
Konoha: I Am Sasuke, Full Of Talents At The Beginning

Travel through Konoha, become Uchiha Sasuke, and the system turns on. Wood Ye genius? Have you ever seen a genius who graduated at the age of twelve! The genius of ghosts is either slapped in the face or on the way to be slapped in the face. Is there such a genius? I am dignified Uchiha Sasuke, Mu Ye Tian, ​​who has the blood succession limit that all ninjas in the ninja world dream of, but I have never pretended to be a complete force. It's unbearable! Full opening talent, let the world know what Uchiha is! What is a real genius!

Berkay1728 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Hatake Kakashi Wants To Kill Me?

"Okay! Since you know how to hide information about yourself, you have the vigilance of a qualified ninja!"

Kakashi thought about it.

If even this kind of thing made Sasuke so cautious, then all these years.

It is reasonable to have not exposed that powerful Lightning Style.

"Okay, three, let's change places!"

"Where are you going?"

Naruto still feels a little upset now, why Sasuke doesn't say anything.

"We're going to test you next!"

"Don't you think that if you pass the graduation exam, you can truly become a ninja?"

"If you fail the test, you will be sent back to the ninja school to continue studying!"

Saying that, Kakashi glanced at Naruto, who seemed surprised, and then at Sasuke, who was extremely calm.

As for little Sakura, she wasn't listening at all.

A pair of eyes could not fly to Sasuke's face and could not be torn off.

The three people are considered to be three different personalities. If this continues, Kakashi will not be very optimistic about these three people in the test later!


Come to an open flat land in a relatively remote area around Konoha Village.

Not far behind is a forest.

There is a clear stream in front of this flat land.

Kakashi took out a pair of bells and tied them around his waist.

The battle to grab the bell will test the team's ability to cooperate.

But usually the Genin who just graduated are not familiar with each other.

It is impossible for anyone to think of such a thing as cooperation.

So it doesn't matter whether you can grab the bell in this test, the important thing is to guide the Jōnins, and use this method to first establish their own prestige.

After all, these brats have never seen their own strength, so it is difficult for them to respect themselves too much.

The second is to use this method to give the first class to the rookies who have just graduated.

Let them understand the importance of partners.

When a ninja performs a task, one person's strength is inevitably limited, and companions cooperate with each other to complete the task together. This is what Genin urgently needs to learn.

"Get the bell, even if you pass the test, if you don't grab the bell, then you all go back to the ninja school to continue studying!"

"But there is one thing I want to remind you! There are only two bells!"

"In other words, among the three of you, at least one will be eliminated!"

"I will officially start three two one, and I will give you one minute to hide!"




When the countdown ended, the figures of Sasuke and little Sakura disappeared immediately.

Only this guy Naruto stays where he is.

And watching Kakashi say something like coming to a duel very arrogantly.

Kakashi's mouth twitched slightly.

The son left behind by his teacher probably has some brain problems!

A Genin who just graduated, thinks he can defeat a Jōnin head-on!

But Naruto's Shadow Clone is quite bluffing.

The little Sakura who was hiding in the bushes stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, even a crane tail like Naruto has mastered such a powerful ninjutsu.

But the ending is the same as the original.

An unforgettable Konoha body technique Thousand Years of Death directly cast a shadow on Naruto for the rest of his life.

Even Sasuke was a little apprehensive.

This move is too ruthless!

While Sasuke was thinking.


A flash of light flashed across Sasuke's face.

And with a crisp impact sound, it directly stabbed into the big tree behind him.

Sasuke suddenly came back to his senses, and the next second was the Kunai who flew straight towards him with three handles.

Kunai's speed is not so fast.

In the blink of an eye, he was less than three meters away from Sasuke.

Next second!

Sasuke just disappeared in place.

Jumped out of the hidden bushes.

Naruto, who was dangling in the air, looked at Sasuke who jumped out suddenly.

He also quickly shouted at Sasuke: "Sasuke, come help me, put me down!"

Sasuke ignored him and just looked at Kakashi.

Those handfuls of kunai just now were thrown out with the idea of ​​killing him.

In terms of speed and strength, they are extremely terrifying.

Hatake Kakashi is planning to kill himself?

"Well hidden, the average Genin, probably dead!"

Kakashi didn't seem to care about the intensity of the attack just now, it was no longer within the reach of an ordinary Genin.

From that calm look, it was impossible to tell what he was trying to do!

Sasuke's face was a little gloomy.

I originally wanted to act a little bit according to the original work, but Kakashi is convulsed!

Actually wanted to kill himself?

"I've been forced out, don't you plan to take the initiative!"

"Then I will continue!"

Kakashi didn't watch any making out heaven this time, which made Sasuke very puzzled.

Why didn't I do anything, why did the plot change inexplicably.

What happened to Kakashi?

While still thinking about it, Kakashi reached for the ninja bag.

Immediately afterwards, six kunai and three shurikens were thrown out.

The air is directly connected into one piece.

The speed of the hidden weapon completely made Naruto and the little Sakura a little unclear.

Can follow.


All hidden weapons are blocked!

Eighteen hidden weapons fell to the ground at the same time!

Sasuke slowly lowered his right hand, staring at Kakashi.

Naruto, who was hanging from the tree, froze.

'Just now...that guy Sasuke...blocked Kakashi's hidden weapon with a hidden weapon in an instant? '

He was a little uncertain, feeling that he should be dazzled.

how is this possible!

At that moment, he didn't even see clearly when Kakashi threw the hidden weapon out.

How could Sasuke react?

The little Sakura in the bushes has settled down at the moment.

"Sasuke-kun...what a kunai throwing technique..."

Even Kakashi was a little surprised.

He originally wanted to use Kunai to force Sasuke to show his speed, and then let Sasuke display that Lightning Style step by step!

But I didn't expect that Sasuke seemed to have reached the same level as himself in kunai throwing technique.

This kid...is he even so strong in throwing Kunai!

Kakashi stopped but Sasuke didn't, and took out a kunai from the ninja bag.

The hand spun quickly, playing a trick.

Then look at Kakashi.

Suddenly rushed towards Kakashi.

No matter how Kakashi suddenly looked like he was going to kill himself, there was only fighting now.

If this guy really wants to kill himself, he has to find a way to escape!