
Krea and Zi Adventures

Krea and Zi Adventures is a series in a tale that is filled with the whims of mystical beings. It is set in the town of Calicrow that at first, seemed bland to Zi. She hangs out with her best friend Krea, who is now realizing she is a mystical as well. Zi is a Velcro being, with parents that help protect the world from creatures that act up. Der is Zi older brother, and he is training the girls to hone their magical powers so that they can defend themselves from the attacks of others. They all went through drama and scary incidents. They have solved mysteries. This adventure is fast paced with action and funny moments that will be cherished forever!

Nisha903 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Great Protectors Go!

Krea and I were just two girls taking classes in college. I was going for Chemistry and she was majoring in Art. We were both doing well and we have to go back soon.

A couple events happened and a lot of problems were solved, whew! I got my doctor's note and Krea got an emergency leave for her missing parents. We are going to save them!

Der, my older brother with short curly hair, have taken us to this park for training. It is called Park Terji for Mysticals! We were attacked by these girls. Der, in the park somewhere still, is trying to get away from them because of their crazy jealousy of his non attention.

Krea and I were met by the Great Protector Eagil after we escaped. He is part of GP, to keep our planet safe! He welcomed us and showed us around the park where we met trainers and saw a whole bunch of other Mysticals that were training here.

"Krea." Said Eagil. We were in GP's headquarters, whose entrance was at the park.

She wiped her tears away and looked at him.

"We are going to find your parents. We have assembled a team together. No y'all cannot come with us while we go on this quest. You can stay here, though, in our headquarters. We have everything you may need, if you decide to do so."

I looked at Krea. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess that will be fine." I said. "We have school coming up, but that can wait."

"We may get her parents back by then." Nodded Eagil confidently.

I looked at Krea again. She looked hopeful. Eagils power was pretty cool. His yellow speedy aura was still buzzing ecstatically. Someone walked up to us.

"Hi Eagil." Said a woman.

"Hello Stephanieyh."

"We have pinpointed locations on the galaxy map. Come take a look." She said.

Galaxy? We all followed the lady to a room with a holographic map in the center of the room. The room lights were dimmed and I saw planets, stars, and constellations in 3D form. There were four red beacons in various locations... Are those where Krea's parents may be...? In space? What!

Someone that was standing in the corner of the room at a computer came towards us.

"Hello, I am Gwap." He waved at us.

"These two are Krea and Zi. Krea is the next Starnia to Trip and Sady." Said Eagil.

When he said her parents names she almost cried again. I stepped closer to her and held her hand.

Stephanieyh said "come on girls, I will show you to your rooms!" She smiled slightly. "I want you both to be comfortable. I will bring some food as well, y'all must be hungry after your training."

Me and Krea nodded. She led us down a hallway to the resting quarters. I almost forgot about our scruffle with those three nuisances in the park. We have to let Der know where we are as well... I know he got away... I patted my tummy and said-

"What do y'all have to eat?"

Stephanieyh winked and said "I will be back with something super special."

Krea sighed and plopped down on a recliner. She let out the foot rest. There was a blanket on a table beside it and she grabbed it and wrapped up. She fell asleep instantly.

I looked at my nails. They had some material left in them from a block I cut through while training. I plucked them out and went into the restroom to wash my hands.

I stared into the mirror above the sink. I fell into a slight trance looking into my sharp tri colored eyes... I shook my curly hair, which shook back, and remembered I took my medicine. Wow what was that...

I went back into the room and Stephanieyh was in there with trays of food and drinks. Krea had picked up an orange ball with some goo up there that looked so yummy. She was still wrapped up and half awake as she took a bite. All the food looked rather out of this world too!

I walked over rather excited... Hm. I picked out something blue and rectangle in shape. It was sparkly!

"I'll let you girls enjoy your meal. I will be back to inform you of updates."

We both nodded as we stuffed our faces. Stephanieyh smiled and left us to our hearts desires.

I heard beeping faintly. What could that be... I heard talking in a room close by. My hearing senses were on hyper alert now.

"We were trying to defeat the enemy spaceship. The enemy clan Ewqre of planet Bullion had planned to attack our planet and we thought this mission to intercept it would go smoothly. So there we go sneaking onboard. We were... Ow! We were teleported to another realm! I awoke in this realm and Trip and Sandy were not with me... I immediately flew back after looking for them."

I froze. I looked at Krea. She was slowly munching on something.

"Hey Krea..."


I got closer to her and whispered "Someone is talking about your parents. They was on the mission with them."

Krea dropped what she was holding onto the serving tray and walked out the room without hesitation. I quickly followed behind. I pointed to the room where I heard the voice coming from in the hallway. It was glowing from under the shut door. We glanced at each other.

I heard someone about to turn down the hallway and we hurried back into our room and about giggled. I could tell it was Stephanieyh and she stopped by our open door.

"Come with me." She said.

We awkwardly followed her back into the hall. Me and Krea looked at each other with puckered lips.

We stopped by the door with the glowing light underneath. Stephanieyh knocked on it.

"Come in." Said the mysterious voice.

Eagil was sitting on a chair beside a hospital bed. The whole room was filled with a glowing yellow light that radiated from the mystical on the bed.

Me and Krea hesitated before stepping inside. Krea glowed just as bright as the person laying down. They quickly sat up.

"Ow." Then they said "Hello, I am Doril." He looked at Krea and said "I am your uncle, your dad's brother."

Krea looked at Eagil. He nodded confirmation.

"Us Starnia's need to stick together. We have great power that you need to know of. So for one, you can go to space, like a star, and harness its power." He stretched out and there was loud cackling from his giant starlit body.

So I looked at Krea like what... Her face was almost expressionless but I knew that she felt just about as mind blown about this as I was feeling cause what, Krea, flying in space catching stars?

"I am going back out there." Said her uncle.

"No you are not Dorcil." Said Eagil. "We have a team ready to depart. You rest and heal."

Dorcil huffed and it seemed like stardust radiated from his nostrils.

Stephanieyh read a memo from her watch.


"Krea, Zi, you can come with us to the map room. There you will receive updates and watch from afar what is happening with the mission."

Krea glanced back at Dorcil as we were headed out. He gave her a thumbs up.

"See ya later niece."

Krea waved.

We followed Stephanieyh and Eagil to the room with the holographic map. There was a long table with the squad already there sitting down. We found some seats and sat down, trying to blend in, ha! Eagil said-

"Great Protectors, we have prepared, and now we must go. Let's put our hands together and make this a successful mission!"

I looked around. Everyone was in special mystical tailored outfits with gadgets that looked super cool. They had matching bags with equipment.

I only saw one dot beeping on the map...

The Great Protectors are awesome or what!

Create a superhero or mystical below for me to write about!

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