

A Saviour we all believe in, a child from above that is bestowed with a mighty fate of saving the universe from a fierce demon, Hermedox. Jayden doubted his fate at first, but when he realized that the outcome would be disastrous, he changed his mind and decided to defeat Heremedox and save the whole universe, but would he be able to do so? What challenges would he encounter in trying to do so? How would falling in love with a mysterious girl affect him? And what decision would he make when he inherits enormous power?

ourslibrary06 · Sci-fi
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26 Chs

Chapter 3 (subconscious)

I run nonstop without looking back, my legs feel so light and weightless, I wonder how fast I  am running, but I know this is the fastest I've ever gone. I pass the long police convoy heading towards the scene I created. The cops can't see me, I am running very fast and what could be seen by normal people while I ran was only whirls of wind.

I stop when I notice that I have reached the outskirts of the city, what lies in front of me now is a very thick forest.

I gasp for air, and my lungs feel squeezed out of air, even though I have superpowers, I can still feel tired, and I need to work on my endurance. I haven't run like this throughout my life.

"So am going to be a monster leaving in the fucking woods," I shout, panting, from the long run I just had. I place my hand on a very tall tree for support so that I will not trip over.

I am at the beginning of a thick forest and I am considered a dangerous being by my parents and my neighbours, I know that by now the news of seeing an extraordinary person must have spread in the city like wildfire and then thousands of questions will be raised...are we alone?

I have questions too and very disturbing thoughts. I can't believe that I have supesuperpowers I look like an extraterrestrial creature.

Why am I like this?

What is happening?

Soon I will be considered a threat and I know by now there will be a search warrant for me. If I go back to the city, the cops or the national army will surely apprehend me and I will be given off to some shitty laboratory which will make me a lab rat.

The idea of me being a lab rat or being held by some agency makes me have goosebumps all over my body, I love and cherish freedom.

I know, by now the press, cops, CIA and some other darn agency will be swarming my house like bees and flooding my parents with irrelevant and annoying questions because everyone saw me coming out of my house.

I have to stay in this forest for some time, no one can get me here and while I am in the forest I will try to figure out all the powers I have.

For a brief moment, I feel lightheaded and a little bit crazy. I spread my arms in the air and turn around with an impish smile on my face.

"I have something to tell this damn world, I am a damn monster," I shout, half-mad and I begin to laugh.

I dance into the forest and for a while, I begin to run with my arms still in the air. I stop running and now I am in the heart of the forest and I am surrounded by very tall trees.

I close my eyes and raise my head when a cool breeze swirls past me making strands of my silver hair dance around. I like the grassy smell of the forest, the melodious chirping of birds and the cool breezes that are here.

"Kovex," a creepy voice echoes throughout the forest. It is loud and quite scary. I shake my head, I am no longer weak, I have powers now. I positioned my body in a defensive stance. If anything that seems like a threat approaches me, I am going to beat that thing to a pulp.

I lower my head and open my eyes slowly, I am surprised at what I see. I stagger backwards when I see the creature that was in my bathroom mirror standing in front of me. There is no difference between me and it, we look exactly alike.

"Why are you so surprised?" The creature asks and I feel like slamming its face on the tree. Who won't be shocked to see something that looks exactly like you in the middle of the forest? Maybe John Wick won't be.

"What the fuck are you?" I question it with my eyes narrowed and ready to attack it. "And why is this happening to me?"

"I am you." The thing answers with a weird smile, a smile that only I would smile.

"Are you just leaving the bar?" I laugh sarcastically, "There is no way that we are the same, you are very drunk."

I am now white as snow, I have silver hair and I have powers, I am freaking out and I am clueless about what to do, my life gets more confusing each day.

"I can't drink alcohol," it says with a grin on its face, "I am immaterial."

I let out a loud laugh, "Seriously?" I put my hands on my chin to look interested but I don't care about whatever it says.

"Yes I am serious," it rolls its eyes and I am shocked that this creature or whatever it is, behaves exactly like me...maybe it is right that it is me, but how come? "I know that you have a lot of questions, and I can help you answer them," it says getting my attention. I became interested because I want answers to all of the questions I have, and I am curious about a lot of things. "If you want answers to them, then follow me." It grins and begins to run deeper into the forest.

What is it up to?

I sigh and I run after the mysterious creature.

While I am running the creature's words replay in my mind 'If you want answers to your them, then follow me.' I begin running faster, I want answers to my long rail of questions, and I want to know why all this is happening even though I am excited about it.

I can see him from afar swinging from one tree branch to another like a monkey.

It stops running and stands still, we are now in the deepest part of the forest, and sunlight barely reaches here because of the tall trees.

"Why did you run off like that?" I gasp for air, I am breathing heavily because of the distance I just ran and I hold a tree for support so that I won't fall to the ground.

"You are so slow, the distance we just covered now it's not up to a stretch, your endurance is not satisfactory, " it tells me and I roll my eyes, I hate when someone tells me what I am not doing right. I try my best to do what's right always, I always get a perfect score in school, and I always want everything I do to be perfect without any mistakes.

"I was teaching you how to use your power, it seems like you have forgotten how to use them...show me what you can do." It smirks and casually sits on a rock with its arms folded across its chest.

I have forgotten how to use it? Is it trying to tell me I knew how to use these powers before?

I have lived on this earth for the past 17 years and I have never had any memories of having powers.

"How?" I reply, quite confused by what it meant by 'show me what you can do?'. Then an impish grin creeps to my lips. "Will punching your face do?"

"Don't be so dumb, punch anything but not my face." It pinched its nose, "You can't even punch me, like I said before I am immaterial."

I listen to it — I don't know why—and I punch a humongous tree and a large dent appears on it from the impact of my punch. I punch it eight more times before it falls to the ground making an ear-deafening sound.

My mouth forms a comical 'O' and my curiosity heightened, I want to see how powerful I am because bringing down a huge tree over a hundred feet tall with an eight punch is amazing. It will take a normal person six good hours to bring this tree down with a chainsaw, while with an axe, it will take forever.


"Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!" The creature compliments me clapping its hands, then it stops and its eyebrows wrinkled. "Weak." It spits out. "I expected you to take down the tree with a punch."

Is this a fucking movie?

"What are you? And why are you so concerned about me and why haven't you yet answered all my questions?"

"What am I?" It cackles slightly and runs its fingers through its hair. Its bright blue eyes which were the same as mine begin to shine and it has this waggish grin on its face. "I am your subconscious, you created me, I am you."

I begin to laugh and it stares at me blankly, it feels like a dream, how on earth is my subconscious living out of my mind, this can't be true, either I am turning crazy or I am just seeing things, cause this can't be real.

I begin to pace around with my fingers slowly rubbing my chin as I think about what this creature just is telling me.

"So you're saying that you are my subconscious? The one I think with?" I ask with my eyes roving about like a mad person.

"Yes, I am," it tells me and stands up from the stone it was sitting on. I remember how it told me that it isn't physical, then how was it able to sit on that stone? It stretches out its hands towards me and holds my head. "You created me, Kovex, to guide you on this planet. Remember, you came to this planet running from your family behind in the ruins of Zryon...do you remember, Kovex?" A bright white light begins to shine from both of his hands, and his fingers begin to feel warm.

"Huh, Zyron? And what family? I am not running away from my family, I am still living with my parents." I tell it, confused and it stares at me like it expected something to happen. I remember that I am no longer invited to my house because of the way I look now, if I go there again my father will do something worse than the last time.

"Why isn't it working?" It says quite frustrated and withdrawing its hands from my head. "You're supposed to get back your memories by now!" It begins pacing around the forest with its hands clinging to its hair. No doubt this is my subconscious because it behaves exactly like me, anytime I am tense, frustrated and in deep thought I usually walk about, it helps me calm down and think better and it was doing exactly what I was doing. "So you don't remember anything? How you left home to come to this planet?"

I nod no and ask in curiosity, "I have another family?"

"Yes you do, you ran away from them to earth." It states and I start to laugh. This sounds like a big joke to me, so it is trying to say I have another family apart from the one I have on earth? I was born in a hospital on Earth and have been on this planet throughout my life so where the Dickens do this family come from?

"My family?" I repeat trying to suppress my laughter, surely this thing was just leaving the bar, how is it possible that I have another family?

"Yes, you are acting this way because you don't remember, before you came to Earth you wiped your memory and then created me so that when the time comes you will remember everything." It explains and I listen to it, "I have been waiting since for the time you set and now the time has come...Hermedox has begun with his conquer!"

I facepalm myself, instead of it to make things easier for me it was making it more complicated.

"Tell me everything in detail," I instruct it, even though this seems so fake and part of me tells me that it is true.

"Ok, I will give you one. But am not as preachy as you are, so I will cut corners." This is an understatement I have not been the one running my mouth, how then could it call me preachy?

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Am all ears." Let me just hear what it has to say, I feel that it can help me with some of my problems if not all.

"Well before coming to Earth you created me, I am not a robot or puppet I am an extension of your mind. I don't have a physical body so I am not visible to humans, you are the only one that can see me. My main objectives are: to guide you, teach you, and protect you on this planet. I will also train you to be strong once more just as you have planned it to be. You made me have a will of my own but I decided to be with you, you are my master. I have been with you since your first day on this planet, I have been learning the ways of this planet including its language, culture, technologies and weaknesses. I am also accountable for your memories when you were in Zyron, I am a storage house for your memories and powers, I gave you your powers a few hours ago, but you have to master them. I am the one you normally see in your bathroom mirror that you shattered, I caused you to have dreams of Zyron your home which lies in ruins." My subconscious explained and my curiosity kept on increasing, what is Zyron?

Why did I leave Zyron?

How did I come here?

What are truly my powers?

I clear my throat and I ask my subconscious with my head facing the skies which are covered by thick branches of the trees, "What is Zyron?"

"Zryron is a planet in the Andromeda galaxy, it is one of the most advanced civilisations in the universe but sadly it lies in ruins now," my subconscious says with its head lowered.

I stare at my palms and I am in awe that I created something like it. I wondered how I did it, it is an extension of my mind but yet it has its mind on its own, it has its own will....what truly are my powers?

"So why did I leave?" I ask it, there must be a reason why I left there, if I had this type of power while I was there, I should have stopped Zyron from getting destroyed not running away...and who ruined it?

I want to know everything, I am very curious, and I want answers to my many questions.

"I do not know why you left." So even though it is an extension of me, I am still superior to it, and there are some things I know that it doesn't.

"What are my powers?" I ask it and it grins.

"You were born into the royal family and blessed with one of the greatest powers in the whole of Zyron," its grin got wider. "Your power has to do with the mind, you can make anything possible with your mind."

it's getting interesting, right? Please don't forget to support me, I need your support to make this story happen. Thank you.

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