
Krul Tepes, The Gamer

Being thrust into Kuoh Town as my favorite waifu and with the gamer no less was something I never imagined in my wildest dreams; the fools always say I am heartless, a cheater, and unnecessarily cruel, but they don’t know who I am. I am the gamer.

Great_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Capitalist Luxuries

I feel the food before me is lackluster, probably because I am undead, I think that way. It's tasteless as fuck; probably only blood and wine could satisfy me.

I sighed wearily; it seemed becoming a vampire would make me have to say goodbye to good food in the future.

At least, it was better than a ghoul who vomits at the taste of food. Speaking of ghouls, I have heard from Hayasaka that they exist. I only know ghouls from Tokyo Ghoul so far; for the rest, I did not pay attention to it. I do not really like studying ghouls deeply or even bothering to remember them, except for coming across them in anime.

Compared to hardcore otaku, I am just a fake fan who only enjoys the sheer entertainment of it. I do not have that much time for studying anime knowledge or their lore.

The only reason why I remember them is that I am mad smart and it is easy enough for me to recall the information at a glance without studying them so deeply like others. Thanks to this, it saves me from many troubles that are difficult for others to solve.

Moreover, I do not like thinking and turn off my brain most of the time, only using it when necessary.

Back to the present, Kaguya had arrived long ago and she did not sit at the head table, but in front of me. She has fully dressed herself properly and fully in her school uniform. Her fresh complexion suggested that before heading up to the breakfast table, she had already properly bathed.

Well, even without looking at her fresh complexion, only her dress was enough to draw that conclusion.

Probably, there are some people who do not bathe when they go to school, but I have never encountered them so far.

Moreover, the soap scent was very obvious.

"Lady Krul..." Kaguya Shinomiya greeted softly.

"Krul should be fine too," I interjected. She was not my maid or subordinate, so it would be weird for me to be called Lady Krul over and over again.

Moreover, before reincarnating, I was just sixteen years old, not that old to be called Lady. Blame myself for not using the Miss title when I wanted Hayasaka to call me, but my mind was not in the right place at that time, and did not notice this little detail which made me misspell Miss with Lady when I commanded Hayasaka.

Probably others would find it strange that I can play politics, understand philosophy, and even take over a large corporation effortlessly at such a young age. Even having so much power, it would be difficult for normal people to do this, but I have never been normal. My past family was very influential and powerful despite my mother and father not being as rich compared to the rest of my relatives. Based on the strict and harsh education and environment in my family, I had to learn these things.

People with simple minds or fools would be ridiculed at family reunions and become jokes at the dining table. It does not need to be a fool, only having average intelligence is considered to be a sin in my past. That is why I was forced to mature faster.

"Ahem... Krul... Is the food not to your taste? Do you want me to change it?" Kaguya cleared her throat and interrupted my thinking as I saw her looking at me with a hint of concern.

"I am fine. If you do not mind, I would like to enroll in your school, Kaguya." I stated my intention to her.

Compared to Kuoh Academy where I still have no influence, I preferred Suuchin Academy where the Shinomiya Family has shares and influence in the school. It is very convenient for me to have privilege and power. The dominance of Kuoh itself is occupied by Satan's sisters. There is nothing that outsiders can do against it, unless someone joins their peerage or forcefully snatches the territory from them. I do not like those two methods. I am more comfortable in a place where I have power and influence.

My suspicious nature always makes me paranoid and leads me to make the worst assumptions about other people. Who knows if Rias would use this to investigate me or ask her peerage to befriend me to take advantage of me. As much as in the anime she was not like that, probably she is, but I did not pay attention to it.

Nonetheless, Kuoh Academy is off my list unless I can make either Serafall or Sirzech my ally so I can bypass Rias and ignore her authority and influence over the school.

Moreover, I think Suuchin Academy is not that simple. This is not a pure rom-com world, but a mix of DXD and many others that are still unexplored by me.

Befriending Kaguya or enrolling in her school is different. It does not scream a takeover of the Shinomiya Family or a hostile takeover of a human company. It is just a friendship and curiosity of a vampire about youth. See the difference?

Who knows what would happen if other people noticed my actions, I have not asked Gan'an yet, probably later. For now, I want to go to school. The first step is to recruit my own faction within the confines of the school which is filled with protagonists and heroines from anime, giving me huge potential in recruitment.

Hopefully, I do not encounter someone who screams "All Hail Hydra" in this school. As long as I do not, everything is fine by me.

"Lady Krul... Lady Krul..." Ai Hayasaka whispered behind me and snapped me out of my stupor as I saw Kaguya clear her throat and say.

"Since that is the case, let me introduce you to the school principal then."

"Do you want to go with us now, Krul?"

"Well, lead the way." After the last sip from the green tea in my hand, I smirked.

After everything was already prepared, Kaguya stood up and led the way, while Ai Hayasaka helped me to tidy up my dress and wipe out the trace of food on my lips with a handkerchief.

She asked me with a hint of concern in her voice. "Do you want to change the dress to be more formal first, Lady Krul?"

"No, I think this will do." I stood up from my seat while Ai Hayasaka began to escort me to the car.

She took the driver's seat while I sat in the back with Kaguya Shinomiya who still had that ice cube look.

The engine started and the beginning of my school life started from here.