
Kratos in RWBY

What would happen to the world of RWBY when the God of War happens to get transported there? Well let's find out

Amirezz_2501 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


Me and Glynda are currently taking a nice stroll down nighttime Vale enjoying the time we have with each other. We just finished eating some delicious ramen, I've never had it before but they are amazing. I have to go around Vale and eat as many different foods as I can at one point.

As we're walking we heard a loud explosion from the distance and soon the rumble from it came. Me and Glynda don't need to say anything before we start running in the direction from where we heard the explosion from.

We arrive and there's a paladin I think it's called, jumping off from the highway and is followed by none other than.. team RWBY.

"What in the world did they do to end up in this situation!?" Glynda shouts and is about to run in and help but I stop her and she gives me a questioning look.

"Let them fight it together as a team Glynda, this will be good experience for them. We'll step in when it looks like they're really in trouble." I say.

"...*sigh* fine then, I'll hold off for now." She says.

(Timeskip to near the end of the fight because it's the same)

As the paladin's joints gets frozen by Ruby's and Weiss' attack, Yang with all her momentum and powered up strength lands one solid hard punch in the machine's cockpit sending the whole thing away as it crumbles into useless scraps.

The pilot inside however was... Roman Torchwick... Ruby has some explaining to do. No wonder she was so scared of me wanting to beat him up. He gets up and is about to receive a blast from Yang's gauntlet.

Just as it's about to hit him another surprise appears. That multi hair colored lady appears out of nowhere and blocks the blast with her umbrella.

"Ah Neo, right on time. Now ladies, ice queen, it's been a pleasure. Now Neo if you would." He says.

Neo then bows with her head still facing the team. Yang charges at them and throws a punch but when it connects Roman and Neo shatter into glass shards. Then moments later a bullhead flies away and Neo and Roman can be seen waving at them before the sides close.

"It's too bad they got away, but hey, now you can go ham on them." I say.

Glynda doesn't need to hear that twice as she storms over to the team shocking them at why she's here and she starts lecturing them after some praise for what they did together as a team. But Ruby is looking especially worried because she spots me and when she does her face turns to shock. I gesture her to come over, and she starts walking but Glynda stops her. But then Ruby points at me and says something which makes Glynda let her pass before continuing her lecture on the team.

Ruby walks over to me with nervous steps and her face looking down. She stops right in front of me and doesn't say a thing.

"Look at me when I'm speaking." I say and she does look up revealing her face of nervousness and worry.

"..." She says nothing.

"You know you have some explaining to do." I say.

"Yeah..." She says and nods slowly.

She then starts to explain the whole backstory of her and Roman. The gist of it is that she bumped into Roman who was in a middle of a robbery and she tried to stop it but failed. But in the process of doing that she cracked Roman's badly and she felt horrible for it because she didn't mean to do that even if he was a criminal.

Then she got knocked out by Neo and was brought to Roman's apartment when she woke up she was stripped of her weapon and got her clothes changed. They forced her to make a device that would somehow hold together Roman's spine even temporarily and if she didn't or tried to contact her team or escape Neo would kill her right then and there.

Ruby told them what she needed for the first prototype and Neo went out and got it and Ruby got to work. After she was done she had to insert the device so she was forced to cut his back open and put in the device.

After that she was free to go but before that Roman told her to come back there every few weeks to check up on the device and upgrade it if possible. Ruby then left and was of course was attacked with a barrage of questions from her team.

She made lots of excuses and her team eventually believed her. Then every time she came back she saw something in Roman that made her feel something she's never felt before and Roman told Ruby that he felt the same way too in one of their dates.

Then eventually Ruby confessed to Roman and stuff happened leading to their interesting relationship forming.

"Well, you've gotten yourself in one hell of a situation now haven't you?" I ask.

"Yeah.. I really don't know how my team will take this or how I'm even going to tell anyone about it. You're for some reason fine with this but I'm glad that I have someone to talk to about this." She says.

"If you need any help I'll where I can. But ultimately the decision is yours on when and how or if you'll even tell your team in the first place." I say.

"Thanks.. I'll text you if I need any help with this." She says.

"No problem, and looks like Glynda has finished lecturing your team, you should go now." I say.

She nods and walks away joining her team. And Glynda walks over to me with a neutral face.

"Got all the anger for the week out of your system?" I ask with a smirk.

"Shut up you idiot. But yes, now let me repair this place first and we can continue what we were doing before this." She says and I nod before she starts reforming the destroyed terrain and fix the highway.

"Now shall we?" I ask putting my hand out.

She smiles and grabs my hand before we walk away and continue our walk through Vale.

(Timeskip to tomorrow)

I should really get that information out of that girl who tried to put an illusion on me.

'Hey Ker.' I call him.

'Yes Kratos, what is it?' He asks.

'Make that girl that you broke to meet me here at the courtyard under the biggest tree on the hill' I say.

'I'll get right to it' He says.

Then I just wait on the hill until the girl comes. 20 minutes later she arrives and she has light green hair with medium-brown skin and dark red eyes. And those eyes look lifeless and her movement is robotic as if it's on autopilot. She stops in front of me not doing anything but twitch a little every now and then.

"First, what's your name?" I ask.

"..Emerald.." She says in a low and hoarse voice. Must be from all the screaming.

"And why did you try to put an illusion on me at that day?" I ask.

"..Cinder.. order.. me.." She says.

"Who's Cinder?" I ask

"Boss.. who..want to.. make.. Beacon.. fall." She says.

"How?" I ask.

"Put.. virus.. in CCT.. during.. dance.." She says.

"Is there more?" I ask.

"Something.. going to.. happen.. during.. Vytal festival.." She says.

"And do you know what?" I ask.

"No... she.. no.. tell.. me... suspicious.. of.. me" She says.

"Are you working with someone else?" I ask.

"Yes.. Mercury.." She says.

"If that's everything you know, then leave." I say.

She doesn't say anything and turn around before leaving and walking in that robotic way again.

'You did an amazing job at breaking her Ker.' I say.

'Thank you, Kratos." He says.

Now what should I do with my information. I could tell Ozpin but he might not believe me and might question where I got my information from. And it would not look good if I said a student who's secretly a spy and has lost their sanity. So I think I'm going to just suggest Ozpin take a closer look at Cinder, Mercury and Emerald. And I'll just handle it as much as I can myself.

So how's the chapter?

What do you think about the Ruby and Roman backstory?

Also in this story Roman is in his twenties so he's not that much older than Ruby.

And sorry it's another one of the short chapters.

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