daughters.

"Let me have a look... It's okay, it's nothing, you don't have to become unicorns tomorrow."

*Kiss* x2

A magic kiss on her daughters' foreheads and they are healed.

"Mummy, not in front of people!"

Naoki gets up abruptly in his turn and jumps to Rina and Sana.

"Papa-san gets to give you a magic kiss on your boo-boos too!"

*Bruises of kisses version of octopus mouth*

The hands of the two sisters come to crush on the ridiculous face of their father.

"No need, mom's is enough, I'm afraid yours will make the wound worse..."

"How cold you are..."

"Well since Sana has arrived, I think it's time to move on to the meal, right Chef Remy?"

"Sure, come this way, everyone to a dedicated seat. I'll call the waiters to start the service."

Everyone gets up and comes to sit around the table nicely decorated by Remy and Rina.

"For this evening, I have specially prepared a 7-course menu of French specialties. I suggest you start directly with the hors d'oeuvre."

Two waiters come out of the kitchen and place the first course in front of the guests' eyes.

"Fresh Mediterranean Verrine, an aperitif featuring fish and citrus."

A simple bite to start a good meal.

"Wait, is this the same as the appetizers from earlier?"

"Not quite Rina, this time we're talking about the aperitif in the gastronomic sense. It is the dish used to start a meal."

"France is complex when it comes to food."

The plates are emptied, and satisfaction can be seen on the faces of the guests. What a pleasure to spend a good time around a succulent meal.

"Next service, the soup. Revisiting the traditional onion soup in a gastronomic version..."

"For the next part, the Lyonnaise salad revisited in the Burgundian way."

Paul, surprised by the name of the dish, calls out to Chef Remy.

"Tell me chief, Burgundian style, does it imply that we are entitled to the famous Burgundy snails?"

"Exactly, I was lucky enough to get my hands on these little wonders not too long ago, I thought it would be interesting to see it in a salad rather than a main course for once."

"Very good idea, I take note of this idea, haha."

At the same time, Rina's face tightened. Her mother notices it instantly.

"Something wrong, Rina?"


"Did you say snails? That's what I heard right?"

"It's a gastronomic classic."

"You mean those...slimy and...sticky things?"

Rina visualizes the appearance of a beautiful snail dripping with slime, sending a shiver of intense disgust and revulsion down the back of her neck.

Remy immediately spots the girl's discomfort and tries a daring subterfuge.

"Didn't I tell you Rina, snails of Burgundy is the name given to an animal close to the duck in France. So they are not snails as you imagine them to be."

Everyone watches in amazement as the Chief tries to convince Rina with a lie bigger than the moon.

"You know, France is complex, just like the aperitifs from earlier."

Confused and still having doubts, Rina wonders.

"You mean it has nothing to do with real snails?"

"Exactly, it's like I said... a breed of duck with spiral plumage like a snail's shell can be, hence the misleading name..."


Everyone looks at Rina in deep thought.

She stares at her plate, plants one of the pieces of "duck" and puts it in her mouth.

*Chew chew and swallow*



"I had never eaten duck with such a distinctive but divine taste!"


"Gl- glad you like it, haha..."

It went off without a hitch, thanks to the naivety of the young lady.