
Krul Tepes, The Gamer

Being thrust into Kuoh Town as my favorite waifu and with the gamer no less was something I never imagined in my wildest dreams; the fools always say I am heartless, a cheater, and unnecessarily cruel, but they don’t know who I am. I am the gamer.

Great_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Grind, Grit, and the Gleaming Sun

After grinding in the dungeon and spamming my skills to level up, the morning sunlight finally came into my vision, and I avoided it as it appeared that I hated it.

Coincidentally, Ai Hayasaka appeared in front of my room, perhaps not coincidentally as it was the duty of the maid to wake up their master.

Well, this only applies in anime, though. In the real world, I don't have any beautiful maid who will wake up their master. Yeah, the anime plot is deceiving because my maid in the real world is grumpy and old. There is no such thing as a beautiful maid, perhaps there is, but not for me. After all, the one who hired the maid is my parents, not me.

My mind seemed to wander a lot, and I needed to get a grip on reality and clear my thoughts while I focused my gaze on Hayasaka.

"Is there anything that you wanted to say, Hayasaka?" I asked when I saw her hesitant expression.

"Yes... Lady Krul, I don't know if you wanted me to help you take a bath and dress up or not."

"Well, if you don't mind that, it would be appreciated." I nodded at her offer.

There is nothing embarrassing about me being helped to wash up by Hayasaka. We're both women, so, what could possibly go wrong?

I think there is nothing wrong with it, but why do I seem to be setting up a red flag?

I shouldn't have used 'what could possibly go wrong' in the first place.

"It's the duty of the maid, Lady Krul." Ai Hayasaka then helped me to find the bath towel in the wardrobe and skillfully took off my dress.

She then put the bath towel on me as she followed along by taking off her dress and putting the towel on herself as she guided me toward the bathroom.

The location doesn't require me to go outside, but apparently, the bathroom itself is conveniently beside my chamber, just like at my grandparents' house where the bathroom is beside the bedroom.

When we arrived, I took off my towel and handed it over to Hayasaka to handle as she put it on the hangers in the bathroom.

By then, she began to set the shower to cold rather than hot. She probably thought a vampire like me would prefer a cold shower over a hot bath.

In the past, I did like hot baths more than cold showers, but considering that I am no longer human, I think I prefer cold showers now.

Probably sensing something wrong, Ai Hayasaka asked, "There is so much stench of blood on you, Lady Krul. Is there any trouble that needs my help?"

"Just help me to wash, Hayasaka." I commanded, my voice flat.

She nodded as she began to help me rinse my hair first, applying the shampoo into it, then washing my body as she applied the soap to every inch of it.

I frowned when I saw that she even put her hand on the intimate parts of my body, feeling a little bit of discomfort, but I didn't make a fuss about it, letting Ai Hayasaka wash me clean with her skillful hands.

No wonder this woman was depressed and obedient after being trained by the Shinomiya family despite being a pampered young lady in the past. Perhaps their training was very harsh to the point that she was willing to lower her dignity to become a maid for Kaguya. Perhaps she has already gotten used to it when she washed Kaguya's body, even her most sensitive parts, just like she does with mine.

After that, I was fully dressed, neat and clean, with Hayasaka's help as I looked at myself in the mirror with great satisfaction.

"Thank you, Hayasaka." I said courteously, expressing my thanks to her for helping me to dress up and take a bath. I was no longer wearing the gothic dress that Krul usually wears but a white t-shirt that is usually worn in daily life. My pink hair was no longer tied in a bandanna or twintails but flowed freely as long hair.

Despite this, Ai Hayasaka still wore her usual maid attire after fully bathing with me and bowed.

"You're welcome, Lady Krul. The chef should have already finished cooking. Let me escort you to the breakfast table."

"Will do." I nodded.

When I arrived at the breakfast table, I was greeted by the luxurious view before me.

A grand dining room adorned with ornate chandeliers and large windows offering a view of a meticulously manicured garden. A pristine white tablecloth, delicate porcelain tableware, and silver cutlery. A small, elegant flower arrangement in a crystal vase graced the center of the table.

Steaming hot, short-grain Japanese rice served in an ornate lacquered bowl. A clear, flavorful broth filled with soft tofu cubes, wakame seaweed, and scallions, served in a traditional ceramic bowl. A perfectly cooked salmon fillet, skin side crispy, served with a squeeze of lemon. A beautifully rolled omelette, sweet and savory, garnished with shredded nori. A small assortment of pickled vegetables, such as cucumbers, daikon radish, and umeboshi plums. A fermented seafood dish, served in a small earthenware pot. A pot of freshly brewed green tea, served with small ceramic cups.

By then, I began to experience the life of a capitalist with the luxury set of meals before me. Despite my past life's grandfather being one too, well, it's my grandfather, not me. My father and mother are not capitalists. Compared to my rich grandfather, my parents' wealth was just a drop in the ocean.

Before I enjoyed my meal, I picked up the ceramic cup on the table and sipped the fresh green tea gracefully, waiting for Kaguya to arrive first before enjoying my meal. As a guest of the house, I shouldn't be rude and eat before the host. Though I don't need to do it, I need to take care of Hayasaka's feelings. After all, if I ate first, it would appear to be overstepping.

I guessed that without Hayasaka's help, it would take too long for Kaguya to wake up.

I shifted my gaze to Hayasaka and then said, "You should help her to wake up, but remember, Hayasaka, you should wake her up as a friend, not as a maid. I will wait for you."

"Yes, Lady Krul."

After seeing Hayasaka's back, I sighed about the unreality before me. I never thought that I would take down a huge corporation in a single night and have a beautiful maid who readily devotes herself and serves my every whim. The young master of the Peng clan should be proud when knowing this.


By then, I began to enjoy the silence with a graceful sip.

This is my new life, I guessed.

The life of Krul Tepes.


Name: Krul Tepes

Race: Third Progenitor

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Profession: The Gamer

Guild: None


EXP: 330.000/420.000

HP: 290.000/290.000

MP: 500.000/500.000

Personal Attribute:

Strength: 3000

Agility: 3000

Constitution: 2900

Spirit: 5000

Charisma: 2900

Stat Points: 0


1. Third Progenitor: Progenitors are the oldest and most powerful vampires, they are the leaders of vampire society and hold immense authority over lesser vampires, as the Third Progenitor you are the vampire who ranks third in the hierarchy of all vampires. You are one of the top leaders among vampires, wielding considerable power and authority.

Effect: +5 Stat Points per level, regeneration of 20% HP and MP per minute.

2. Gamer Mindset: You have the mentality of a gamer; you saw the power trips, finishing the quest, and seeking the best end for yourself above all else. You will kill for EXP and cheat your way to the top.

Effect: +5 Spirit per level.

3. The Queen: You are born to rule; you take pride in yourself as a queen. The blood in your veins and your innate nobility are destined to be superior compared to others. Power and control have always been your best drug, and world domination has always been in your best interest. Thus, let the conquest begin.

Effect: +5 Charisma per level, +5 Strength per level, +5 Agility per level, +5 Constitution per level, +5 Spirit per level


1. Gamer Mind (Passive)

Description: Grants immunity to psychological status effects and allows for calm, logical thinking in any situation.

Level: Max

2. Gamer Body (Passive)

Description: The body functions like a game character, fully healing after a night's sleep and negating the need for food or drink for survival.

Level: Max

3. Blood Manipulation (Passive/Active)

Description: Allows Krul to control and manipulate blood for various purposes, including healing, attacking, and creating blood weapons.

Level: 75

Mana Cost: Varies by usage

4. Vampiric Regeneration (Passive)

Description: Enables rapid healing of wounds and restoration of health over time.

Level: 80

Effect: Restores 10% HP per minute

5. Hypnotic Gaze (Active)

Description: Krul can mesmerize and control weaker-willed individuals with her gaze.

Level: 60

Mana Cost: 500 per use

Effect: Mind control for 10 minutes or until dispelled

6. Shadow Step (Active)

Description: Allows instant movement between shadows within a 100-meter radius.

Level: 70

Mana Cost: 300 per use

7. Enhanced Senses (Passive)

Description: Heightened senses including sight, hearing, and smell.

Level: 65

Effect: 50% increased perception in combat

8. Blood Magic (Active)

Description: Utilizes blood to cast powerful spells and curses.

Level: 85

Mana Cost: Varies by spell

9. Royal Authority (Passive/Active)

Description: Commands respect and loyalty from lesser vampires, your simple presence enough to intimidate the lesser man.

Level: 90

Effect: 100% loyalty from lower-rank vampires, 50% increased effectiveness in commands, 50% fear inducing status toward the weaker will and someone weaker than you.

10. Flight (Active)

Description: Ability to fly using bat-like wings.

Level: 60

Mana Cost: 200 per minute

11. Eternal Youth (Passive)

Description: Prevents aging and maintains youthful appearance indefinitely.

Level: MAX

Effect: Ageless appearance and vitality

12. The World (Active)

Description: Krul can stop time for a brief moment, allowing her to move while the world around her is frozen.

Level: 10

Effect: Stops time for 15 seconds

Mana Cost: 1000 per use

Cooldown: 5 minutes

13. Teleportation (Active)

Description: Instantly transports Krul to a location within a 1500-meter radius.

Level: 10

Effect: Instantaneous movement to a known location

Mana Cost: 700 per use

Cooldown: 5 minutes

14. Life Drain (Active)

Description: Absorbs life force from a target to replenish Krul's HP and MP.

Level: 10

Effect: Drains 10% of target's HP and restores equivalent amount to Krul's HP and MP

Mana Cost: 400 per use

Cooldown: 5 minutes