

A Saviour we all believe in, a child from above that is bestowed with a mighty fate of saving the universe from a fierce demon, Hermedox. Jayden doubted his fate at first, but when he realized that the outcome would be disastrous, he changed his mind and decided to defeat Heremedox and save the whole universe, but would he be able to do so? What challenges would he encounter in trying to do so? How would falling in love with a mysterious girl affect him? And what decision would he make when he inherits enormous power?

ourslibrary06 · Sci-fi
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26 Chs

Chapter 2(alien)

I get more fraction of his memories, and I start to understand some of them, but still, I can't just capture the whole meaning of it, all I know is that the creature's memories are so sad and filled with pain. I never know aliens or whatever this fucking thing is had emotions like this. I am filled with emotion. I am not this emotional before this whole scenario but now I feel a lot in me, I feel way more different than who I used to be. I don't feel like 'Jayden' I feel like someone else. I couldn't understand this unexplainable feeling...

What the fuck did this creature do to me?

Then the weirdest and strangest thing happens, its whole body starts to come out from the mirror.

First, it is his head that comes and then followed by his shoulders.

"What the fuck!" I yell. Frightened that he will harm me I hold a mop stick that is close by, I know the mop stick won't protect me, but if I hit this damn thing very hard with it I could do one or more harm to it and have enough time to run. I take a firm stance ready to hit the creature and run for my dear life.

In a twinkle of an eye it is standing in front of me he comes closer to me, I am trembling in fear, I am about to hit it, but I just can't, curiosity did not allow me to. I badly want to see what this creature is up to. The mop stick falls from my hand making a gentle thud. I stand frightened and curious...curious?

Then the creature touches me slowly with his ever-cold and smooth hands. Immediately I can feel weird but powerful energy being transferred from him to me. I am in awe by the enormous energy contained by this creature, I feel a strange vibe about this, but I am also curious about what will happen. I won't pull back till he is done. Streams of blue light surround me and I can feel pure energy coursing through my body.

Minutes later the creature disappears into thin air. I can't sense his presence anymore, I feel like he transferred some kind of power to me but still, I can't get the meaning of this, I have no idea what is going on here.

I come closer to the mirror and see that I have fully been transformed into that mysterious creature. I have a crystal which is on my forehead which is a blue colour. It looks like these creatures I have been seeing are born with these mysterious crystals. I wonder what they use the crystals for. Then in a flash-kind of a vision-I see something, another Planet in a distant Galaxy, I can't go further in the short vision I saw, I wanted to go further but I couldn't as the vision ended. I want to know everything that is happening.

"What the hell am I!" I shout with my hands covering my face. I hope someone will provide good answers to my back-aching questions.

I touch the mirror which brought about this mysterious and crazy happening. The mirror shattered into a million pieces after I barely touch it for seconds.

What caused this?

Is it the power that was transferred to me?

I can feel how my aura had changed, I can feel the gravity of my strength, whatever power this creature transferred to me is great.

"All this strength is so amazing!" I shout out of awe at the power possessed by me.

If I could shatter a mirror just by a touch then I could do more.

I want to see more of this mysterious power in me.

I punch the bathroom door a little and it flies in mid-air and crashes into my room with a loud thud.

I am still curious I want to see more. I decide to go down the stairs to experiment on my newly founded powers. In less than a second, I am down the stairs I am in awe by the amazing speed I used to come down the stairs, not only do I possess strength, I possess speed. There might be some other interesting abilities, I have and I want to know all of them. I am so crazily excited about this, maybe all my thinking brought this madness and happiness in me.

I am distracted from my quick celebration and craziness by my dad who suddenly pops up from nowhere with a shotgun in his hands. He might have heard the loud noise the bathroom door cause when I punched it and now he came to check it out.

His eyebrows are furrowed and his face is very scary.

He holds onto an old shotgun firmly ready to fire and waste all its cartridges on me. I do not know that my dad kept a shotgun all this while, I do not know that my dad could get this angry.

"What the fuck are you?" my dad asks, with the shotgun firmly gripped in his hands and a ready-to-kill look on his face.

"It's me Jayden," I tell him, confused, I am surprised that he can't recognize me.

Then it strikes me that I now look like an alien from Star Wars not like myself again.

"Get the fuck out of my house before I blow your head up!"My dad shouts his voice like thunder echoes throughout the house. Paying no attention that it was me his son but in a different form, he was ready to shoot me to death. I don't know why am this relaxed when I know that I will die if my dad shoots me.

Since I was born I have never seen my dad like this, especially towards me. I see something different from my father I used to know, he looks like someone else.

My mom walks into the horrifying scene slowly, she is in shock when her eyes met mine.

"Honey, where is Jay?" My mom asks my dad trembling in fear and tears begin welling up in her eyes.

The sight of me is outlandish and can make anyone cower in fear.

"I am Jay!" I reply perplexed, on what is going on here. Well, I didn't see all of this coming and I am clueless on how to change back to my original form.

"I am Jay, but in another form," I say with my voice barely above a whisper. I did not have the boldness to talk out loud, cause I know that no matter how long my explanation is, they won't believe I am Jayden.

"Honey step back let me send this thing to its ancestor." my dad says, cracking the old gun in his hands, ready to shoot me. Beads of sweat start to be very visible on my forehead and my throat feels dry.

I stand still, curiosity didn't let me move from where I was standing. I wanted to know whether I was bulletproof or not.

My father aims at me and I stare at him with sad eyes.

I never knew my dad can be this serious and use dirty words. If he knows am his son am sure he won't call me a 'thing.' I thought my dad is gentle and nerdy. All this scenario keeps me in a state of perplexity, all I know is the true side of my dad is terrific.


The sound of the gun echoes throughout the house.

I see the pellets in slow motion approaching me and then falling to the wooden floor after hitting my iron-like skin.

I just got shot by my dad. I looked at where I am being shot the pellets could not penetrate my skin. No trace of blood is on my skin, I am not hurt at all.

"How come?" Some of the pellets that are hanging on my skin, fall on the floor making tiny annoying sounds.

"What the hell are you?!" My dad asks with dread written all over his face. The room's air becomes denser all of a sudden, my dad starts hyperventilating, he can't believe that the gun did not affect me.

"I have more than enough for me to send you to your grave." My dad blurts out angrier this time, but there was a tint of fear in his eyes. I give him a pleading look not to shoot me again but I guess he won't listen. I know that no matter how much I try to convince him that it is me Jayden, he won't believe me.

"Honey, where is Jay?" My mom starts to cry, she thought the worst has happen to me. If only she knows am the one I think she'll not be sad, it may turn the other way around they might think am being possessed, or something like that.

"I am Jay, I have said it a million times, but you are not listening to me, a lot of weird things happened recently and I am still clueless as to why I am like this." I try to explain to them for the umpteenth time and I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"My son is not the devil." My mom replies to me, confident in her words and she glares at me with strong hate.

"And the devil deserves to die!" My dad shouts backing my mom's statement.

I don't think this will get any better.

His face got more serious and he points the rusty old shotgun at me again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

I am being shot again, but this time I am shot multiple times. I feel nothing, the pellets only tickle my smooth skin. Not even a drop of blood is seen on my body. I guess I am really bulletproof.

"I am invulnerable," I think out loud, touching the places I am being shot the pellets did not do single damage to me.

"Honey go and call 911," my dad says more frightened than ever, he is shaking.

I am wondering what happened to all the boldness and self-confidence he just display now, he looks so pathetic trembling with the gun in his hands, he put all his hopes on the gun, but the gun failed him, he couldn't exterminate his son in another form.

"A normal human being can't survive the wounds implanted by a shotgun even with bulletproof, you're truly the devil!" My dad says with bitterness. An evil grin appears on my face but disappears when I realize the outcome of this.

I am downhearted that my parents could not recognize me in this form. I look like a devil.

Or am I the devil?

What is this form?

"I need to get out of here before the cops arrive," I say to myself. I do not want to draw attention to myself it might be problematic for me.

In a twinkle of an eye, I am outside my house, out from the awkward scene happening in my house.

The sight of me is a very frightening one- an alien figure like a boy standing in the middle of a street is more than enough to make the whole street go crazy- everyone on seeing me ran for their lives. The street becomes deserted in no time, cause a devil-look-alike is roaming the streets.

"I am not going to hurt anyone," I tried to explain to them as I see how people are running helter-skelter, thinking I am a monster.

"Monster!" A little girl shouts at the highest pitch of her voice and I take a step backwards.

I try flying away, most people with abilities can fly. Maybe I can fly...

Can I?

Only one way to find out...I jump and while in mid-air, I feel light under the influence of gravity. I was in the air for some seconds and I thought I can fly, but I didn't fly, I come down crashing into someone's shop, destroying some part of it.

"The devil is attacking us!" The shop owner shouts and runs away like she's being pursued by a hideous lion.

Am I a monster now?

I can't believe it, I cause all this commotion in just two minutes. I know the cops are at the corner now, I can hear their siren close by, I had to leave this place.