
Konoha: I Am Sasuke, Full Of Talents At The Beginning

Travel through Konoha, become Uchiha Sasuke, and the system turns on. Wood Ye genius? Have you ever seen a genius who graduated at the age of twelve! The genius of ghosts is either slapped in the face or on the way to be slapped in the face. Is there such a genius? I am dignified Uchiha Sasuke, Mu Ye Tian, ​​who has the blood succession limit that all ninjas in the ninja world dream of, but I have never pretended to be a complete force. It's unbearable! Full opening talent, let the world know what Uchiha is! What is a real genius!

Berkay1728 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Rapid Progress In Combat

Sasuke's sudden acceleration didn't surprise Kakashi yet.

It is indeed surprising that a Genin who has just graduated can explode at such a speed.

But Kakashi already knew about Sasuke's speed.

Responding easily, Kakashi also took out Kunai, ready to test Sasuke's body skills.

However, the next second.

There was a faint sound of breaking wind.

Kakashi froze for a moment.

His peripheral vision caught the right side, and there was an imperceptible black shadow.

It was rapidly approaching in his direction.

A split second! Kakashi stopped moving forward.

In the next second, a shuriken struck from the right.

across Kakashi's eyes.

Looking at the shuriken that appeared at some point.

Kakashi's heart was shocked.

Think carefully about Sasuke's actions just now!

'Could it be the hidden weapon thrown at the moment when he raised his hand and turned Kunai just now! '

Even though he threw the shuriken under the cover of playing Kunai, he wanted the shuriken to circle such a large circle and stab towards his temple.

This is not an easy thing!

'This Uchiha boy...'

At this moment in Hokage's office, Hiruzen's expression was also very surprised.

"Actually...you can use Kunai to cover up the thrown shuriken..."

A Genin would have such skills!

Immediately after the crystal ball, Sasuke relied on a shuriken to create the first attack advantage.

He waved Kunai directly at the head and stabbed straight at Kakashi's heart.

The movements, angles, and speed are all perfect.

But Kakashi is not so easy to deal with.

He easily blocked Sasuke's attack, and even turned around and kicked Sasuke fiercely.

Even if you cross your hands to block in the air.

But Sasuke was repulsed by Kakashi's power.

The whole person backed away quickly.

Sasuke unloaded the force almost instantly after landing, and quickly fine-tuned his body posture.

Charge to Kakashi again.

Basically in the shortest possible time to ensure that you will not lose the rhythm of the attack.

Seeing Sasuke's reaction, Kakashi was even more surprised.

A Genin!

In terms of physical skills, how can he have such strength?

It's just unbelievable.


The collision between Kunai and Kunai burst out a series of sparks.

While Sasuke's attacks are fast-paced and his movements are flawless, Kakashi has more power than Sasuke.

Given his age, Sasuke hasn't had time to practice physical skills.

The gap in strength was too great, and they were still instantly repelled.

But in the next second, Sasuke directly unloaded the force in a strange way, turned his head and accelerated and stuck it up again.

The dazzling gymnastics confrontation began.

Little Sakura, who was hiding in the bushes at the moment, was completely dumbfounded.

'who I am! '

'Where am I? '

'Is this a battle between Sasuke-kun and Jōnin-sensei? '

What happened to the fierce fight that was basically completely invisible?

Sasuke-kun... so strong?

Although Sasuke-kun is a genius, it is impossible for him to be this genius!

Little Sakura was surprised, but Naruto was even more surprised.

He also played against Kakashi just now, so he knows how strong Mr. Kakashi is.

It's not something that a kid like him who just graduated can fight against.

However, Sasuke actually fought back and forth with Mr. Kakashi, and it seemed that the battle was very fierce.

Naruto dropped his hands naturally, staring fixedly at the figure flickering fast, almost making him unable to see Sasuke clearly.

'Sasuke... this... is this your true strength? '

Hiruzen was equally surprised.

Being able to fight Kakashi to this extent in taijutsu, Sasuke basically has the taijutsu that is not lost to Jōnin at a young age.

However, due to the gap in Sasuke's strength, his physical skills did not reach Jōnin's level.

But even that was enough to worry Hiruzen.

'The Uchiha clan... has a genius again, is this a good thing for Konoha? '

And the most frightening person at this time is Kakashi.

Because Kakashi can clearly feel that Sasuke's fighting rhythm is getting tighter and tighter.

Even every movement becomes stronger than before.

It's not a quick increase in strength, it's like... like... a born genius for fighting.

From being a little rusty at the beginning, Sasuke quickly entered the fighting state in just a dozen moves.

And the physical skills visible to the naked eye are rapidly increasing.

It's hard to discover this without fighting Sasuke yourself.


'Absolute genius...'

Even for a moment Kakashi felt more genius than Itachi.

'Uchiha's monsters... there are so many! '

Kakashi felt helpless.

But he didn't intend to continue spending time with Sasuke like this.

Although Sasuke's taijutsu is improving, in the final analysis Kakashi has an absolute advantage in terms of strength.

In the face of absolute power, skills are vulnerable.

Boom! !

Kakashi got serious.

With one palm, Sasuke, who had been fighting close to him, was sent flying.

Although Sasuke had already blocked it, he couldn't stand it with too much force.

And the distance he was shot this time has already made him lose the rhythm of continuing to attack.

Sasuke who stood still did not attack immediately, but chose to defend.

Kakashi was relieved to see Sasuke in action.

'Sharp intuition! '

'Still relying on that unbelievable fighting talent! '

Thinking in my heart that the movements of Kakashi's hands are not slow at all.

The moment he raised his hand and threw Kunai, now Kakashi wants to control the rhythm of the battle, and at the same time force out Sasuke's Lightning Style!

And saw Kunai shooting at himself.

Sasuke also instinctively throws his own kunai. Sasuke doesn't think Kakashi is better than himself in kunai throwing technique.

However, the problem is that Sasuke is not as strong as Kakashi.


The kunai was shot down, but Kakashi's kunai hit Sasuke's direction even though the angle was a little off.

At the same time Kakashi approached Sasuke rapidly from another direction.


Kunai will make it impossible for Sasuke to deal with Kakashi's melee attack.

Now there is only one choice left for Sasuke. While speeding up to avoid Kunai, he must also avoid Kakashi's attack.

But at Kakashi's speed, you have to be faster than Kakashi to avoid it.


Sasuke doesn't want to expose Lightning Style yet, but he doesn't know that he has.

Kakashi looked at Sasuke who seemed hesitant.

'Aren't you going to use it yet? Your Lightning Style...'

At this moment, Sarutobi also stared at the crystal ball with full energy.

But the next second!

Sasuke grabbed the ninja bag with his right hand again...