
Krea and Zi Adventures

Krea and Zi Adventures is a series in a tale that is filled with the whims of mystical beings. It is set in the town of Calicrow that at first, seemed bland to Zi. She hangs out with her best friend Krea, who is now realizing she is a mystical as well. Zi is a Velcro being, with parents that help protect the world from creatures that act up. Der is Zi older brother, and he is training the girls to hone their magical powers so that they can defend themselves from the attacks of others. They all went through drama and scary incidents. They have solved mysteries. This adventure is fast paced with action and funny moments that will be cherished forever!

Nisha903 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Starnia's History

The squad stood up from the table. The majestic atmosphere of the Great Protectors was magnificent. There were ten of them total.

"Stephanieyh will be staying with you two." Said Eagil.

We nodded. We actually like her. I wonder what she do as a mystical... She came over to us and took both our hands.

The Great Protectors all stood on a platform, then disappeared. Wow, they can teleport!

Back in Tortor Town, I have seen and grew up around a lot of mysticals. I still can't believe our parents are super heroes. Matter of fact... Are my parents here! OMG. I have so many questions...

"Krea, Zi, here are two mini computers for you to stay updated on the mission." Said Stephanieyh.

We both grabbed the electronics and took a look. It was like watching a movie! I was kind of scared of what we might see. They are really letting us view? Wow.

Soo the crew was on a spaceship. We could switch between viewers. There were 2 pilots that were steering the craft. They are seriously letting us see? This isn't top secret? Well anyways.

The speacecraft had windows. I wish I was on it...

Krea said "I would like to talk to my Uncle." She glanced up at Stephanieyh with hopeful eyes.

Stephanieyh said "come on!"

I looked at Krea and she was staring straight ahead. Her pretty glow was amazing. My hair happily bounced as we followed the lady down the hall. She knocked on Dorcil's door.

"Your niece wants to see you again." She asked.

"Come on in!" He said in a booming voice.

"I will wait outside." Said Stephanieyh smiling.

We walked into the lit room. Dorcil was drinking an ice cup of water on the edge of the bed.

"Krea. Niece. And your friend Zi. What brings y'all back? Have a seat!" He fumed stardust from his nostrils. His exhale seemed forced...

We sat down. Krea said "How come I never met you?"

"Well I was always away in space." He waved his arm around. "Earth is not for me. Even with all the other mysticals around, I am a giant ball of gas whose chemistry is vastly different from you mere mortals. I don't fit in with others I just protect and serve as a GP. These people around here are the only ones I care to get along with." He huffed.

Krea frowned. "Oh."

I looked at both of them. They had similarities. Their light, obviously. Their nose, even though his was more broad. He had super long straight hair.

Krea floated up. "Am I able to go to space as well?"

Her Uncle Dorcil put his hand on his chin.

"Hm." He said. "That is a difficult question for me to answer. This is a conversation for you and your parents."

She floated back down a little disappointed.

"Well I am a Starnia right, like you? I don't feel like a ball of gas though."

He chuckled. "Niece you are funny. I didn't turn into a ball of gas until one day I exploded. I mean... Oops."

Krea was wide-eyed.


"Um. I meant..."

"OMG Zi what am I going to do!" She came to me and held both my hands. I think she was having a meltdown. I tried not to laugh cause that was so bewildering what her uncle said about exploding. I hope my best friend come back together, I need her in my life!

"Zi this is not funny! We are going back to school I can't be blowing up in class!"

I tried to say something with some sense. "Krea. If you blow up, I will still be there for you."

She threw her hands in the air.

"I can't believe this." She said.

Stephanieyh came into the room.

"Is everything okay?"

Krea sat down and looked up at Stephanieyh.

"I am a Starnia. My parents are gone... I miss them. What do I do when I blow up?"

Stephanieyh looked at Dorcil. He turned his head and huffed stardust. She just shook her head.

"Hunny. You will be okay."

She said the words I wanted to say.

"You Starnia's are amazing." She smiled and had such a warm look on her face like a mother's. Where are my parents. Me and Krea can't keep going through this. Our parents tripping.

Krea smiled slightly. "Thanks. I just learned to fly. Der," she looked at me, "Zi's older brother, has been training us recently. He brought us to this park."

Stephanieyh frowned. Dorcil turned towards us.

"Um we were in an altercation." I said.

"With who?" Said Stephanieyh a little surprised.

"There were these three girls who have been messing with us. Der basically said they were mad he didn't pay them no mind." I said.

"We know Der." Said Dorcil. "And we know the three girls y'all are talking about."

Me and Krea looked at each other out the corner of our eyes.

"Follow me." Said Stephanieyh. Before she left, Krea's uncle said-

"Your parents are awesome, even though my little brother and his wife can be a little stubborn. So they will get through that little situation we got into. I did, so can they. Starnia's are resilient Krea. We shine through it all." He laid back down. "I am going back to sleep. I do not have time for y'alls little drama."

Krea had a resolve about her and I couldn't help but feel the same.

Well then. We followed Stephanieyh out. We got back into the dark starlit box that took us to their headquarters. We walked outside back at the park. Where is Der...

And then there he was. He saw us and headed over. How long have he been here?

"Der!" I said, happy to see he wasn't shredded by those girls.

"Hey!" He looked at Stephanieyh and then he looked down.

Uh oh. Seems like he is in trouble.

"Der. What is going on?" Asked Stephanieyh.

"Everything is okay!" He said glancing sideways and rubbing his ear.

Then out of the woods flew the girls and poison girl hopped out of a tree as if they were there all along. I was a bit apprehensive. Krea floated into the air.

"You all know the park rules. We do not tolerate bullying." Said Stephanieyh glancing at them questioningly.

"These two girls here are new, Krea and Zi. Krea and Zi, these are Saeyeira, Tricyl, and Piy." She introduced.

Poison girl waved with a slight green mist. My sharp nails went up with a nice glint from the sunset in the sky. The sky was a nice orange and pink.

"We are Crew Ariy." They all said beside each other with an air of confidence that I wanted to get rid of...

Krea flew towards me and we both held each others hands. Stephanieyh looked at us and then at the group.

"I hope you all get along. Krea, Zi." she looked at us and then Der. "You know there are trainers here, and Der you just became one. I got a trainer for the girls. Der, please go to Walter he's our head trainer. He will tell you what to do Der."

Der looked at everybody then left. The crew was fidgety as if they were offended by that. I can't believe it.

"I do have tasks for you tomorrow crew Ariy." Said Stephanieyh. "Please come back again. Go home and rest."

The crew looked at each other, and left with a lot of noise and rustling leaves in the air.

"Come on." Said Stephanieyh.

We followed her back to headquarters. When we got to our rooms, we hurried and looked at our mini devices. I scrolled through a few of the GPs cams. Some were on the spaceship managing some controls... Then the screen lit up as I scrolled to one named Xertia.

She was not on the spaceship. It seems like GP is on the move with rescuing my best friend parents. These Starnia's... They are something else. I really hope my best friend don't blow up and I have to pick up all the pieces!

Hello! It took me a while to write this but I am finally done with it! I hope you enjoy! Comment some Starnia characteristic you would like to see!

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