
Uchiha and Senju

In the evening, within the Uchiha clan's territory, specifically within Uchiha Chizuru's residence, a disturbing scene unfolded in a basement. The sounds of sharp whipping reverberated through the dimly lit chamber.

Uchiha Homura, the current leader of the Uchiha clan, watched with a stooped posture as a six-year-old girl, Uchiha Chizuru, endured a brutal whipping. The one mercilessly lashing her back was Uchiha Kari, the middle-aged man whom Kirito had encountered earlier.

Chizuru's back bore bloody welts as the whip struck her relentlessly. Despite the excruciating pain, she held back tears and met Homura's gaze with defiance.

"Do you know why you're being punished today?" Homura asked as he activated his three-tomoe Sharingan, fixing his gaze on Chizuru.

"Because I lost," Chizuru replied stubbornly, facing Homura's intense three-tomoe Sharingan with unwavering determination.

"Wrong, absolutely wrong."

Homura Uchiha spoke loudly, his three tomoe eyes flashing swiftly. In the next moment, Chizuru let out a miserable scream, dropped to her knees, and buried her head in her hands. Deep fear flickered in her eyes.

"Stand up. Let me ask you again, why did I punish you?" Homura Uchiha ignored the pitiful sight of the six-year-old girl and spoke with a cold demeanor.

Chizuru, still trembling, managed to rise from the ground with some effort. She stared at Uchiha Homura with eyes filled with resentment and replied, "Because I'm not strong enough."

"Yes, that's correct. You're not strong enough. As an Uchiha genius, losing to an orphan from the orphanage is truly embarrassing," Homura Uchiha said with a mocking tone.

"What did you say?" Chizuru responded in astonishment.

Uchiha Homura left without offering a response to her query. Sometimes, silence conveyed more than words ever could.

Chizuru slumped back onto the ground, lost in thought. She had assumed that Kirito might be a genius ninja secretly groomed by a particular clan, and her loss was merely a result of carelessness. However, reality had proven to be far more brutal.

As a genius carefully nurtured by the Uchiha clan, she had been defeated by an unknown orphan. The shame was overwhelming.

A profound sense of humiliation surged within Chizuru heart.

"Miss, temporary success or failure doesn't determine the future. What matters is acknowledging your shortcomings and finding the courage to move forward. Your talent is just as exceptional as his, and in the future..."

Unable to bear Chizuru's despondent state, Uchiha Kari stepped forward to offer comfort.

But before he could finish, Chizuru shot him a withering glare and snapped, "Shut up! Are you underestimating me? Get out of here."

Accepting defeat didn't mean she needed others to console her. Uchiha Kari departed quietly, a smile on his face instead of resentment.

"Next time, I will never lose. Absolutely not. Dad, Mom, I..."

As Uchiha Kari left, Chizuru murmured to herself with determination, but tears trickled down her cheeks despite her resolve.

Simultaneously, above in the basement, Uchiha Homura watched Uchiha Kari exit and said with an impassive expression, "What's the situation?"

"Miss will regain her strength," Uchiha Kari replied respectfully.

"Very well. I'll have a medical ninja come to treat Chizuru later, and the medicinal bath must proceed as planned today," Homura Uchiha stated coldly.

"Hmm," Uchiha Kari acknowledged with a bow.

He promptly employed the Body Flicker Technique and vanished from Uchiha Homura's sight.

Homura continued to gaze in the direction of the basement for a while before stepping outside. He raised his head to admire the enchanting crescent moon in the night sky with his Sharingan eyes.

"Chizuru, you must become the pillar of the Uchiha clan and lead our people to endure and thrive..."

Uchiha Homura continued to gaze at the night sky, his thoughts filled with determination and hope for the future of the Uchiha clan. He believed in Uchiha Chizuru's potential and her ability to rise above her current setbacks to become a strong leader for their clan.

In the basement, Chizuru, with tear-streaked cheeks, silently made a promise to herself. She was determined , never to lose again, especially not to an unknown orphan. Her pride as an Uchiha demanded nothing less than excellence.

Meanwhile, Kirito continued his studies, delving deeper into various subjects, including medicine and sealing techniques. His enhanced memory and computational abilities allowed him to absorb knowledge at an astonishing rate. With each passing day, he felt his own growth and transformation into a more capable individual.

The world of ninja was vast and filled with complexities, and Kirito was determined to master it. As he honed his skills and expanded his understanding of the ninja arts, Little did Kirito know that his path would soon intersect with that of Uchiha Chizuru, setting the stage for a series of events that would shape their destinies and the fate of the ninja world.


In the Senju Clan's territory, within the patriarch's family courtyard, Nawaki relentlessly punched and kicked a sturdy wooden stake. The scars on his battered fists bore witness to the hours of training he had endured.

Gradually, his stamina waned, and he collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath while muttering curses under his breath. "Damn, damn, damn..."

A profound sense of shame enveloped Nawaki's heart in that moment.

Reflecting on the events of the afternoon, he couldn't escape the overwhelming embarrassment he felt. He yearned for a way to redeem himself, even daring to approach Kirito and ask to be his subordinate in the future. It was painfully clear how feeble he was.

Teased relentlessly by the raven-haired girl from the Uchiha clan, Nawaki had come face to face with his own inadequacies.

Although he had been labeled as "trash" by his tormentor, he found no grounds to refute that accusation.

As the grandson of the first Hokage, Nawaki had been adored and praised since childhood. Pride swelled within him, and he had always believed he was destined to become Hokage.

However, the events of today shattered that pride completely. Kirito and Chizuru were of the same age, yet they surpassed him in every way. Inuzuka Mao, another aspiring Hokage, might even outshine him.

"I can't continue like this. I must become stronger. I will rise to the position of Hokage in the future. I will make it happen," Nawaki declared loudly.

While he wasn't entirely sure of the responsibilities that came with being Hokage, he understood that a Hokage needed to be strong to protect the village and its inhabitants.

"Hmph, someone who can only boast but can't commit to rigorous training isn't fit to be Hokage," a voice suddenly emerged from the nearby shadows.

Startled, Nawaki leaped to his feet, his gaze locking onto the red-haired woman emerging from the shadows. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear.

This woman was none other than Uzumaki Mito, renowned throughout Konoha as the elder of the Uzumaki Clan, wife of the first Hokage.

"Grandma, why are you here? You weren't around earlier," Nawaki stammered, fear evident in his trembling voice.

Uzumaki Mito was the last person he wanted to encounter. It wasn't that she didn't care for him; in fact, she loved him dearly. But her way of expressing that love was through forcing him to learn sealing techniques, something he vehemently loathed.

For a long time, the mere sight of sealing techniques caused him immense distress, leading to tears and tantrums. He had managed to escape that ordeal, and now he feared that Mito would once again press him to learn those dreaded techniques.

Sealing or not, he believed he could become an exceptional Hokage without it.

"Who has time to watch a fool aimlessly pounding stakes? I heard you hadn't eaten, so I came to check on you. I didn't expect to overhear someone boasting," Uzumaki Mito remarked with a hint of disdain.

"I'm not just boasting, Grandma. I will definitely become Hokage in the future," Nawaki retorted with renewed determination, thankful that Mito hadn't broached the topic of sealing techniques.

Observing his resolve, Mito narrowed her eyes, an enigmatic glint in them. 

She lightly flicked Nawaki's forehead with her fingers. Mito's finger flick was incredibly quick and precise, and it landed gently on Nawaki's forehead.

Nawaki felt a sudden rush of chakra flowing through him, invigorating his tired body. It was as if a surge of energy had been injected into him, revitalizing his spirit.

"Grandma, what did you do?"

Nawaki looked at Uzumaki Mito with astonishment, his exhaustion dissipating rapidly.

Mito smirked and said, "I just warmed your chakra pathways a bit, dear. You were training too hard and needed a little boost. Now, let's talk about your aspirations to become Hokage."

Nawaki's eyes sparkled with newfound determination. He listened intently to what Mito had to say, knowing that he had much to learn from the legendary ninja.

Mito, the wife of the first Hokage and a renowned ninja in her own right, began to impart her wisdom to Nawaki. She shared stories of Hashirama Senju, the challenges he faced, and the qualities that made him a great Hokage.

As Mito spoke, Nawaki's respect and admiration for his grandfather, the first Hokage, grew stronger. He realized that becoming Hokage wasn't just about power; it was about leadership, sacrifice, and the unwavering commitment to protect the village and its people.

"Your grandpa was good at seal too, how about it, want to learn ? "

"I refuse ! " At this, she Lightly flickering Nawaki forehead, with a loud crack echoeing through the air.

In the blink of an eye, Nawaki was sent hurtling through the atmosphere, crashing into a yard wall with a resounding thud.

"Ouch! That hurts!"

Emerging from the rubble, he clutched his reddened forehead, his cry of pain echoing through the yard.

Then, from beside him, Mito's voice chimed in with an announcement that sent shivers down his spine, "Starting tomorrow, we're resuming your sealing technique training."

"Grandmaaaa, please !!!" Nawaki response was more of a wail than words, his agony piercing the night like a tortured pig.

Unperturbed by Nawaki vocal protestations, Mito turned on her heels and departed. She gazed up at the waning moon in the night sky, sighing softly as she muttered, "Hashirama, I can't hold out much longer, but I'll persevere until the end..."

She continued to gaze at the moon, her thoughts drifting back to the past when she and Hashirama had faced countless challenges together.

As she walked away from Nawaki, she couldn't help but reminisce about the early days of Konoha, the struggles they had endured, and the dreams they had shared. Despite the hardships, they had built a village where shinobi could live in peace and harmony.

Mito was well aware that her time was limited, and she carried the weight of the past on her shoulders. She had witnessed the village's growth, its triumphs, and its losses. Now, she could only hope that the next generation, including Nawaki, would continue to protect and nurture Konoha.

With her determination reaffirmed, Mito disappeared into the shadows of the night, leaving behind the complaining Nawaki.


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