
Kratos in RWBY

What would happen to the world of RWBY when the God of War happens to get transported there? Well let's find out

Amirezz_2501 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


It's been a few weeks and not a lot of things have happened so everything went by quickly. Some notable things that are worth mentioning are, that girl that tried to make me hallucinate broke in less than 48 hours. Ker must've done a great job, or that she's just mentally weak.

And I started training Phyrra two weeks ago. And since then she's gotten much much better than her previous self. I would say that in her state right now, she could take on maybe 5 of herself prior to training.


Me and Phyrra are now in the school courtyard, and Phyrra is wearing some special training clothes I got Ozpin to help make. It's a black sweatshirt and long pants with red linings.

"Alright, I've put on the clothes you gave me professor. But I don't see what's so special about them, and they don't even fit me." Phyrra says.

"You'll find out now, activate your aura and imagine it running through those clothes." I say.

She does so and the clothes instantly shrink to fit her size. But then she also falls to the ground and on impact causes a crack.

"Wh-what are th-these clothes? Wh-why is it s-so hard to g-get up?" She asks while struggling to get up.

"These are some special clothes I asked Ozpin to make. They increase the gravity around you based on how much aura you channel into the clothes. Now this is a test to see if you really have what it takes to survive my training. There's no turning back after this, but keep in mind that if you give up halfway I will not even consider training you again. If you still want to go on with this then you better give it your all, or you just might die." I say.

"Y-yes sir. I w-will do my b-best." She says.

"Good, now the first part of the test is for you to get the fuck up." I say.

She doesn't say anything and puts all her effort into trying to get up. After lots of struggling she manages to get onto one knee before struggling again and finally standing up.

"Good, now I'll give you 10 minutes to get used to this as much as you can before we continue." I say before starting a 10 minute timer on my scroll.

She then takes one step forward and almost falls again but she manages to stay up. She slowly takes more and more steps until she can walk although at an irregular pace.

She gets used to doing different motions until the timer runs out and starts beeping.

"Alright time's up, now the next part of your test is to run or go as fast as you can and make a lap around the whole school in an hour." I say.

She nods and starts running as fast as she can. She's struggling and going at a pace that even a 10 year old would be able to catch up, but she keeps going nonetheless.


There's 2 minutes left and I can see Phyrra in the distance with sweat pouring down from her face but she stilll has that determined look.

She makes the final few steps and finishes a few seconds before the timer runs out.

"Good job, that's going to be it for today. Now you may only take off those clothes when you shower. Your professors already know about this and they won't bother you for wearing that and not the uniform. And yes this does mean you have to keep it on during sparring matches in Glynda's classes. If you're worried that it will get destroyed in some way, don't. Ozpin already enhanced it so it won't rip and tear easily and so it doesn't smell or feel bad over time." I say.

"*pant* Ok professor, *pant* is that everything? *pant*" She asks panting.

"That is all, you may leave and continue your day now." I say.

"Alright *pant* I'll see you *pant* later professor." She says before waving me goodbye and leaving.

(Flashback end)

I'd say that she would be able to win in a 1 on 1 with most of the professors in Beacon. I walk out to the courtyard and sit on a bench enjoying the nice and sunny day.

And I just remembered another thing. The relationship between Ruby and that Torhcwick person.

(Flashback again)

I'm walking down the more shady parts of Vale again to go to Junior's place after buying another tub of that neopolitan ice cream. I'm beginning to understand why that short multi hair colored lady likes it so much.

But anyways, I walk up to the club and just as I'm about to push it open the door opens by itself. And on the other side is a surprising sight.

It's Ruby hugging the hand of another person who's a little shorter than me and he has bright and long orange hair that's covering his right eye and leaving his other dark green eyes exposed. He's also wearing a white long sleeved suit with red linings, some black pants and shoes along with a grey scarf and a bowler hat.

"Ruby?" I ask.

It takes a moment for her to realize something before immediately letting go of the person's arm and stands in front of him with her arms spread out protectively.

"Please don't hurt him I can explain!" She says quickly.

"Huh? Why would I have any reason to hurt him?" I ask.

This answers leaves them dumbfounded. They looked at each other before facing me again.

"Wait so you don't know who I am?" He asks.

"No I don't. Why, should I?" I ask.

"No no no, it's fineeee. You can call him uhh..." Ruby looks over to him for help.

He leans down and whispers something in her ear. And from what I hear he says something along the lines of 'He doesn't sound like he's lying, you can tell him my name'. Ruby looks at him unsure but he just nods and so they face me again.

"You can call him Roman Torchwick or just Roman for short." She says.

"Well nice to meet you Roman, I wonder why that was so hard just to get your name." I say.

"I have my reasons, and I believe it's only fair that I know your name since you know mine." He says.

"It's Dominus, now are you two dating? Because it sure does look like it." I say.

This statement makes Ruby blush madly. "Yes we are, why do you ask?" He asks.

"No reason, just wanted to know. And speaking of knowing, does your team know about this Ruby?" I ask.

"Uhh n-no... I haven't told them yet. So could you also pleeeeease not tell them?" She asks.

"I wouldn't have told them even if you didn't ask. It's your life, you make your own choices." I say.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!" Ruby says very quickly.

"*chuckle* Once again on behalf of both of us, I thank you." Roman says bowing a little.

"No problem, if that's everything I'll be going in now." I say walking past them after saying goodbye

(Flashback end)

I wonder who that Torchwick person is, I could ask Glynda but I think I'll just leave it be. Ruby wants to keep it a secret and she trusts me to keep my word. And I am a man of my word. I sigh and lean back into the seat enjoying the fresh air. The only thing that will make this better is Glynda.

And I hear footsteps behind me, as the person is in front of me it turns out to be Glynda.

"Well speak of the devil. I was just thinking about you Glyn." I say.

"I'm glad that you are. So, what are you doing here?" She asks sitting besides me.

"Nothing really, just enjoying these peaceful moments while I can." I say.

"I can understand that, sadly nothing lasts forever." She says leaning her head onto my shoulder.

"Which is unfortunate, because I would do anything to make this moment last forever." I say.

She giggles and pulls me into a loving kiss. "I love you." She says.

I pull her into an embrace, "I love you too." I say.

We stay like this enjoying the silence until I feel Glynda fall asleep. The sight makes me smile, she seems so peaceful and words cannot describe how gorgeous she looks.

(Small Timeskip)

It's been about half an hour and it seems that it's already lunch time for the first years so this is not going to be so quiet anymore. I'm about to wake Glynda up but a shadow looms over me. I quickly look around to find no one near me. So I look up to find multiple airships heading to Beacon. The students that are out at this time have confused looks on their faces. I gently shake Glynda awake.

"Hey Glyn, wake up." I say softly into her ear.

She grumbles a little before rubbing her eyes and slowly opening them.

"What is it?" She asks groggily.

I point up and when she does look up she groans and rest her head on my chest before sighing.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Those are Atlesian airships meaning he's coming." She says.

"Who's 'he'" I ask.

"'He' is James Ironwood, the general of the Atlas military while also being the headmaster of Atlas' academy. I usually call him Irondick, because he's a dick most of the time." She says.

"Hmm I see, I'll keep that in mind. Now shall we go to Ozpin's office to see if he knows why Irondick is here?" I ask.

"Yes we shall." Glynda says with a smile before getting up.

We head up to Ozpin's office to see him looking out the window at the fleet and drinking from his mug that never seems to run out. He turns around with small smile on his face.

"I'm assuming you two would like to know why Jame's or in your words Irondick's fleet is at the front of my school?" Ozpin asks.

"We do, what reason does that dickhead have to come all the way here from Atlas for?" Glynda asks.

"I do not know myself either Glynda. This is a surprise visit for all of us." Ozpin answers.

"We'll find out when he gets here." I say.

"Indeed, and how's the custom training clothes I made for your training with Phyrra, Kratos?" He asks.

"I couldn't ask for better. You did an amazing job at the enchantments and enhancements." I say.

"Thank you, I'm glad I haven't gotten rusty over the years. And Glynda, please refrain from doing anything extreme again." He says.

"Extreme? What did you do last time?" I ask Glynda.

"Oh nothing, just gave him a good kick to his balls because he pissed me off." Glynda says.

I laugh at what she says, "Well he had it coming if he pissed you off that bad." I say.

Ozpin facepalms at my reaction and sighs. Then the elevator pings alerting all of us that he has arrived. As the door opens I see that he's wearing a white coat over a grey coat which is over a black sweater. A red necktie and glove on his right arm.

He has a smile on his face, "Ozpin, Glynda, how nice it is to see you again." He says.

"James." Ozpin says.

"Irondick." Glynda says.

"I see you haven't changed Glynda, now who might you be, the last time I was here I don't remember your face." He says to me.

"Well that's because I'm new. And you're James huh? *turns to Glynda* You're right, he even looks like a dickhead." I say and Glynda nods.

"It seems Glynda has told you some not so nice about me. But I do hope we can get along." He says.

"Why did you come here?" Glynda asks.

"You know how much I love Vale this time of year, and I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up." He says.

"I'll be outside." Gylnda says walking away and I follow her.

"Come on Glynda don't be like that." He says stopping her by holding her shoulder.

I can see her clench her fist so I get ready to punch. As soon as she throws the punch I follow and we both impacted his face at the same time causing his head to slam into the ground knocking him out.

"*sigh* What happened to nothing extreme?" Ozpin asks.

"Hey I never said yes." She says before we get on the elevator leaving the headmaster and knocked out general.

So how's the chapter?

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